The Life and Writings of Honduran Poet Juan Ramón Molina (1875-1908)

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Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 196 pages
Book Rating : 4.A/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Life and Writings of Honduran Poet Juan Ramón Molina (1875-1908) by : Juan Ramón Molina

Download or read book The Life and Writings of Honduran Poet Juan Ramón Molina (1875-1908) written by Juan Ramón Molina and published by . This book was released on 2002 with total page 196 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The poetry of Juan Ramon Molina is perhaps some of the most undeservingly overlooked Central American work of the 19th century. This work examines the major themes in his work - the struggle to form a vision of God, his political views, and his philosophical preoccupations and the influence of Nietzsche - within a literary context. Poems are presented in facing-page translations.


Download Cvltvra PDF Online Free

Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 186 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (31 download)


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Download or read book Cvltvra written by and published by . This book was released on 1919 with total page 186 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Barbara de Blomberg

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Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 538 pages
Book Rating : 4.A/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Barbara de Blomberg by : Nicolás Acero y Abad

Download or read book Barbara de Blomberg written by Nicolás Acero y Abad and published by . This book was released on 1901 with total page 538 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Revenge of the Tiamat

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Author :
Publisher : iUniverse
ISBN 13 : 0595243339
Total Pages : 223 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (952 download)


Book Synopsis Revenge of the Tiamat by : Dennis L. Siluk

Download or read book Revenge of the Tiamat written by Dennis L. Siluk and published by iUniverse. This book was released on 2002-09-10 with total page 223 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Siluk' s Tiamat Trilogy, and his book, "Mantic ore " have been compared to Star Trek, Stephen King, Michael Connelly and John Grisham's books. They are compelling, affecting, and portray life at the edge. In this third volume of his Tiamat series, the hero becomes vulnerable, obsessed and somewhat investigative, partly because of his youth, and anxiousness. As with his previous two volumes, he faces the demon world, within his city state of Yort, and outside it. Good fiction will takes you on a journey; what humans could face, is what they will look at. A step into a shift in time; from one era to another; in the middle is the soul that wants to say, it is all worth while. In this book as well as his other books; you go on such a journey, look at what may present itself. At the end, it is all worth while. It is a world of the 6th Millennium BC. It is The Age of Pride. An age we may have to face someday. The second part of this book, you find a conglomeration of hypnotic adventures; a spiritual journey throughout the land of Lemuria [ancient Pacific], counter balance to Atlantics.

La Otra Mitad de Nosotros

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Author :
Publisher : Palibrio
ISBN 13 : 1463317190
Total Pages : 303 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (633 download)


Book Synopsis La Otra Mitad de Nosotros by : F. Rubi

Download or read book La Otra Mitad de Nosotros written by F. Rubi and published by Palibrio. This book was released on 2012-01-11 with total page 303 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Uno de los grandes males que agobian al mundo actualmente, es la desesperanza. Una desesperanza nacida de la frustración, propiciada por la gran crisis económica que nos atosiga y que parece no tener solución, por lo menos en el corto plazo. La idea que se nos vendió, avalada por los medios masivos de comunicación, de un mundo globalizado promisorio, con oportunidades para todos, se desmoronó como un castillo de naipes al primer soplo de inestabilidad. Pero esta situación que ahora padecemos, producto de la avaricia y la falta de escrúpulos más ruin que pueda imaginarse, no se dio de un día para otro; se fue incubando, por años, al interior del sistema financiero internacional como un mal bicho que al hacer su aparición de manera intempestiva, cogió a todo mundo desprevenido y sin saber qué medidas tomar para remediar la situación. Los expertos, emocionados con un sistema económico en expansión, nunca se imaginaron que algo podría salirse del carril desbarrancándose, y arrastrara consigo a la mayoría de los países que participaban en el juego. No pensaron que las triquiñuelas de las que echaron mano, durante tanto tiempo, para enriquecer a unos cuantos vivales, tuvieran un efecto tan expansivo y, por lo mismo, tan devastador, en la mayoría de las sociedades inmiscuidas y por eso mismo, atrapadas irremediablemente en la debacle financiera. LA OTRA MITAD DE NOSOTROS toca el tema de manera puntual, lo mismo que los temas de la injusticia, la educación, la política (la mala política, que acostumbra sentar sus reales en muchos países en el mundo y de la que es muy difícil desprenderse), la religión y la música; de ésta última y de manera especial, hace una semblanza novedosa y conmovedora de Los Beatles, el genial cuarteto de Liverpool, que influyó de manera decisiva y profunda en el ánimo de toda una generación y que sigue causando expectativas y comentarios en los corrillos discográficos, con una visión original y muy personal del autor. No hay tema de importancia relevante que esta obra no toque y lo hace a través de un lenguaje simple, enriquecido con todo tipo de florituras lingüísticas que no solo lo hacen único, sino completamente comprensible y disfrutable en todo momento. La obra consta de ocho capítulos y una posdata; cada capítulo lleva por título, el título de una canción conocida de la década de los setentas y nos atreveríamos a decir que pocas veces en la historia de la literatura universal, el nombre del capítulo tiene tanta afinidad con el tema que retrata, pero, y esto es lo verdaderamente importante, los capítulos se podrían alterar, entremezclar o leerse como un ente individual y aún así, no perdería ni su sentido ni su frescor. De la mano del personaje principal, vamos descubriendo el sub mundo incomprensible, a veces absurdo y hostil, en el que nos movemos constantemente sin percatarnos apenas de su presencia. Vivimos el día a día y los actos que rigen nuestra conducta para con los demás, aquellos que nos son ajenos o extraños son, en el mejor de los casos, de una total arrogancia. En no pocas ocasiones, los miramos con un desprecio poco disimulado, porque los consideramos seres sin valor, objetos que se pueden comprar o vender, insultar o lastimar sin que sintamos culpa por ello. Los valores que regían nuestra conducta, hasta bien entrada la última parte del siglo veinte, se han ido perdiendo poco a poco, para dar paso a una nueva visión del mundo, con enfoques que a muchos nos parecen ruines y perversos. Pero no se piense, por esto, que todo está perdido. A lo largo de su periplo, nuestro personaje recibe constantes muestras de solidaridad y afecto aún de los que nada tienen, de aquellos menos favorecidos por la suerte, lo que demuestra que los seres humanos somos capaces de superar los escollos más difíciles que se nos presenten con un poco de ayuda y que nuestra capacidad de reacción, en momentos críticos y ante los embates del destino, demuestran que nuestra mayor

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Author :
Publisher : Brahmanturo Manipura
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


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Download or read book written by and published by Brahmanturo Manipura. This book was released on with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Body of Insomnia

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Author :
Publisher : Ekstasis Editions
ISBN 13 : 9781896860039
Total Pages : 100 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (6 download)


Book Synopsis Body of Insomnia by : Ludwig Zeller

Download or read book Body of Insomnia written by Ludwig Zeller and published by Ekstasis Editions. This book was released on 1996 with total page 100 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Body of Insomnia is the moving testament of a poet confronting the passing years and yet confirming the value of poetry, love and freedom. Zellar combines eroticism and spirituality in poems where reality shines with the light of mystery and imagination.


Download Psychopolitics PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : Verso Books
ISBN 13 : 1784785776
Total Pages : 96 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (847 download)


Book Synopsis Psychopolitics by : Byung-Chul Han

Download or read book Psychopolitics written by Byung-Chul Han and published by Verso Books. This book was released on 2017-12-05 with total page 96 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Exploring how neoliberalism has discovered the productive force of the psyche Byung-Chul Han, a star of German philosophy, continues his passionate critique of neoliberalism, trenchantly describing a regime of technological domination that, in contrast to Foucault’s biopower, has discovered the productive force of the psyche. In the course of discussing all the facets of neoliberal psychopolitics fueling our contemporary crisis of freedom, Han elaborates an analytical framework that provides an original theory of Big Data and a lucid phenomenology of emotion. But this provocative essay proposes counter models too, presenting a wealth of ideas and surprising alternatives at every turn.


Download Alpha PDF Online Free

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 514 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (3 download)


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Download or read book Alpha written by and published by . This book was released on 1906 with total page 514 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Fusión de Pasiones

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Author :
Publisher : Palibrio
ISBN 13 : 1463342624
Total Pages : 511 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (633 download)


Book Synopsis Fusión de Pasiones by : Alfredo Espinoza Quintana

Download or read book Fusión de Pasiones written by Alfredo Espinoza Quintana and published by Palibrio. This book was released on 2012-11 with total page 511 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: F u s i ó n D e Pa s i o n e s El 09 de Diciembre de 1824, a la una de la tarde, la Batalla de Ayacucho estaba por concluir con el triunfo rotundo de los patriotas; y, once sobrevivientes españoles, presintiendo las consecuencias del desastre y los pasos de la muerte en sus cercanías, decidieron escabullirse, para no caer en manos del enemigo, ansioso de saldar las cuentas de trescientos años de horrorosa opresión. Así comienza el autor a relatar los acontecimientos históricos y las aventuras poco conocidas, rescatadas de los manuscritos hallados en los archivos conventuales por un investigador desvelado que anudó los cabos sueltos y recompuso la urdimbre, hasta restituir la trama en la que aparecerá plasmada, la verdadera historia de un pueblo. El conocimiento pleno de los lugares y de los acontecimientos históricos, le sirvieron de sólido soporte al autor, para ensamblar magistralmente los hechos verídicos, con aquellos sucesos que no habían sido recogidos por la historia, para explicar y reivindicar en forma coherente, el proceso cultural, político, religioso, administrativo y militar, que fue establecido y respetado con profundo fundamento humanista por la casta gobernante en el Imperio del Tahuantinsuyo.

Modernism, Rubén Darío, and the Poetics of Despair

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Author :
Publisher : University Press of America
ISBN 13 : 9780761829003
Total Pages : 378 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (29 download)


Book Synopsis Modernism, Rubén Darío, and the Poetics of Despair by : Alberto Acereda

Download or read book Modernism, Rubén Darío, and the Poetics of Despair written by Alberto Acereda and published by University Press of America. This book was released on 2004 with total page 378 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Modernism, Ruben Darío, and the Poetics of Despair presents a detailed study of a neglected facet of Ruben Darío, and in general, of Hispanic Modernism: metaphysical and existential dimensions as preludes to Modernity. Alberto Acereda and J. Rigoberto Guevara approach the life and death issues in Darío works with special emphasis on his poetry. The authors demonstrate how the Nicaraguan poet takes the first steps towards poetic modernity. The tragic component of Darío works are examined in the light of Nineteenth Century philosophy, especially the work of Arthur Schopenhauer. Various thematic proposals are also formulated for the study of the works of Ruben Darío.

The Soledades, Góngora's Masque of the Imagination

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Author :
Publisher : University of Missouri Press
ISBN 13 : 0826262856
Total Pages : 286 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (262 download)


Book Synopsis The Soledades, Góngora's Masque of the Imagination by : Marsha Suzan Collins

Download or read book The Soledades, Góngora's Masque of the Imagination written by Marsha Suzan Collins and published by University of Missouri Press. This book was released on 2002 with total page 286 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Prince of Darkness or Angel of Light? The pastoral masterpiece the Soledades garnered both titles for its author, Luis de Góngora, one of Spain's premier poets. In The Soledades, Góngora's Masque of the Imagination, Marsha S. Collins focuses on the brilliant seventeenth-century Spanish poet's contentious work of art. The Soledades have sparked controversy since they were first circulated at court in 1612-1614 and continue to do so even now, as Góngora has become for some critics the poster child of postmodernism. These perplexing 2,000-plus line pastoral poems garnered endless debates over the value and meaning of the author's enigmatic, challenging poetry and gave rise to his reputation, causing his very name to become an English term for obscurity. Collins views these controversial poems in a different light, as a literary work that is a product of European court culture.

Baroque Sovereignty

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Author :
Publisher : University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN 13 : 081220655X
Total Pages : 362 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (122 download)


Book Synopsis Baroque Sovereignty by : Anna More

Download or read book Baroque Sovereignty written by Anna More and published by University of Pennsylvania Press. This book was released on 2012-11-29 with total page 362 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the seventeenth century, even as the Spanish Habsburg monarchy entered its irreversible decline, the capital of its most important overseas territory was flourishing. Nexus of both Atlantic and Pacific trade routes and home to an ethnically diverse population, Mexico City produced a distinctive Baroque culture that combined local and European influences. In this context, the American-born descendants of European immigrants—or creoles, as they called themselves—began to envision a new society beyond the terms of Spanish imperialism, and the writings of the Mexican polymath Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora (1645-1700) were instrumental in this process. Mathematician, antiquarian, poet, and secular priest, Sigüenza authored works on such topics as the 1680 comet, the defense of New Spain, pre-Columbian history, and the massive 1692 Mexico City riot. He wrote all of these, in his words, "out of love for my patria." Through readings of Sigüenza y Góngora's diverse works, Baroque Sovereignty locates the colonial Baroque at the crossroads of a conflicted Spanish imperial rule and the political imaginary of an emergent local elite. Arguing that Spanish imperialism was founded on an ideal of Christian conversion no longer applicable at the end of the seventeenth century, More discovers in Sigüenza y Góngora's works an alternative basis for local governance. The creole archive, understood as both the collection of local artifacts and their interpretation, solved the intractable problem of Spanish imperial sovereignty by establishing a material genealogy and authority for New Spain's creole elite. In an analysis that contributes substantially to early modern colonial studies and theories of memory and knowledge, More posits the centrality of the creole archive for understanding how a local political imaginary emerged from the ruins of Spanish imperialism.

Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 2

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Author :
Publisher : Tacet Books
ISBN 13 : 857777614X
Total Pages : 799 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (777 download)


Book Synopsis Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 2 by : Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Download or read book Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 2 written by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and published by Tacet Books. This book was released on 2019-12-02 with total page 799 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este libro contiene 70 cuentos de 10 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Los cuentos fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados por el crítico August Nemo, en una colección que encantará a los amantes de la literatura. Para lo mejor de la literatura mundial, asegúrese de consultar los otros libros de Tacet Books. Este libro contiene: - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer:El rayo de luna. La ajorca de oro. La corza blanca. Maese Pérez el organista. Tres fechas. La rosa de pasión. La cruz del Diablo. - Horacio Quiroga:El vampiro. A la deriva. La cámara oscura. La gallina degolada. Nuestro primer cigarro. Tacuara-Mansión. Van-Houten. - Joaquín Díaz Garcés:De pillo a pillo. Director de veraneo. Juan Neira. Incendiario. Rubia... Huevos importados. Los dos pátios. - Joaquín Dicenta:Conjunciones. El cojito. El nido de gorriones. La desdicha de Juan. Todo en nada. Nochebuena. Un idilio en una jaula. - José Martí:El Padre las Casas. Las ruinas índias. Nené traviesa. La exposición de París. Bebé y el señor don Pomposo. La historia del hombre, contada por sus casas. La muñeca negra. - José Ortega Munilla:La capeta en el invierno. La espada y el arado. Cisóforo el mago. Los marineros de Ciérvana. El grumete. Los gritos de la calle. El "botones". - Juan Valera:El Bermejino pré-histórico. El pescadorcito Urashima. El Sr. Nichtverstehen. La reina madre. La cordobesa. El Duende-Beso. Quien no te conozca que te compre. - Julia de Asensi:La casa donde murió. El aeronauta. La fuga. Victoria. Sor María. Cosme y Damián. La vocación. - Leonid Andréiev:Ante el tribunal. Lázaro. ¡No hay perdón! Valía. El mistério. Sobremortal. Un extranjero. - Leopoldo Alas:"Flirtation" legítima. En la droguería. Viaje redondo. Benedictino. Cuento futuro. En el tren. Mi enterro.

Semilla Estéril

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Publisher :
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 442 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Semilla Estéril by : José Z. Tallet

Download or read book Semilla Estéril written by José Z. Tallet and published by . This book was released on 2005 with total page 442 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Edicion bilingue (ingles/espanol) con las poesias de uno de los mas reconocidos poetas cubanos. Con bibliografia.

The Light

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Author :
Publisher : Caligrama
ISBN 13 : 8418500867
Total Pages : 230 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (185 download)


Book Synopsis The Light by : Fernando Viveros

Download or read book The Light written by Fernando Viveros and published by Caligrama. This book was released on 2020-11-18 with total page 230 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The Light" is a fiction novel that describes the life of a hypermodern society in which the speed of exponential development of technology has modified behavioral patterns, life expectancy, memory and the imagination of the human being. The plot of “The Light” moves in the midst of individual post-truth of the protagonist, President Salvador Leal, and the antagonist, President Jackie Peres, concerning their vision of the planet, the human species and the conservation of freedom in the face of new technology. The characters are from two distinct demographic groups: those who have improved their capacities and the ones who have kept themselves natural. In the middle of their diverse lights and shadows, the possibility remains to preserve the freedom of decision to access or withdraw from new technologies to enjoy natural beauty, shared joy, empathy and solidarity. Hypermodern life is the darkness of uncertainty that can only be survived with the light of candor.

Gigantesco: Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos - Volume 1

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Author :
Publisher : Tacet Books
ISBN 13 : 8577776247
Total Pages : 2876 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (777 download)


Book Synopsis Gigantesco: Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos - Volume 1 by : Abraham Valdelomar

Download or read book Gigantesco: Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos - Volume 1 written by Abraham Valdelomar and published by Tacet Books. This book was released on 2019-12-05 with total page 2876 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este libro contiene 350 cuentos de 50 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Elegida sabiamente por el crítico literario August Nemo para la serie de libros 7 Mejores Cuentos, esta antología contiene los cuentos de los siguientes escritores: - Abraham Valdelomar - Antón Chéjov - Antonio de Trueba - Arturo Reyes - Baldomero Lillo - César Vallejo - Charles Perrault - Edgar Allan Poe - Emilia Pardo Bazán - Fray Mocho - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Horacio Quiroga - Joaquín Díaz Garcés - Joaquín Dicenta - José Martí - José Ortega Munilla - Juan Valera - Julia de Asensi - Leonid Andréiev - Leopoldo Alas - Leopoldo Lugones - Oscar Wilde - Ricardo Güiraldes - Roberto Arlt - Roberto Payró - Rubén Darío - Soledad Acosta de Samper - Teodoro Baró - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez - Washington Irving - Alfred de Musset - Marqués de Sade - Saki - Marcel Schwob - Iván Turguéniev - Julio Verne - Émile Zola - Villiers de L'Isle Adam - Mark Twain - León Tolstoi - Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Ambrose Bierce - Mijaíl Bulgákov - Lewis Carroll - Arthur Conan Doyle - James Joyce - Franz Kafka - H. P. Lovecraft - Machado de Assis - Guy de Maupassant