LA FOI DE L'ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) [The Faith of Islam: Mohammed]

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Total Pages : 464 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis LA FOI DE L'ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) [The Faith of Islam: Mohammed] by :

Download or read book LA FOI DE L'ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) [The Faith of Islam: Mohammed] written by and published by MEENACHI SUNDARAM. This book was released on 2024-09-05 with total page 464 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: LA FOI DE L'ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) Auteur original : Edward Sell (Modifié/ajouté et traduit par M. MeenachiSundaram) TABLE DES MATIÈRES LA FOI DE L'ISLAM... 4 CHAPITRE I : LES FONDEMENTS DE L’ISLÁM. 4 CHAPITRE II : EXÉGÈSE DU CORAN ET DES TRADITIONS. 35 CHAPITRE III : LES SECTES DE L'ISLÁM. 66 CHAPITRE IV : LE CREDO DE L'ISLÁM. 104 CHAPITRE V : LES DEVOIRS PRATIQUES DE L'ISLÁM. 167 À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR. 238 LA FOI DE L'ISLAM CHAPITRE I : LES FONDEMENTS DE L’ISLÁM. Le credo de l'islam, « Il n'y a pas d'autre divinité que Dieu et Mahomet est l'apôtre de Dieu », est très court, mais le système lui-même est très dogmatique. Des affirmations telles que : « Le Coran est un code complet et suffisant, qui régit tout », « Le Coran contient tout le code de l'islam, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'est pas simplement un livre de préceptes religieux, mais qu'il régit tout ce que fait un musulman », « Le Coran contient toute la religion de Mahomet », « Le Coran qui contient tout l'Évangile de l'islam » ne sont pas simplement trompeuses, elles sont erronées. Le Coran n'est pas la seule règle de foi et de pratique des musulmans. Il n'existe pas une seule secte parmi eux dont la foi et la pratique soient basées sur lui seul. Personne parmi eux ne conteste son autorité ni ne met en doute son authenticité. Sa voix est suprême dans tout ce qu'elle concerne, mais son exégèse, tout le système de jurisprudence et de science théologique, est largement fondé sur les Traditions. Chez les musulmans orthodoxes, les fondements de la foi sont au nombre de quatre : le Coran, la Sunna, l'Ijmá' et le Qias. Le fait que toutes les sectes ne soient pas d'accord avec les orthodoxes - les Sunnites - sur ce point illustre un autre fait important de l'islam : le manque d'unité parmi ses adeptes. 1. Le Coran. — La question de l’inspiration sera discutée en détail et les lois de l’exégèse du Coran seront exposées dans le chapitre suivant. Il suffit de dire maintenant que ce livre est tenu en très haute vénération par les musulmans de toutes les sectes. Lorsqu’on le lit, il est placé sur un support surélevé au-dessus du sol, et personne ne doit le lire ou le toucher sans avoir fait au préalable les ablutions légales. Il n’est traduit que dans les cas de nécessité absolue, et même dans ce cas, le texte arabe est imprimé avec la traduction. On dit que Dieu a choisi le mois sacré de Ramazán pour donner toutes les révélations qui ont été accordées à l’humanité sous forme de livres. Ainsi, la première nuit de ce mois, les livres d’Abraham sont descendus du ciel ; la sixième nuit, les livres de Moïse ; la treizième nuit, l’Injil, ou Evangile, et la vingt-septième nuit, le Coran. Cette nuit-là, la Laylut-ul-Qadr, ou « nuit de la puissance », le Coran tout entier serait descendu au plus bas des sept cieux, d’où il aurait été apporté par morceaux à Mahomet selon les besoins. « Nous l’avons fait descendre (le Coran) dans la nuit de la puissance » (Sourate xcvii. 1). Cette nuit est appelée la nuit bénie, la nuit meilleure que mille mois, la nuit où les anges sont descendus avec la permission de leur Seigneur, la nuit qui apporte la paix et les bénédictions jusqu'à l'aube rosée. Deux fois cette nuit-là, dans la solitude de la grotte de Hira, la voix l'appela, deux fois bien que fortement appuyée, « comme si un poids terrible avait été placé sur lui », le prophète lutta contre son influence. La troisième fois, il entendit ces mots : « Récite, au nom de ton Seigneur qui a créé— « Il a créé l'homme à partir de caillots de sang. » (Sourate xcvi. 5.) "Quand la voix eut cessé de parler, racontant comment depuis les plus petits commencements l'homme avait été appelé à l'existence, et élevé par la compréhension et la connaissance du Seigneur, qui est le plus bienfaisant, et qui par la plume avait révélé ce que l'homme ne savait pas, Mahomet se réveilla de sa transe et sentit comme si "un livre avait été écrit dans son cœur". Il était très alarmé. La tradition rapporte qu'il se rendit précipitamment vers sa femme et dit : "Ô Khadíja ! que m'est-il arrivé ?" Il s'allongea et elle le regarda. Lorsqu'il se remit de son paroxysme, il dit : "Ô Khadíja ! celui en qui on n'aurait pas cru (c'est-à-dire lui-même) est devenu soit un devin (káhin) soit un fou". Elle répondit : "Dieu est ma protection, ô Ab-ul-kásim. Il ne permettra sûrement pas qu'une telle chose t'arrive, car tu dis la vérité, tu ne rends pas le mal pour le mal, tu gardes la foi, tu mènes une bonne vie et tu es bon envers tes parents et amis, et tu n'es pas non plus un bavard dans les bazars. Que t'est-il arrivé ? As-tu vu quelque chose de terrible ? » Mahomet répondit : « Oui. » Et il lui raconta ce qu'il avait vu. Sur quoi elle répondit et dit : « Réjouis-toi, ô cher époux et prends courage. Celui entre les mains de qui repose la vie de Khadija, est témoin que tu seras le Prophète de ce peuple. » La sourate suivante, la 74e, fut révélée à La Mecque, après quoi il semble y avoir eu une interruption, appelée Fatrah. C'est pendant cette période que le Prophète acquit une certaine connaissance du contenu des Écritures juives et chrétiennes. On pense que Gabriel était le médiateur de la communication. Ce fait n'est cependant mentionné qu'une seule fois dans le Coran : « Dis : Quiconque est l'ennemi de Gabriel... C'est lui qui, par la permission de Dieu, a fait descendre le Coran sur ton cœur » (Sourate II, 91). Cette sourate fut révélée quelques années après la fuite du Prophète à Médine. Les autres références à la révélation du Coran sont : « En vérité, c'est du Seigneur des mondes que ce livre est descendu ; l'Esprit fidèle (Rúh-ul-Ámín) est descendu avec lui » (Sourate XXVI, 192). « Le Coran n'est rien d'autre qu'une révélation qui lui a été révélée, et quelqu'un de terrible en puissance (Shadíd-ul-Quá) le lui a enseigné. » (Sourate liii. 5.) Ces derniers passages n'affirment pas clairement que Gabriel était le médium de communication, mais la croyance en ce sens est presque, sinon entièrement, universelle, et les commentateurs disent que les termes "Rúh-ul-Ámín" et "Shadíd-ul-Quá" ne se réfèrent à aucun autre ange ou esprit. L'emploi du mot "enseigné" dans la dernière sourate citée, et l'expression suivante dans la sourate lxxv. 18. « Quand nous l'aurons récité, alors tu suivras la récitation », montre que le Coran est entièrement une révélation objective et que Mahomet n'était qu'un moyen passif de communication. L'historien mahométan Ibn Khaldoun dit à ce sujet : « De tous les livres divins, le Coran est le seul dont le texte, les mots et les phrases aient été communiqués à un prophète par une voix audible. Il en est autrement du Pentateuque, de l'Évangile et des autres livres divins : les prophètes les ont reçus sous forme d'idées. » Ceci exprime la croyance universelle sur ce point, croyance qui révèle la nature essentiellement mécanique de l'Islam. Le Coran ainsi révélé est aujourd'hui considéré comme le miracle permanent de l'Islam. Il est admis que d'autres livres divins ont été révélés sous forme d'idées, mais le Coran est de loin supérieur à tous, car le texte lui-même a été révélé à l'oreille du prophète. Ainsi, nous lisons dans la sourate lxxv, versets 16 à 19 : « Ne bouge pas ta langue avec précipitation pour suivre et maîtriser cette révélation ; Car nous veillerons à le recueillir et à le réciter ; Mais quand nous l'avons récité, alors suis le récit ; Et en vérité, c'est à nous de te l'expliquer clairement.


Download Mohammed PDF Online Free

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Publisher : Routledge
ISBN 13 : 1135030537
Total Pages : 202 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (35 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed by : Tor Andrae

Download or read book Mohammed written by Tor Andrae and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-02-01 with total page 202 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Originally published in 1936. This volume discusses the Islamic faith in the perspective of the ancient Arabian monotheism and its similarities with Christianity and Judaism. The similarities not only in dogma, but also in the ritual of Nestorian Christianity are discussed as well as an interpretation of Mohammed’s religious personality.

The Faith of Islam: Mohammed

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 226 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


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Download or read book The Faith of Islam: Mohammed written by and published by MEENACHI SUNDARAM. This book was released on 2024-09-05 with total page 226 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: THE FAITH OF ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) Original Author: Edward Sell (Edited/Added and Translated by M. MeenachiSundaram) TABLE OF CONTENTS THE FAITH OF ISLÁM... 4 CHAPTER I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF ISLÁM. 4 CHAPTER II: EXEGESIS OF THE QURÁN AND THE TRADITIONS. 33 CHAPTER III: THE SECTS OF ISLÁM. 63 CHAPTER IV: THE CREED OF ISLÁM. 100 CHAPTER V: THE PRACTICAL DUTIES OF ISLÁM. 159 ABOUT THE AUTHOR. 225 THE FAITH OF ISLÁM CHAPTER I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF ISLÁM. The creed of Islám, "Lá-iláha-il-lal-láhu wa Muhammad-ur-Rasúl-Ulláh," (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Apostle of God) is very short, but the system itself is a very dogmatic one. Such statements as: "The Qurán is an all-embracing and sufficient code, regulating everything," "The Qurán contains the entire code of Islám—that is, it is not a book of religious precepts merely, but it governs all that a Muslim does," "The Qurán contains the whole religion of Muhammad," "The Qurán which contains the whole Gospel of Islám" are not simply misleading, they are erroneous. So far from the Qurán alone being the sole rule of faith and practice to Muslims, there is not one single sect amongst them whose faith and practice is based on it alone. No one among them disputes its authority or casts any doubt upon its genuineness. Its voice is supreme in all that it concerns, but its exegesis, the whole system of legal jurisprudence and of theological science, is largely founded on the Traditions. Amongst the orthodox Musalmáns, the foundations of the Faith are four in number, the Qurán, Sunnat, Ijmá' and Qíás. The fact that all the sects do not agree with the orthodox—the Sunnís—in this matter illustrates another important fact in Islám—the want of unity amongst its followers. 1. The Qurán.—The question of the inspiration will be fully discussed, and an account of the laws of the exegesis of the Qurán will be given in the next chapter. It is sufficient now to state that this book is held in the highest veneration by Muslims of every sect. When being read it is kept on a stand elevated above the floor, and no one must read or touch it without first making a legal ablution. It is not translated unless there is the most urgent necessity, and even then the Arabic text is printed with the translation. It is said that God chose the sacred month of Ramazán in which to give all the revelations which in the form of books have been vouchsafed to mankind. Thus on the first night of that month the books of Abraham came down from heaven; on the sixth the books of Moses; on the thirteenth the Injíl, or Gospel, and on the twenty-seventh the Qurán. On that night, the Laylut-ul-Qadr, or "night of power," the whole Qurán is said to have descended to the lowest of the seven heavens, from whence it was brought piecemeal to Muhammad as occasion required. "Verily we have caused it (the Qurán) to descend on the night of power." (Súra xcvii. 1.) That night is called the blessed night, the night better than a thousand months, the night when angels came down by the permission of their Lord, the night which bringeth peace and blessings till the rosy dawn. Twice on that night in the solitude of the cave of Hira the voice called, twice though pressed sore "as if a fearful weight had been laid upon him," the prophet struggled against its influence. The third time he heard the words:— "Recite thou, in the name of thy Lord who created— Created man from clots of blood." (Súra xcvi. 5.) "When the voice had ceased to speak, telling how from minutest beginnings man had been called into existence, and lifted up by understanding and knowledge of the Lord, who is most beneficent, and who by the pen had revealed that which man did not know, Muhammad woke up from his trance and felt as if "a book had been written in his heart." He was much alarmed. Tradition records that he went hastily to his wife and said—"O Khadíja! what has happened to me!" He lay down and she watched by him. When he recovered from his paroxysm, he said "O Khadíja! he of whom one would not have believed (i.e., himself) has become either a soothsayer (káhin) or mad." She replied, "God is my protection, O Ab-ul-kásim. He will surely not let such a thing happen unto thee, for thou speakest the truth, dost not return evil for evil, keepest faith, art of a good life and art kind to thy relatives and friends, and neither art thou a talker abroad in the bazaars. What has befallen thee? Hast thou seen aught terrible?" Muhammad replied "Yes." And he told her what he had seen. Whereupon she answered and said:—"Rejoice, O dear husband and be of good cheer. He in whose hands stands Khadíja's life, is my witness that thou wilt be the Prophet of this people." The next Súra, the 74th, was revealed at Mecca, after which there seems to have been an intermission, called the Fatrah. It was during this time that the Prophet gained some knowledge of the contents of the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures.

The spirit of Islam or the life and teachings of Mohammed

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Publisher : Hyperion Books
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 522 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (334 download)


Book Synopsis The spirit of Islam or the life and teachings of Mohammed by : Saiyid Amīr Alī

Download or read book The spirit of Islam or the life and teachings of Mohammed written by Saiyid Amīr Alī and published by Hyperion Books. This book was released on 1988 with total page 522 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Vie de Mahomet

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ISBN 13 : 9782268032757
Total Pages : 348 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (327 download)


Book Synopsis Vie de Mahomet by : Virgil Gheorghiu

Download or read book Vie de Mahomet written by Virgil Gheorghiu and published by . This book was released on 1999 with total page 348 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Quelque cent ans à peine après la reddition de l'Empire romain, l'avènement de Mahomet au VIe siècle de notre ère, aura un retentissement profond dans l'histoire de l'humanité. De l'Andalousie aux portes de Vienne, la marche de l'Islam, portée par l'élan de la foi nouvelle, a pénétré l'Europe au cours des siècles. Aujourd'hui, forte de près de huit cents millions d'âmes, cette grande religion monothéiste compte ses adeptes par centaines de milliers, qui pratiquent au cœur des cités occidentales. Virgil Gheorghiu, homme d'église roumain, était désigné pour écrire une histoire de Mahomet le Prophète. Longtemps sous la férule des Ottomans, les Roumains se souviennent de l'empreinte de l'Islam dans leur histoire. Homme de religion et esprit éclairé, libre de préjugés, Mgr Gheorghiu a su percevoir la lumière contenue dans l'enseignement islamique et la foi qui le conduit. On suivra, dans ces pages extrêmement vivantes et souvent émouvantes, l'éveil et la marche d'un des grands mouvements de l'histoire des Hommes. Cette réalité, qui a su céder dans notre actualité à une certaine confusion dans son interprétation, il ne nous est plus permis de l'ignorer si nous voulons mieux comprendre cette communauté d'hommes parmi laquelle nous vivons.

Muhammad and the Empires of Faith

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Author :
Publisher : Univ of California Press
ISBN 13 : 0520974522
Total Pages : 303 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (29 download)


Book Synopsis Muhammad and the Empires of Faith by : Dr. Sean W. Anthony

Download or read book Muhammad and the Empires of Faith written by Dr. Sean W. Anthony and published by Univ of California Press. This book was released on 2020-04-21 with total page 303 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In Muhammad and the Empires of Faith, Sean W. Anthony demonstrates how critical readings of non-Muslim and Muslim sources in tandem can breathe new life into the historical study of Muhammad and how his message transformed the world. By placing these sources within the intellectual and cultural world of Late Antiquity, Anthony offers a fresh assessment of the earliest sources for Muhammad’s life, taking readers on a grand tour of the available evidence, and suggests what new insights stand to be gained from the techniques and methods pioneered by countless scholars over the decades in a variety of fields. Muhammad and the Empires of Faith offers both an authoritative introduction to the multilayered traditions surrounding the life of Muhammad and a compelling exploration of how these traditions interacted with the broader landscape of Late Antiquity.

Islam (vol. 2): The Prophet Mohammed

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Publisher : Passerino Editore
ISBN 13 : 8893451174
Total Pages : 41 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (934 download)


Book Synopsis Islam (vol. 2): The Prophet Mohammed by : Passerino Editore

Download or read book Islam (vol. 2): The Prophet Mohammed written by Passerino Editore and published by Passerino Editore. This book was released on 2017-06-21 with total page 41 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Qur’an, which should be the primary source about the life of Mohammed (Muhammad), does not provide any detail about him, as opposed to the Torah or the Gospels which contain narratives about Moses or Jesus. In the Qur’an, biographical and narrative elements are uncommon. Muslims conceive it as a divine revelation. Nevertheless there are some stories about the life of Mohammed and his great importance (Quran: 2,151; 2,213; 4,15-19; 13,38 etc…). The biography of Mohammed can be retraced through other sources, the Sunna and the Hadith, that hold memories of the prophet. There are also ancient biographies edited after his death. In particular, Ibn Ishaq (704-768) collected oral traditions on the life of the prophet Mohammed known as The life of Muhammad; his work had been edited by Ibn Hisam (833 AD) and al’Tabari (839- 923 AD). Starting from these sources it is possible to trace a good historical background of Mohammed’s life. Translated by Roberta Ridolfi


Download Mohammed PDF Online Free

Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 274 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (271 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed by : Tor Andræ

Download or read book Mohammed written by Tor Andræ and published by . This book was released on 1971 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Mohammed, the Man and His Faith

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ISBN 13 : 9780415426008
Total Pages : 196 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (26 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed, the Man and His Faith by : Tor Andræ

Download or read book Mohammed, the Man and His Faith written by Tor Andræ and published by . This book was released on 2008 with total page 196 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:


Download Mohammed PDF Online Free

Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 144 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed by : Edgar Royston Pike

Download or read book Mohammed written by Edgar Royston Pike and published by . This book was released on 1962 with total page 144 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A biography of the founder of Islam who is revered by his followers as the first prophet of Allah. Includes chapters on the Koran, what a Moslem believes, and how he practices his faith.

L'Islam La religion de l'humanité

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Publisher : Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore USA
ISBN 13 : 1934271381
Total Pages : 47 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (342 download)


Book Synopsis L'Islam La religion de l'humanité by : Maulana Muhammad Ali

Download or read book L'Islam La religion de l'humanité written by Maulana Muhammad Ali and published by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore USA. This book was released on 2015-04-16 with total page 47 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ce livret de Maulana Muhammad Ali, le célèbre traducteur du Saint Coran, est peut-être l'une des meilleures courtes présentations de son œuvre la Religion de l'Islam. En l'espace de trente-cinq pages, Maulana Muhammad Ali offre une rétrospective concise mais pourtant complète de l'Islam. Les sujets traités dans le livret incluent la signification du nom Islam et quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques distinctives telles que la croyance en tous les prophètes, l'Unité de l'Humanité et l'origine commune de toutes les religions révélées de Dieu. L'auteur fait un compte-rendu succinct mais minutieux des principes fondamentaux de l'Islam comme le concept d'Être Divin, de Révélation Divine, de Prophètes, de Vie après la Mort, le concept des Anges et du Diable, et la signification de la Croyance. Les institutions de la Prière, du Jeûne et du Pèlerinage (Hajj) sont présentées non comme de purs rituels, mais plutôt comme des actes significatifs d'adoration qui, faisant office de fondements pour des actes de bénéfice à l'humanité, favorisent le développement spirituel. L'importance de la Charité (Zakat) et sa signification sont soulignées, et de fausses idées sont dissipées quant aux sujets de préoccupations tels les Droits des Femmes, et la valeur du Jihad en Islam.


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Author :
Publisher : CreateSpace
ISBN 13 : 9781505284850
Total Pages : 44 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (848 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed by : H. E. E. Hayes

Download or read book Mohammed written by H. E. E. Hayes and published by CreateSpace. This book was released on 2014-11-30 with total page 44 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Just as the character of Jesus is stamped upon the religion which originated in His Person, so is the character of Mohammed impressed upon the system which he, with marvellous ingenuity, founded. The practical influence of Islam upon individual lives produces results that reflect unmistakably the character of its founder, and a careful study of the tenets of the system in relation to its history enable the student to estimate the real worth of the man. As the Apostle of God, Mohammed is the ideal of every true Moslem. His life is the standard by which the lives of his followers are tested, although he himself confesses that his life was not holy. In the Koran, and the earlier traditions, he is pictured as being in no way better than his fellows, and as weak and liable to error as the poorest of his contemporaries. Yet later tradition minimises his faults and weakness, and surrounds his person with a halo of glory that makes him appear sinless and almost divine. All the doubtful incidents of his life are either eliminated and ignored, or assiduously supported and defended by his pious, misguided followers.


Download Mohammed PDF Online Free

Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9780415426008
Total Pages : 196 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (26 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed by : Tor Andr

Download or read book Mohammed written by Tor Andr and published by . This book was released on 2008 with total page 196 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Mohammed and the Rise of Islam

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Author :
Publisher : Hardpress Publishing
ISBN 13 : 9781290960564
Total Pages : 578 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (65 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed and the Rise of Islam by : D. S. (David Samuel) Margoliouth

Download or read book Mohammed and the Rise of Islam written by D. S. (David Samuel) Margoliouth and published by Hardpress Publishing. This book was released on 2012-08-01 with total page 578 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.

Mohammed and the Rise of Islam

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 646 pages
Book Rating : 4.F/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed and the Rise of Islam by : David Samuel Margoliouth

Download or read book Mohammed and the Rise of Islam written by David Samuel Margoliouth and published by . This book was released on 1905 with total page 646 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Mohammed and Islam

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Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 386 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (31 download)


Book Synopsis Mohammed and Islam by : Ignác Goldziher

Download or read book Mohammed and Islam written by Ignác Goldziher and published by . This book was released on 1917 with total page 386 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Spirit of Islam

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Publisher : Forgotten Books
ISBN 13 : 9781330262726
Total Pages : 510 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (627 download)


Book Synopsis The Spirit of Islam by : Ameer Ali Syed

Download or read book The Spirit of Islam written by Ameer Ali Syed and published by Forgotten Books. This book was released on 2015-06-02 with total page 510 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Excerpt from The Spirit of Islam: Or the Life and Teachings of Mohammed Since the promulgation of Islâm the world has seen great changes; empires have risen and disappeared; great nationalities have been swept away making room for others; knowledge and culture have drifted from the East to the West; and with knowledge not only power but material prosperity has changed hands. Under the influence of their Prophet, a congeries of warring tribes consolidated into a nation, had for centuries carried aloft the torch of learning for the enlightenment of the world. With the fall of their dominion they ceased to be the preceptors of humanity. The younger nations who succeeded to their heritage continued some of their glory in arms but less in arts and literature. They too declined in power and influence, and now the greatest of them is but a shadow of its former self. And yet as an active, living faith, Islam has lost none of its pristine force nor the magic hold it possesses over its followers. In certain parts of the world it is spreading with greater rapidity than any other creed, and its acceptance among the less advanced races has invariably tended to raise them in the moral scale. As the study of comparative religion, like the study of comparative history, acquires importance in the estimation of scholars and students, the interest in Islam as a motive power in the world will deepen. For outsiders, however, to undestand its genius, and the causes of its unparalleled success in vitalising humanity and its vast potentiality for good, it is necessary to grasp its "spirit," and its aims and aspirations from a philosophical point of view; for the Islamist who desires to act up to the prescriptions of his religion, it is essential he should understand the significance of its ethics, the true meaning of its enunciations, and learn to differentiate between the permanent and the temporary. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.