Is God Good? (Pack of 25)

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9781682161388
Total Pages : 8 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (613 download)


Book Synopsis Is God Good? (Pack of 25) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Is God Good? (Pack of 25) written by Good News Publishers and published by . This book was released on 2014-03-31 with total page 8 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Explores how God is good in every single circumstance.

When God Takes Your Place (Pack Of 25)

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Author :
Publisher : Good News Publishers
ISBN 13 : 9781682164020
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (64 download)


Book Synopsis When God Takes Your Place (Pack Of 25) by : Dave Furman

Download or read book When God Takes Your Place (Pack Of 25) written by Dave Furman and published by Good News Publishers. This book was released on 2020-04-30 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Greatest Exchange Adapted from Kiss the Wave by Dave Furman By Dave Furman Kelly Gissendaner was on death row for almost two decades for the murder of her husband. She planned the murder and convinced her lover to kidnap her husband and kill him in the woods. Afterward they set the evidence on fire. Their motive was to collect a life insurance policy and receive sole ownership of the house the Gissendaners had just purchased. A jury convicted Kelly of murder for her role in the crime, and after refusing a plea deal, she was given a death sentence. While she sat on death row, Kelly's entire life changed. She was transformed as she came to understand that Jesus died for her. She encountered the Bible and the truth of the gospel. God worked in her heart to bring her to repentance of her sins and to faith in Christ. The fruit of Kelly's transformation was on display for all to see. Kelly began to minister to the other women in prison and led various Bible studies. She counseled women through an air vent and prevented some women from committing suicide. Perhaps the biggest change was that, in Christ, she found peace in the midst of the storm of death she was facing. She was in awe that Jesus took her place on the ultimate death row. On one occasion she said, "I have learned first-hand that no one, not even me, is beyond redemption through God's grace and mercy. I have learned to place my hope in the God I now know, the God whose plans and promises are made known to me in the whole story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus." Her hope was not in her continued breaths in this life, but in her union with Christ in this life and in the next. She was a shipwrecked woman who finally found land. Not all of us have been convicted of murder, but all of us have at one time rejected God. The Bible is clear that we are all under an eternal death sentence and apart from God's intervention we would all sit on death row facing a forever death. The truth of God's holiness and our sin means we can never be in his presence unless something changes. We are not simply in need of an inspiring example--we need a saving substitute. We need someone who will take our punishment. When Jesus was being tried for crimes he did not commit, the Roman governor Pilate gave the people a choice: He could release Jesus, an innocent man, or a man called Barabbas, who was a known terrorist. The crowd chose Barabbas and demanded Jesus to be crucified. The crowd chose a murderer over the one who brings the dead back to life. They chose evil over the one who loves perfectly. Put yourself in Barabbas's place for a minute. You are walking to your death in chains and then all of a sudden, when you least expect it, you are free. Then you hear the words begin again: "Crucify him, crucify him." You see another person walking by. Those chants are not for you. The guards are dragging another one to his death-- Jesus of Nazareth. He's beaten and flogged and is forced to carry his cross to his death. It's the very cross you had imagined yourself carrying only moments earlier. You think to yourself, "That's my death he's dying." The Bible says of Jesus that "For our sake [God] made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor. 5:21). You and I are sinners. We sit in a spiritual prison, bound helpless, awaiting the day when we will receive the just punishment we deserve. We sit on the death row of all death rows waiting to be dragged out to death not knowing when God's righteous judgment will come down. But the good news is that when you repent of your sin and trust in Jesus to save you, Jesus goes off to the cross in your place. He gets what you deserve; you get what he deserves. It is the greatest exchange in all of history. Jesus gives up his life so you can have life. You and I are Barabbas. We need someone to take our place, and Jesus has done that for us. He willingly took the wrath of God upon himself. On the cross, Jesus absorbed all our wickedness. He has poured out his perfect love upon us. First Peter 3:18 says, "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit." Jesus was leading a true revolution. You can always stop a Barabbas, but you can't stop Jesus. He took our place on the cross so that the greatest exchange in all of history would bring you to God. If you are reading this and want Jesus Christ to become your substitute and exchange your sin for his glory, call out to him right now with a prayer like this: Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, and that he died on the cross to save me from my sin. I believe that he rose again to life, and that he invites me to live forever with him in heaven as part of your family. Because of what Jesus has done, I ask you to forgive me of my sin and give me eternal life. Please guide me to a Bible-believing church where I can grow as a Christian with others who love Jesus. Amen.

Is God Good? (Spanish, Pack Of 25)

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9781682161395
Total Pages : 8 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (613 download)


Book Synopsis Is God Good? (Spanish, Pack Of 25) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Is God Good? (Spanish, Pack Of 25) written by Good News Publishers and published by . This book was released on 2014-03-31 with total page 8 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Recuerdo que era un dIa de verano soleado en Brasil. Mi esposa, Denalyn, y yo pasAbamos la tarde con nuestros amigos Paul y Debbie. Su casa era como un respiro de aire puro. Nosotros vivIamos cerca del centro de Rio de Janeiro en una torre de apartamentos. Paul y Debbie vivIan a una hora del centro de la ciudad en una casa linda donde el aire era mAs fresco, las calles mAs limpias, y la vida mAs calmada. AdemAs, tenIan una piscina. A Jenna, nuestra hija de dos aNos, le gustaba jugar con los hijos de Paul y Debbie. Y eso era exactamente lo que hacIa cuando se cayO. No tenIamos la intenciOn de dejar a los niNos desatendidos. HabIamos entrado a la casa por un momento para servir la comida. EstAbamos platicando y comiendo cuando la hija de Paul y Debbie, que tenIa cuatro aNos, entrO y muy casualmente le dijo a su mamA "Jenna callO dentro de la piscina." Salimos volando. Jenna estaba golpeando el agua con sus manos en un intento desesperado de no hundirse, pues no llevaba puesto un salvavidas. Paul la alcanzO primero. BrincO al agua y con sus brazos la entregO a Denalyn. Jenna tosiO y llorO un poco, y con eso quedO como si nada hubiera pasado. La tragedia fue evadida. Mi hija estaba bien. ImagInate nuestro agradecimiento! Inmediatamente nos reunimos a orar y levantar un canto de agradecimiento. Nuestros pies nunca tocaron tierra el resto del dIa, y Jenna permaneciO en nuestros brazos. AUn camino a casa, yo agradecIa a Dios. En el retrovisor podIa ver a Jenna profundamente dormida, y orE de nuevo: "Dios, eres tan bueno." Luego me surgiO una pregunta en mi mente. Una que viene de Dios? O de la parte de mI que lucha al tratar de hacer sentido de todo esto? No sE. Pero aUn recuerdo lo que la voz preguntaba: "Si Jenna no hubiera sobrevivido, seguirIa siendo Dios bueno?" HabIa pasado la mayor parte de la tarde anunciando la bondad de Dios. Pero si hubiEramos perdido a Jenna, habrIa llegado a una conclusiOn diferente? Dios es bueno solo cuando el resultado tambiEn lo es? Cuando el cAncer estA en remisiOn, decimos: "Dios es bueno." Cuando llega el aumento de sueldo, anunciamos: "Dios es bueno." Cuando la universidad nos admite o el marcador final estA a favor de nuestro equipo..."Dios es bueno." DirIamos o decimos lo mismo bajo circunstancias diferentes? En el cementerio al igual que en el cuarto del bebE? En la fila de las oficinas de desempleo al igual que en la fila de la tienda? En dIas de recesiOn al igual que en dIas de provisiOn? Es Dios siempre bueno? La mayorIa, si no es que todos, tenemos un acuerdo contractual con Dios. El hecho de que El aUn no lo firma no nos impide creer que lo tenemos. Prometo ser una persona buena y decente, y a cambio Dios...salvarA a mi hijo...sanarA a mi cOnyuge...protegerA mi trabajo...(llena el espacio en blanco). Esto es justo, no? Sin embargo, cuando Dios no cumple con nuestras expectativas mAs profundas, nos quedamos girando en un tornado de preguntas. SerA bueno en lo absoluto? EstarA Dios enojado conmigo? Perplejo? Muy ocupado? EstarA limitado su poder? EstarA restringida su autoridad? SerA el diablo mAs listo que Dios? Cuando la vida no va bien, quE debemos pensar acerca de Dios? DOnde estA El en todo esto? A veces, Dios permite tragedias. Permite que la tierra se seque y que los tallos crezcan sin vegetaciOn. Permite que SatanAs desencadene el caos, pero no permite que SatanAs triunfe. Que no es esta la promesa de la Biblia en Romanos 8:28: "Ahora bien, sabemos que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman, los que han sido llamados de acuerdo con su propOsito"? Dios promete rendir belleza de "todas las cosas," no de "cada cosa" individualmente. Los eventos individuales pueden ser malos, pero el fruto final es bueno. Podemos ver ejemplos pequeNos de esto en nuestras propias vidas. Cuando disfrutas de una taza de cafE y dices: "QuE rico cafE!," Que estAs diciendo?Que la bolsa de plAstico que contiene los granos de cafE estA rica? Que los granos de cafE en sI son ricos? QuE el agua caliente estA rica? QuE el filtro de cafE estA rico? No, ninguno de estos. Lo bueno o rico sucede cuando los ingredientes trabajan juntos: la bolsa se abre, los granos se muelen, el agua se calienta a la temperatura exacta. Es la cooperaciOn colectiva de los elementos que lo hace rico o bueno. Nada en la Biblia nos llevarIa a declarar una hambruna como algo bueno, o un ataque al corazOn como algo bueno, o un ataque terrorista como algo bueno. Estas son calamidades terribles, nacidas de un mundo caIdo. Sin embargo, cada mensaje en la Biblia nos obliga a creer que Dios las mezclarA con otros ingredientes y harA surgir algo bueno de ello. Pero tenemos que dejar que Dios defina lo que es "bueno." Nuestra definiciOn incluye salud, comodidad, y reconocimiento. CuAl es su definiciOn? En el caso de su hijo, Jesucristo, la buena vida consistiO de luchas, tormentas, y muerte. Pero Dios obrO todo para el bien mayor: su gloria y nuestra salvaciOn. SerA posible que cambiar la vida mAs difIcil por la maravilla del cielo sea un buen trato? La Biblia dice: "Pues los sufrimientos ligeros y efImeros que ahora padecemos producen una gloria eterna que vale muchIsimo mAs que todo sufrimiento" (2 Corintios 4:17). La oferta increIble de Dios SupOn que te he invitado a experimentar el dIa de tus sueNos. Veinticuatro horas en un paraIso de una isla con tus personas, comida y actividades favoritas. La Unica condiciOn es vivir un milisegundo de incomodidad. Por razones que he decidido no contarte, necesitarAs comenzar tu dIa con el milisegundo de aflicciOn. AceptarIas mi oferta? Creo que sI lo harIas. Una fracciOn de un segundo no es nada comparado con las veinticuatro horas. En el reloj de Dios, tU te encuentras en medio de tu milisegundo. Comparado con la eternidad, quE son setenta, ochenta, o noventa aNos? Es simplemente un vapor, un tronar de dedos comparado con el cielo. Tu dolor no durarA para siempre, pero tU sI. Recuerda que "en nada se comparan los sufrimientos actuales con la gloria que habrA de revelarse en nosotros" (Romanos 8:18). Si ya has aceptado la oferta de Dios a entrar en su familia al poner tu fe en Jesucristo, entonces puedes confiar en el plan de Dios para tu vida en cualquier crisis. La Biblia nos promete que nada "en toda la creaciOn, podrA apartarnos del amor que Dios nos ha manifestado en Cristo JesUs nuestro SeNor" (Romanos 8:39). Si aUn no has aceptado la oferta de Dios, lo puedes hacer ahora mismo. No porque te lo hayas ganado, sino porque El te ama y porque el regalo de salvaciOn estA disponible para todos los que lo profesan como SeNor: Cree que Dios mandO a su hijo, Jesucristo, a morir en la cruz en tu lugar por tus pecados. Cree que JesUs resucitO de entre los muertos despuEs de tres dIas, demostrando que Dios lo aceptO como tu suplente. Cree la declaraciOn de JesUs cuando dijo "--Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida --le contestO JesUs--. Nadie llega al Padre sino por mI" (Juan 14:6). Confiesa que has pecado y pide el perdOn de Dios. InvItalo a entrar a tu vida y pIdele ayuda para dejar tus pecados atrAs. Si crees estas cosas de todo corazOn y quieres ser parte de la familia eterna de Dios, puedes orar asI "Dios mIo, acepto que soy un pecador y necesito tu perdOn. Acepto a Jesucristo como mi Salvador, quien dio su vida por mis pecados. Te entrego mi vida, Padre. Por favor entra en mi vida y ayUdame a vivir una vida que te agrade. AmEn."

God Is Bigger Than a Juice Box

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ISBN 13 : 9780578435800
Total Pages : 22 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (358 download)


Book Synopsis God Is Bigger Than a Juice Box by : Rebecca Nevius

Download or read book God Is Bigger Than a Juice Box written by Rebecca Nevius and published by . This book was released on 2019-04-15 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Designed for children ages 0-5 years old, this sturdy board book brings the big-ness of God into a child's every day world of juice boxes, grown ups, and imaginary things. Not only is God big big big, He also has a great big love for all His children!

Do Good People Go to Heaven? (Pack of 25)

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Author :
Publisher : Good News Publishers
ISBN 13 : 9781682160466
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (64 download)


Book Synopsis Do Good People Go to Heaven? (Pack of 25) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Do Good People Go to Heaven? (Pack of 25) written by Good News Publishers and published by Good News Publishers. This book was released on 2007-08 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Good people would certainly go to heaven... if any of us were good enough! The only one to ever measure up to God's standard of goodness-Jesus Christ-has made the way possible for the rest of us!

Knocking on Heaven's Door

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Publisher : Baker Academic
ISBN 13 : 080102689X
Total Pages : 352 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (1 download)


Book Synopsis Knocking on Heaven's Door by : David Crump

Download or read book Knocking on Heaven's Door written by David Crump and published by Baker Academic. This book was released on 2006-09 with total page 352 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Offers a cohesive New Testament theology of petitionary prayer.

Father's Love Letter

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Author :
Publisher : Moody Publishers
ISBN 13 : 1600669948
Total Pages : 147 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (6 download)


Book Synopsis Father's Love Letter by : Barry Adams

Download or read book Father's Love Letter written by Barry Adams and published by Moody Publishers. This book was released on 2007-03-01 with total page 147 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Father's Love Letter by Barry Adams is a series of paraphrased Scriptures that take on the form of a love letter from God and will impact your heart, soul and spirit. Experience the love you have been looking for all your life. This gift book contains beautiful full-color photographs and fifty-seven powerful devotional thoughts. A prayer that will help you put into words your response to God follows each devotional thought.

What Is the Gospel? (Pack of 25)

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Author :
Publisher : Good News Publishers
ISBN 13 : 9781682163573
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (635 download)


Book Synopsis What Is the Gospel? (Pack of 25) by : Greg Gilbert

Download or read book What Is the Gospel? (Pack of 25) written by Greg Gilbert and published by Good News Publishers. This book was released on 2016-08-31 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What Is the Gospel? What exactly do Christians mean when they talk about the "gospel of Jesus Christ"? Since the word "gospel" means "good news," when Christians talk about the gospel, they're simply telling the good news about Jesus! But it's not just any good news; it demands a response! It's a message from God saying, "Good news! Here is how you can be saved from my judgment!" That's an announcement you can't afford to ignore. So, what is the good news about Jesus Christ? Since the earliest Christians announced the good news about Jesus, it has been organized around these questions . . . 1. Who made us, and to whom are we accountable? 2. What is our problem? 3. What is God's solution to our problem? 4. How can I be included in his solution? Christians through the centuries since Christ have answered those questions with the same truth from the Bible. 1. We are accountable to God. 2. Our problem is our sin against him. 3. God's solution is salvation through Jesus Christ. 4. We come to be included in that salvation by faith and repentance. Let's summarize those points like this: God, Mankind, Jesus Christ, and Our Response. God The first thing to know about the good news of Jesus is that "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). Everything starts from that point, so if you get that point wrong then everything else that follows will be wrong. Because God created everything--including us--he has the right to tell us how to live. You have to understand that in order to understand the good news about Jesus. How would you describe God's character? Loving and good? Compassionate and forgiving? All true. God describes himself as "merciful and gracious, slowto anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness . . . forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin." Then God adds, "but who will by no means clear the guilty" (Exodus 34:6-7). That explodes about 90 percent of what people today think they know about God. This loving God does not leave the guilty unpunished. To understand just how glorious and life-giving the gospel of Jesus Christ is, we have to understand that God is also holy and righteous. He is determined never to ignore or tolerate sin. Including ours! Mankind When God created the first human beings--Adam and Eve, he intended for them to live under his righteous rule in perfect joy--obeying him and living in fellowship with him. When Adam disobeyed God, and ate the one fruit that God had told him not to eat, that fellowship with God was broken. Moreover, Adam and Eve had declared rebellion against God. They were denying his authority over their lives. It's not just Adam and Eve who are guilty of sin.The Bible says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . . none is righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:23,10). Yet, we often think of our sins as not much more than violations of some heavenly traffic law. So we wonder why God gets so upset about them. But sin is much more than that. It's the rejection of God himself and his right to exercise authority over those to whom he gives life. Once you understand sin in that light, you begin to understand why "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). That's not just physical death, but spiritual death, a forceful separating of our sinful, rebellious selves from the presence of God forever. The Bible teaches that the final destiny for unbelieving sinners is eternal, active judgment in a place called "hell." This is the Bible's sobering verdict: "It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). Every one of us will be held accountable to God. The Bible warns that "whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God" (John 3:18). But . . . Jesus Christ The word "Christ" means "anointed one," referring to anointing a king with oil when he is crowned. So, when we say "Jesus Christ," we're saying that Jesus is a King! When Jesus began his public ministry, he told the people, "The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the good news!" Centuries before, God had promised that he would come as a great King to rescue his people from their sins. And here was Jesus saying, "The kingdom of God is here . . . now! I am that great King!" Eventually Jesus's followers realized that his mission was to bring sinful people into that kingdom. Jesus came to die in their place, to take the punishment they deserved for their rebellion against God. As Jesus died on a cross, the awful weight of all our sins fell on his shoulders. The sentence of death God had pronounced against rebellious sinners struck. And Jesus died. For you and me! But the story doesn't end there. Jesus the Crucified is no longer dead. The Bible tells us that he rose from the grave. He is not just King Jesus the Crucified, but King Jesus the Crucified and Resurrected! Jesus's rising from the grave was God's way of saying, "What Jesus claimed about who he is and what he came to do is true!" Our Response What does God expect us to do with the information that Jesus died in our place so we can be saved from God's righteous wrath against our sins? He expects us to respond with repentance and faith. To repent of our sins means to turn away from our rebellion against God. Repentance doesn't mean we'll bring an immediate end to our sinning. It does mean, though, that we'll never again live at peace with our sins. Not only that, but we also turn to God in faith. Faith is reliance. It's a promise-founded trust in the risen Jesus to save you from your sins. "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned . . . He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree . . . the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God" (John 3:17-18; 1 Peter 2:24; 3:18). If God is ever to count us righteous, he'll have to do it on the basis of someone else's record, someone who's qualified to stand in as our substitute. And that's what happens when a person is saved by Jesus: All our sins are credited to Jesus who took the punishment for them, and the perfect righteousness of Jesus is then credited to us when we place our trust in what he has done for us! That's what faith means--to rely on Jesus, to trust in him alone to stand in our place and win a righteous verdict from God! Do you believe that you have rebelled against God and deserve his wrath? That Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died the death that you deserve for your sins? That he rose from the grave and lives to stand in your place as your Substitute and Savior? If that is your heartfelt conviction, you can tell him in words like these . . . Jesus, I know I can't save myself, and I know you have promised to save those who repent and put their faith in you alone. I trust you to forgive my sins and give me eternal life. Thank you for dying in my place to make my salvation possible! If you've done that, then a whole life of getting to know Jesus lies ahead, beginning right now! There's much more to learn from the Spirit of God who comes to live in all those who put their trust in King Jesus!

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 1244 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by :

Download or read book Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature written by and published by . This book was released on 1926 with total page 1244 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Institute Tie

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 502 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (31 download)


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Download or read book The Institute Tie written by and published by . This book was released on 1902 with total page 502 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

God and Galileo

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Author :
Publisher : Crossway
ISBN 13 : 1433562928
Total Pages : 247 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (335 download)


Book Synopsis God and Galileo by : David L. Block

Download or read book God and Galileo written by David L. Block and published by Crossway. This book was released on 2019-05-17 with total page 247 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "A devastating attack upon the dominance of atheism in science today." Giovanni Fazio, Senior Physicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The debate over the ultimate source of truth in our world often pits science against faith. In fact, some high-profile scientists today would have us abandon God entirely as a source of truth about the universe. In this book, two professional astronomers push back against this notion, arguing that the science of today is not in a position to pronounce on the existence of God—rather, our notion of truth must include both the physical and spiritual domains. Incorporating excerpts from a letter written in 1615 by famed astronomer Galileo Galilei, the authors explore the relationship between science and faith, critiquing atheistic and secular understandings of science while reminding believers that science is an important source of truth about the physical world that God created.

God’s Need and God’s Goal

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Author :
Publisher : Living Stream Ministry
ISBN 13 : 0736399232
Total Pages : 69 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (363 download)


Book Synopsis God’s Need and God’s Goal by : Witness Lee

Download or read book God’s Need and God’s Goal written by Witness Lee and published by Living Stream Ministry. This book was released on 2024-01-17 with total page 69 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: It is easy to understand that man has needs, but do we have a sense of God’s need? Indeed, we may even wonder, “Who has a greater need, man or God?” In this book, Witness Lee presents his burden that we would “turn our eyes from the earth to heaven to see a need that is immensely greater than man’s need—God’s need. Without seeing God’s need, it is difficult for people who do not have a sense of need to be saved. Furthermore, without seeing God’s need, it is difficult for those who are saved to have a heavenly living or to obtain power and faith. May these words lead us to see the need on God’s side so that our attention can be shifted from man to God.”


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Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
ISBN 13 : 1453540784
Total Pages : 190 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (535 download)


Book Synopsis GOD’S GOLDEN BOX by : Gayle A. McCoy

Download or read book GOD’S GOLDEN BOX written by Gayle A. McCoy and published by Xlibris Corporation. This book was released on 2010-08-23 with total page 190 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Read this exciting story of the early Israelite people . . . You can almost hear the men of Israel as they cut and plane the hardest and heaviest wood in the world to make the Ark of the Covenant, the most fabulous piece of cabinetmaker’s art ever conceived. No nails in this ark; only wood, and to top off this wooden masterpiece, the ark was covered with 100-percent twenty-four-karat gold. The total weight of the ark came to over two tons.

The Publishers' Trade List Annual

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 2186 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Publishers' Trade List Annual by :

Download or read book The Publishers' Trade List Annual written by and published by . This book was released on 1877 with total page 2186 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Cincinnati Price-current

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 696 pages
Book Rating : 4.E/5 ( download)


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Download or read book Cincinnati Price-current written by and published by . This book was released on 1913 with total page 696 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Steps to Peace with God (25-Pack)

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Author :
Publisher : Good News Publishers
ISBN 13 : 9781682164365
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (643 download)


Book Synopsis Steps to Peace with God (25-Pack) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Steps to Peace with God (25-Pack) written by Good News Publishers and published by Good News Publishers. This book was released on 2024-09-17 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this redesigned tract, Billy Graham outlines the steps to find peace with God through Jesus Christ--understand God's purposes, admit the problem, discover God's bridge, and embrace the truth.

Your Ticket to Heaven (Pack Of 25)

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ISBN 13 : 9781682162903
Total Pages : 0 pages
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Book Synopsis Your Ticket to Heaven (Pack Of 25) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Your Ticket to Heaven (Pack Of 25) written by Good News Publishers and published by . This book was released on 2006-10 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Your Ticket to Heaven May I offer you a ticket to heaven? You don't have to pay for it, and that's a good thing, because you could never afford to buy it It's free, but only because someone has already paid the ultimate price for it. God loves you and not only wants you to have a fulfilling life on earth, he also wants you to live with him in heaven forever. He's the one who offers you a paid-in-full ticket. No one wants to go to hell where there will be no joy and no pleasures whatsoever, and God doesn't want anyone to go there either. The Bible says that God is "not wishing that any should perish" (2 Peter 3:9). But there is a problem with getting that free ticket. We have all done wrong--we have all sinned, haven't we? God's Word says "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves" (1 John 1:8). Sin pollutes--it makes us unclean, unfit for God's presence in that wonderful, perfect place called heaven. Sin penalizes--it separates us from a sinless God, "For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). In short, our sinfulness blocks the delivery of the ticket that we need to get into heaven Who paid for it? Wait There's good news Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth to be born and to live his life without sin. He "suffered once for our] sins, the righteous one] for the unrighteous all of us ], that he might bring us to God" (1 Peter 3:18). When God "laid on him the iniquity sins] of us all" (Isaiah 53:6), Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). The answer is simple and profound: Jesus was separated from God because he took your place and mine on the cross, and by dying he paid in full the "wages" our sins had earned. Then he rose from the dead, was seen by hundreds of people, and is alive today so you can know him and receive the gift of eternal life--your ticket to heaven. That's right The Bible says, "to all who did receive him Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). That is fantastic You can become a "new" person--born of God--to start a brand-new life that pleases God. And, of course, all God's children have a ticket to heaven Do you want it? It is no accident you were given this offer of a ticket to heaven. God has made sure you can receive it. The whole issue is, did Jesus pay for all your sins or didn't he? God said he did. Trust God that it is so. "Whoever believes in the Son of God] has eternal life" (John 3:36). Just as a man says, "Yes, I will take this woman to be my wife," God wants you to tell him, "Yes, I will take Jesus to be my Savior. I believe that he is the only way to heaven." The Bible says, "Whoever has the Son Jesus] has life" (1 John 5:12). If you believe that God's way to heaven is the only way, you can "claim your ticket" by telling God in words like these: Dear God, I have sinned. I know I have offended you in many ways. I am so sorry. I believe that Jesus suffered and died for my sins, paid my debt in full, and rose again. Jesus, I believe in you and thank you for what you've done for me. Please save me from the penalty of my sins, and give me a new birth and the power to live for you. Thank you for this offer to spend eternity with you Remember what John 3:36 says: "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life." Do you now believe in Jesus as your Savior, your only "ticket to heaven"? Do you have everlasting life, like God said?