Multi-criteria optimization algorithms for high dose rate brachytherapy

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 111 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (113 download)


Book Synopsis Multi-criteria optimization algorithms for high dose rate brachytherapy by : Songye Cui

Download or read book Multi-criteria optimization algorithms for high dose rate brachytherapy written by Songye Cui and published by . This book was released on 2019 with total page 111 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'utiliser les connaissances en physique de la radiation, en programmation informatique et en équipement informatique à la haute pointe de la technologie pour améliorer les traitements du cancer. En particulier, l'élaboration d'un plan de traitement en radiothérapie peut être complexe et dépendant de l'utilisateur. Cette thèse a pour objectif de simplifier la planification de traitement actuelle en curiethérapie de la prostate à haut débit de dose (HDR). Ce projet a débuté à partir d'un algorithme de planification inverse largement utilisé, la planification de traitement inverse par recuit simulé (IPSA). Pour aboutir à un algorithme de planification inverse ultra-rapide et automatisé, trois algorithmes d'optimisation multicritères (MCO) ont été mis en oeuvre. Suite à la génération d'une banque de plans de traitement ayant divers compromis avec les algorithmes MCO, un plan de qualité a été automatiquement sélectionné. Dans la première étude, un algorithme MCO a été introduit pour explorer les frontières de Pareto en curiethérapie HDR. L'algorithme s'inspire de la fonctionnalité MCO intégrée au système Raystation (RaySearch Laboratories, Stockholm, Suède). Pour chaque cas, 300 plans de traitement ont été générés en série pour obtenir une approximation uniforme de la frontière de Pareto. Chaque plan optimal de Pareto a été calculé avec IPSA et chaque nouveau plan a été ajouté à la portion de la frontière de Pareto où la distance entre sa limite supérieure et sa limite inférieure était la plus grande. Dans une étude complémentaire, ou dans la seconde étude, un algorithme MCO basé sur la connaissance (kMCO) a été mis en oeuvre pour réduire le temps de calcul de l'algorithme MCO. Pour ce faire, deux stratégies ont été mises en oeuvre : une prédiction de l'espace des solutions cliniquement acceptables à partir de modèles de régression et d'un calcul parallèle des plans de traitement avec deux processeurs à six coeurs. En conséquence, une banque de plans de traitement de petite taille (14) a été générée et un plan a été sélectionné en tant que plan kMCO. L'efficacité de la planification et de la performance dosimétrique ont été comparées entre les plans approuvés par le médecin et les plans kMCO pour 236 cas. La troisième et dernière étude de cette thèse a été réalisée en coopération avec Cédric Bélanger. Un algorithme MCO (gMCO) basé sur l'utilisation d'un environnement de développement compatible avec les cartes graphiques a été mis en oeuvre pour accélérer davantage le calcul. De plus, un algorithme d'optimisation quasi-Newton a été implémenté pour remplacer le recuit simulé dans la première et la deuxième étude. De cette manière, un millier de plans de traitement avec divers compromis et équivalents à ceux générés par IPSA ont été calculés en parallèle. Parmi la banque de plans de traitement généré par l'agorithme gMCO, un plan a été sélectionné (plan gMCO). Le temps de planification et les résultats dosimétriques ont été comparés entre les plans approuvés par le médecin et les plans gMCO pour 457 cas. Une comparaison à grande échelle avec les plans approuvés par les radio-oncologues montre que notre dernier algorithme MCO (gMCO) peut améliorer l'efficacité de la planification du traitement (de quelques minutes à 9:4 s) ainsi que la qualité dosimétrique des plans de traitements (des plans passant de 92:6% à 99:8% selon les critères dosimétriques du groupe de traitement oncologique par radiation (RTOG)). Avec trois algorithmes MCO mis en oeuvre, cette thèse représente un effort soutenu pour développer un algorithme de planification inverse ultra-rapide, automatique et robuste en curiethérapie HDR.

Mathematical Modelling of Dose Planning in High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy

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Author :
Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN 13 : 9176851311
Total Pages : 63 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (768 download)


Book Synopsis Mathematical Modelling of Dose Planning in High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy by : Björn Morén

Download or read book Mathematical Modelling of Dose Planning in High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy written by Björn Morén and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2019-04-24 with total page 63 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cancer is a widespread type of diseases that each year affects millions of people. It is mainly treated by chemotherapy, surgery or radiation therapy, or a combination of them. One modality of radiation therapy is high dose-rate brachytherapy, used in treatment of for example prostate cancer and gynecologic cancer. Brachytherapy is an invasive treatment in which catheters (hollow needles) or applicators are used to place the highly active radiation source close to or within a tumour. The treatment planning problem, which can be modelled as a mathematical optimization problem, is the topic of this thesis. The treatment planning includes decisions on how many catheters to use and where to place them as well as the dwell times for the radiation source. There are multiple aims with the treatment and these are primarily to give the tumour a radiation dose that is sufficiently high and to give the surrounding healthy tissue and organs (organs at risk) a dose that is sufficiently low. Because these aims are in conflict, modelling the treatment planning gives optimization problems which essentially are multiobjective. To evaluate treatment plans, a concept called dosimetric indices is commonly used and they constitute an essential part of the clinical treatment guidelines. For the tumour, the portion of the volume that receives at least a specified dose is of interest while for an organ at risk it is rather the portion of the volume that receives at most a specified dose. The dosimetric indices are derived from the dose-volume histogram, which for each dose level shows the corresponding dosimetric index. Dose-volume histograms are commonly used to visualise the three-dimensional dose distribution. The research focus of this thesis is mathematical modelling of the treatment planning and properties of optimization models explicitly including dosimetric indices, which the clinical treatment guidelines are based on. Modelling dosimetric indices explicitly yields mixedinteger programs which are computationally demanding to solve. The computing time of the treatment planning is of clinical relevance as the planning is typically conducted while the patient is under anaesthesia. Research topics in this thesis include both studying properties of models, extending and improving models, and developing new optimization models to be able to take more aspects into account in the treatment planning. There are several advantages of using mathematical optimization for treatment planning in comparison to manual planning. First, the treatment planning phase can be shortened compared to the time consuming manual planning. Secondly, also the quality of treatment plans can be improved by using optimization models and algorithms, for example by considering more of the clinically relevant aspects. Finally, with the use of optimization algorithms the requirements of experience and skill level for the planners are lower. This thesis summary contains a literature review over optimization models for treatment planning, including the catheter placement problem. How optimization models consider the multiobjective nature of the treatment planning problem is also discussed.

Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization

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Author :
Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN 13 : 9179297382
Total Pages : 53 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (792 download)


Book Synopsis Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization by : Björn Morén

Download or read book Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization written by Björn Morén and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2021-01-12 with total page 53 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cancer is a widespread class of diseases that each year affects millions of people. It is mostly treated with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or combinations thereof. High doserate (HDR) brachytherapy (BT) is one modality of radiation therapy, which is used to treat for example prostate cancer and gynecologic cancer. In BT, catheters (i.e., hollow needles) or applicators are used to place a single, small, but highly radioactive source of ionizing radiation close to or within a tumour, at dwell positions. An emerging technique for HDR BT treatment is intensity modulated brachytherapy (IMBT), in which static or dynamic shields are used to further shape the dose distribution, by hindering the radiation in certain directions. The topic of this thesis is the application of mathematical optimization to model and solve the treatment planning problem. The treatment planning includes decisions on catheter placement, that is, how many catheters to use and where to place them, as well as decisions for dwell times. Our focus is on the latter decisions. The primary treatment goals are to give the tumour a sufficiently high radiation dose while limiting the dose to the surrounding healthy organs, to avoid severe side effects. Because these aims are typically in conflict, optimization models of the treatment planning problem are inherently multiobjective. Compared to manual treatment planning, there are several advantages of using mathematical optimization for treatment planning. First, the optimization of treatment plans requires less time, compared to the time-consuming manual planning. Secondly, treatment plan quality can be improved by using optimization models and algorithms. Finally, with the use of sophisticated optimization models and algorithms the requirements of experience and skill level for the planners are lower. The use of optimization for treatment planning of IMBT is especially important because the degrees of freedom are too many for manual planning. The contributions of this thesis include the study of properties of treatment planning models, suggestions for extensions and improvements of proposed models, and the development of new optimization models that take clinically relevant, but uncustomary aspects, into account in the treatment planning. A common theme is the modelling of constraints on dosimetric indices, each of which is a restriction on the portion of a volume that receives at least a specified dose, or on the lowest dose that is received by a portion of a volume. Modelling dosimetric indices explicitly yields mixed-integer programs which are computationally demanding to solve. We have therefore investigated approximations of dosimetric indices, for example using smooth non-linear functions or convex functions. Contributions of this thesis are also a literature review of proposed treatment planning models for HDR BT, including mathematical analyses and comparisons of models, and a study of treatment planning for IMBT, which shows how robust optimization can be used to mitigate the risks from rotational errors in the shield placement. Cancer är en grupp av sjukdomar som varje år drabbar miljontals människor. De vanligaste behandlingsformerna är cellgifter, kirurgi, strålbehandling eller en kombination av dessa. I denna avhandling studeras högdosrat brachyterapi (HDR BT), vilket är en form av strålbehandling som till exempel används vid behandling av prostatacancer och gynekologisk cancer. Vid brachyterapibehandling används ihåliga nålar eller applikatorer för att placera en millimeterstor strålkälla antingen inuti eller intill en tumör. I varje nål finns det ett antal så kallade dröjpositioner där strålkällan kan stanna en viss tid för att bestråla den omkringliggande vävnaden, i alla riktningar. Genom att välja lämpliga tider för dröjpositionerna kan dosfördelningen formas efter patientens anatomi. Utöver HDR BT studeras också den nya tekniken intensitetsmodulerad brachyterapi (IMBT) vilket är en variation på HDR BT där skärmning används för att minska strålningen i vissa riktningar vilket gör det möjligt att forma dosfördelningen bättre. Planeringen av en behandling med HDR BT omfattar hur många nålar som ska användas, var de ska placeras samt hur länge strålkällan ska stanna i de olika dröjpositionerna. För HDR BT kan dessa vara flera hundra stycken medan det för IMBT snarare handlar om tusentals möjliga kombinationer av dröjpositioner och inställningar av skärmarna. Planeringen resulterar i en dosplan som beskriver hur hög stråldos som tumören och intilliggande frisk vävnad och riskorgan utsätts för. Dosplaneringen kan formuleras som ett matematiskt optimeringsproblem vilket är ämnet för avhandlingen. De övergripande målsättningarna för behandlingen är att ge en tillräckligt hög stråldos till tumören, för att döda alla cancerceller, samt att undvika att bestråla riskorgan eftersom det kan ge allvarliga biverkningar. Då alla målsättningarna inte samtidigt kan uppnås fullt ut så fås optimeringsproblem där flera målsättningar behöver prioriteras mot varandra. Utöver att dosplanen uppfyller kliniska behandlingsriktlinjer så är också tidsaspekten av planeringen viktig eftersom det är vanligt att den görs medan patienten är bedövad eller sövd. Vid utvärdering av en dosplan används dos-volymmått. För en tumör anger ett dosvolymmått hur stor andel av tumören som får en stråldos som är högre än en specificerad nivå. Dos-volymmått utgör en viktig del av målen för dosplaner som tas upp i kliniska behandlingsriktlinjer och ett exempel på ett sådant mål vid behandling av prostatacancer är att 95% av prostatans volym ska få en stråldos som är minst den föreskrivna dosen. Dos-volymmått utläses ur de kliniskt betydelsefulla dos-volym histogrammen som för varje stråldosnivå anger motsvarande volym som erhåller den dosen. En fördel med att använda matematisk optimering för dosplanering är att det kan spara tid jämfört med manuell planering. Med väl utvecklade modeller så finns det också möjlighet att skapa bättre dosplaner, till exempel genom att riskorganen nås av en lägre dos men med bibehållen dos till tumören. Vidare så finns det även fördelar med en process som inte är lika personberoende och som inte kräver erfarenhet i lika stor utsträckning som manuell dosplanering i dagsläget gör. Vid IMBT är det dessutom så många frihetsgrader att manuell planering i stort sett blir omöjligt. I avhandlingen ligger fokus på hur dos-volymmått kan användas och modelleras explicit i optimeringsmodeller, så kallade dos-volymmodeller. Detta omfattar såväl analys av egenskaper hos befintliga modeller, utvidgningar av tidigare använda modeller samt utveckling av nya optimeringsmodeller. Eftersom dos-volymmodeller modelleras som heltalsproblem, vilka är beräkningskrävande att lösa, så är det också viktigt att utveckla algoritmer som kan lösa dem tillräckligt snabbt för klinisk användning. Ett annat mål för modellutvecklingen är att kunna ta hänsyn till fler kriterier som är kliniskt relevanta men som inte ingår i dos-volymmodeller. En sådan kategori av mått är hur dosen är fördelad rumsligt, exempelvis att volymen av sammanhängande områden som får en alldeles för hög dos ska vara liten. Sådana områden går dock inte att undvika helt eftersom det är typiskt för dosplaner för brachyterapi att stråldosen fördelar sig ojämnt, med väldigt höga doser till små volymer precis intill strålkällorna. Vidare studeras hur små fel i inställningarna av skärmningen i IMBT påverkar dosplanens kvalitet och de olika utvärderingsmått som används kliniskt. Robust optimering har använts för att säkerställa att en dosplan tas fram som är robust sett till dessa möjliga fel i hur skärmningen är placerad. Slutligen ges en omfattande översikt över optimeringsmodeller för dosplanering av HDR BT och speciellt hur optimeringsmodellerna hanterar de motstridiga målsättningarna.

Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3540447199
Total Pages : 725 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (44 download)


Book Synopsis Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization by : Eckart Zitzler

Download or read book Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization written by Eckart Zitzler and published by Springer. This book was released on 2003-06-29 with total page 725 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO 2001, held in Zurich, Switzerland in March 2001. The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 87 submissions. Also included are two tutorial surveys and two invited papers. The book is organized in topical sections on algorithm improvements, performance assessment and comparison, constraint handling and problem decomposition, uncertainty and noise, hybrid and alternative methods, scheduling, and applications of multi-objective optimization in a variety of fields.

Application of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms in Anatomy Based Dose Optimization in Brachytherapy and Its Comparation with Deterministic Algorithms

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (946 download)


Book Synopsis Application of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms in Anatomy Based Dose Optimization in Brachytherapy and Its Comparation with Deterministic Algorithms by :

Download or read book Application of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms in Anatomy Based Dose Optimization in Brachytherapy and Its Comparation with Deterministic Algorithms written by and published by . This book was released on 2001 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy the conventional dose optimization algorithms consider the multiple objectives in the form of an aggregate function which combines individual objectives into a single utility value, As a result, the optimization problem becomes single objective, prior to optimization. Up to 300 parameters must be optimized satisfying objectives which are often competing. We use multiobjective dose optimization methods where the objectives are expressed in terms of quantities derived from dose-volume histograms or in terms of statistical parameters of dose distributions from a small number of sampling points. For the last approach we compare the optimization results of evolutionary multiobjective algorithms with deterministic optimization methods. The deterministic algorithms are very efficient and produce the best results, but they also have the certain limitations. The performance of the multiobjective evolutionary algorithms is improved if a small part of the population is initialized by deterministic algorithms.

Comprehensive Brachytherapy

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Author :
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
ISBN 13 : 1439844992
Total Pages : 523 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (398 download)


Book Synopsis Comprehensive Brachytherapy by : Jack Venselaar

Download or read book Comprehensive Brachytherapy written by Jack Venselaar and published by Taylor & Francis. This book was released on 2012-11-08 with total page 523 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Modern brachytherapy is one of the most important oncological treatment modalities requiring an integrated approach that utilizes new technologies, advanced clinical imaging facilities, and a thorough understanding of the radiobiological effects on different tissues, the principles of physics, dosimetry techniques and protocols, and clinical expertise. A complete overview of the field, Comprehensive Brachytherapy: Physical and Clinical Aspects is a landmark publication, presenting a detailed account of the underlying physics, design, and implementation of the techniques, along with practical guidance for practitioners. Bridging the gap between research and application, this single source brings together the technological basis, radiation dosimetry, quality assurance, and fundamentals of brachytherapy. In addition, it presents discussion of the most recent clinical practice in brachytherapy including prostate, gynecology, breast, and other clinical treatment sites. Along with exploring new clinical protocols, it discusses major advances in imaging, robotics, dosimetry, Monte Carlo-based dose calculation, and optimization.

Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice

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Author :
Publisher : IGI Global
ISBN 13 : 1599045001
Total Pages : 496 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (99 download)


Book Synopsis Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice by : Thu Bui, Lam

Download or read book Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice written by Thu Bui, Lam and published by IGI Global. This book was released on 2008-05-31 with total page 496 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Multi-objective optimization (MO) is a fast-developing field in computational intelligence research. Giving decision makers more options to choose from using some post-analysis preference information, there are a number of competitive MO techniques with an increasingly large number of MO real-world applications. Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice explores the theoretical, as well as empirical, performance of MOs on a wide range of optimization issues including combinatorial, real-valued, dynamic, and noisy problems. This book provides scholars, academics, and practitioners with a fundamental, comprehensive collection of research on multi-objective optimization techniques, applications, and practices.

Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 3031272501
Total Pages : 646 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization by : Michael Emmerich

Download or read book Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization written by Michael Emmerich and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2023-03-09 with total page 646 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO 2022 held in Leiden, The Netherlands, during March 20-24, 2023. The 44 regular papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 65 submissions. The papers are divided into the following topical sections: Algorithm Design and Engineering; Machine Learning and Multi-criterion Optimization; Benchmarking and Performance Assessment; Indicator Design and Complexity Analysis; Applications in Real World Domains; and Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Interactive Algorithms..

Interstitial Brachytherapy

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Publisher : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 392 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Interstitial Brachytherapy by : Interstitial Collaborative Working Group

Download or read book Interstitial Brachytherapy written by Interstitial Collaborative Working Group and published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. This book was released on 1990 with total page 392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Personalization in Modern Radiation Oncology: Methods, Results and Pitfalls

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Author :
Publisher : Frontiers Media SA
ISBN 13 : 2889766373
Total Pages : 257 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (897 download)


Book Synopsis Personalization in Modern Radiation Oncology: Methods, Results and Pitfalls by : Francesco Cellini

Download or read book Personalization in Modern Radiation Oncology: Methods, Results and Pitfalls written by Francesco Cellini and published by Frontiers Media SA. This book was released on 2022-07-28 with total page 257 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 3642103545
Total Pages : 167 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (421 download)


Book Synopsis New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming by : Dylan Jones

Download or read book New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming written by Dylan Jones and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2010-03-17 with total page 167 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume shows the state-of-the-art in both theoretical development and application of multiple objective and goal programming. Applications from the fields of supply chain management, financial portfolio selection, financial risk management, insurance, medical imaging, sustainability, nurse scheduling, project management, water resource management, and the interface with data envelopment analysis give a good reflection of current usage. A pleasing variety of techniques are used including models with fuzzy, group-decision, stochastic, interactive, and binary aspects. Additionally, two papers from the upcoming area of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are included. The book is based on the papers of the 8th International Conference on Multi-Objective and Goal Programming (MOPGP08) which was held in Portsmouth, UK, in September 2008.

Optimization Methods for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (133 download)


Book Synopsis Optimization Methods for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning by : Elodie Rachel Mok Tsze Chung

Download or read book Optimization Methods for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning written by Elodie Rachel Mok Tsze Chung and published by . This book was released on 2016 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Optimization approaches for treatment planning in two novel high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy techniques, direction-modulation brachytherapy (DMBT) and energy-modulated brachytherapy (EMBT), are investigated for cervical cancer and prostate cancer. Brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy where a radioactive source is placed inside the body to irradiate the tumour internally. Conventionally, only one source is used and it is unshielded, thus providing an isotropic dose distribution. DMBT makes use of a new shielded applicator that is capable of delivering highly directional radiation distributions. In EMBT, three HDR sources, 192Ir, 60Co, and 169Yb, are used in combination to provide variety in dose profiles. To investigate the benefit of these two new techniques over conventional brachytherapy, we use an inverse planning approach to generate the treatment plans. We model the treatment planning problem as a quadratic program and use an interior point constraint generation algorithm to generate the treatment plans.

Applications of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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Author :
Publisher : World Scientific
ISBN 13 : 9812561064
Total Pages : 792 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (125 download)


Book Synopsis Applications of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms by : Carlos A. Coello Coello

Download or read book Applications of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms written by Carlos A. Coello Coello and published by World Scientific. This book was released on 2004 with total page 792 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: - Detailed MOEA applications discussed by international experts - State-of-the-art practical insights in tackling statistical optimization with MOEAs - A unique monograph covering a wide spectrum of real-world applications - Step-by-step discussion of MOEA applications in a variety of domains

Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 3030581152
Total Pages : 717 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (35 download)


Book Synopsis Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI by : Thomas Bäck

Download or read book Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI written by Thomas Bäck and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-09-02 with total page 717 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This two-volume set LNCS 12269 and LNCS 12270 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN 2020, held in Leiden, The Netherlands, in September 2020. The 99 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 268 submissions. The topics cover classical subjects such as automated algorithm selection and configuration; Bayesian- and surrogate-assisted optimization; benchmarking and performance measures; combinatorial optimization; connection between nature-inspired optimization and artificial intelligence; genetic and evolutionary algorithms; genetic programming; landscape analysis; multiobjective optimization; real-world applications; reinforcement learning; and theoretical aspects of nature-inspired optimization.

Comprehensive Brachytherapy

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Author :
Publisher : CRC Press
ISBN 13 : 1439844984
Total Pages : 539 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (398 download)


Book Synopsis Comprehensive Brachytherapy by : Jack Venselaar

Download or read book Comprehensive Brachytherapy written by Jack Venselaar and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2012-11-08 with total page 539 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Modern brachytherapy is one of the most important oncological treatment modalities requiring an integrated approach that utilizes new technologies, advanced clinical imaging facilities, and a thorough understanding of the radiobiological effects on different tissues, the principles of physics, dosimetry techniques and protocols, and clinical expertise. A complete overview of the field, Comprehensive Brachytherapy: Physical and Clinical Aspects is a landmark publication, presenting a detailed account of the underlying physics, design, and implementation of the techniques, along with practical guidance for practitioners. Bridging the gap between research and application, this single source brings together the technological basis, radiation dosimetry, quality assurance, and fundamentals of brachytherapy. In addition, it presents discussion of the most recent clinical practice in brachytherapy including prostate, gynecology, breast, and other clinical treatment sites. Along with exploring new clinical protocols, it discusses major advances in imaging, robotics, dosimetry, Monte Carlo-based dose calculation, and optimization.

Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology - E-Book

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Author :
Publisher : Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN 13 : 1437737757
Total Pages : 1666 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (377 download)


Book Synopsis Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology - E-Book by : Richard Hoppe

Download or read book Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology - E-Book written by Richard Hoppe and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2010-09-09 with total page 1666 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Stay on top of the latest scientific and therapeutic advances with the new edition of Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology. Dr. Theodore L. Phillips, in collaboration with two new authors, Drs. Richard Hoppe and Mack Roach, offers a multidisciplinary look at the presentation of uniform treatment philosophies for cancer patients emphasizing the "treat for cure" philosophy. You can also explore the implementation of new imaging techniques to locate and treat tumors, new molecularly targeted therapies, and new types of treatment delivery. Supplement your reading with online access to the complete contents of the book, a downloadable image library, and more at Gather step-by-step techniques for assessing and implementing radiotherapeutic options with this comprehensive, full-color, clinically oriented text. Review the basic principles behind the selection and application of radiation as a treatment modality, including radiobiology, radiation physics, immobilization and simulation, high dose rate, and more. Use new imaging techniques to anatomically locate tumors before and during treatment. Apply multidisciplinary treatments with advice from experts in medical, surgical, and radiation oncology. Explore new treatment options such as proton therapy, which can facilitate precise tumor-targeting and reduce damage to healthy tissue and organs. Stay on the edge of technology with new chapters on IGRT, DNA damage and repair, and molecularly targeted therapies.

Radiation Therapy Physics

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 3662031078
Total Pages : 468 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (62 download)


Book Synopsis Radiation Therapy Physics by : Alfred R. Smith

Download or read book Radiation Therapy Physics written by Alfred R. Smith and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-11-11 with total page 468 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The aim of this book is to provide a uniquely comprehensive source of information on the entire field of radiation therapy physics. The very significant advances in imaging, computational, and accelerator technologies receive full consideration, as do such topics as the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies and dose calculation models. The scope of the book and the expertise of the authors make it essential reading for interested physicians and physicists and for radiation dosimetrists.