He Did This Just for You (Pack Of 25)

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ISBN 13 : 9781682161036
Total Pages : 6 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (61 download)


Book Synopsis He Did This Just for You (Pack Of 25) by : Max Lucado

Download or read book He Did This Just for You (Pack Of 25) written by Max Lucado and published by . This book was released on 2001-02-28 with total page 6 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The cross. Can you turn any direction without seeing one? Perched atop a chapel. Carved into a graveyard headstone. Engraved in a ring or suspended on a chain. The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. An odd choice, don't you think? Strange that a tool of torture would come to embody a movement of hope. Would you wear a tiny electric chair around your neck? Suspend a gold-plated hangman's noose on the wall? Would you print a picture of a firing squad on a business card? Yet we do so with the cross. Why is the cross the symbol of our faith? To find the answer look no farther than the cross itself. Its design couldn't be simpler. One beam horizontal-the other vertical. One reaches out-like God's love. The other reaches up-as does God's holiness. One represents the width of His love; the other reflects the height of His holiness. The cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave His children without lowering His standards. How could He do this? In a sentence: God put our sin on His Son and punished it there. "God put on him the wrong who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God" (2 Corinthians 5:21 MSG). Or as rendered elsewhere: "Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner, so that Christ could make us acceptable to God" (CEV). Envision the moment. God on His throne. You on the earth. And between you and God, suspended between you and heaven, is Christ on His cross. Your sins have been placed on Jesus. God, who punishes sin, releases His rightful wrath on your mistakes. Jesus receives the blow. Since Christ is between you and God, you don't. The sin is punished, but you are safe-safe in the shadow of the cross. This is what God did, but why, why would He do it? Moral duty? Heavenly obligation? Paternal requirement? No. God is required to do nothing. Besides, consider what He did. Just for you He gave His Son. His only Son. Would you do that? Would you offer the life of your child for someone else? I wouldn't. There are those for whom I would give my life. But ask me to make a list of those for whom I would kill my daughter? The sheet will be blank. I don't need a pencil. The list has no names. But God's list contains the name of every person who ever lived. For this is the scope of His love. And this is the reason for the cross. He loves the world. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son" (John 3:16 NLT). As boldly as the center beam proclaims God's holiness, the crossbeam declares His love. And, oh, how wide His love reaches. Aren't you glad the verse does not read: "For God so loved the rich..."? Or, "For God so loved the famous..."? Or, "For God so loved the thin..."? It doesn't. Nor does it state, "For God so loved the Europeans or Africans..." "the sober or successful..." "the young or the old..." No, when we read John 3:16, we simply (and happily) read, "For God so loved the world." How wide is God's love? Wide enough for the whole world. Are you included in the world? Then you are included in God's love. God's love is just for you. It's nice to be included. You aren't always. Universities exclude you if you aren't smart enough. Businesses exclude you if you aren't qualified enough, and, sadly, some churches exclude you if you aren't good enough. But though they may exclude you, Christ includes you. When asked to describe the width of His love, He stretched one hand to the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that position so you would know He died loving you. But isn't there a limit? Surely there has to be an end to this love. You'd think so, wouldn't you? But David the adulterer never found it. Paul the murderer never found it. Peter the liar never found it. When it came to life, they hit bottom. But when it came to God's love, they never did. They, like you, found their names on God's list of love. Because God loves you, He has invited you to enjoy eternal life with Him in Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6 NIV). Jesus made a way to accept God's invitation, and He did it just for you. Accept God's invitation by believing that Jesus received the punishment for your sin by His death on the cross. Confess that you've sinned and ask His forgiveness. Invite Him into your life and ask for God's help to turn from your sin. You can pray something like this: Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Thank You for sending Jesus to suffer the punishment deserved for my sin. Please come into my life and help me live a life that pleases You. Amen. If you have just accepted God's invitation to you, write your name below as a testimony of your decision. Then write to us and we'll send you free literature to help you grow in your new life with Christ. Excerpted from He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Win Your Heart by Max Lucado. (c)2000 Max Lucado. Used by permission of Word Publishing, Nashville, TN.

He Did This Just for You

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Author :
Publisher : Thomas Nelson Inc
ISBN 13 : 0849916836
Total Pages : 54 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (499 download)


Book Synopsis He Did This Just for You by : Max Lucado

Download or read book He Did This Just for You written by Max Lucado and published by Thomas Nelson Inc. This book was released on 2001-01-10 with total page 54 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Building on stories and illustrations from the book He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado, this 64-page evangelistic book leads readers through God's plan of salvation and offers an invitation to accept Christ. It's the perfect way to introduce the gospel to friends and acquaintances.

He Did This Just for You (Spanish, Pack Of 25)

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9781682161043
Total Pages : 6 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (61 download)


Book Synopsis He Did This Just for You (Spanish, Pack Of 25) by : Max Lucado

Download or read book He Did This Just for You (Spanish, Pack Of 25) written by Max Lucado and published by . This book was released on 2008-01-31 with total page 6 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Puedes mirar en cualquier direcciOn sin contemplar una? Colocada encima de una capilla. Esculpida en una lApida mortuoria en un cementerio. Grabada en un anillo o colgada de una cadena. La cruz es el sImbolo universal de la cristiandad. Una selecciOn algo rara, no crees? Es extraNo que un instrumento de tortura haya llegado a repre-sentar un movimiento de esperanza. LlevarIas una pequeNa silla elEctrica pen-diendo de tu cuello? O colocarIas una soga para ahorcar en tu pared? ImprimirIas en tu tarjeta de negocios la fotografIa de un pelotOn listo para fusilar un reo en el paredOn? No obstante, esto es lo que hacemos con la cruz. Por quE es que la cruz es el sImbolo de nuestra fe? Para encontrar la respuesta, no tienes que mirar mAs allA de la misma cruz. Su diseNo no podrIa ser mAs simple. Una viga horizontal, la otra vertical. Una se extiende al lado--como el amor de Dios. La otra se extiende hacia arriba --asI como hace la santidad de Dios. Una representa la anchura de su amor; la otra simboliza la altura de su santidad. La cruz es donde se intersecan las dos. La cruz es el lugar donde Dios perdonO a sus hijos sin disminuir sus demandas. COmo pudo hacer esto? En pocos palabras: Dios puso nuestro pecado sobre su Hijo y allI lo castigO. "Al que no cometiO pecado alguno, por nosotros Dios lo tratO como pecador, para que en El recibiEramos la justicia de Dios" (2 Corintios 5:21). O como se dijo en otro lugar: "Cristo nunca pecO! Pero Dios lo tratO como si fuera pecador, para que Cristo pudiera hacernos aceptables a Dios." Visualiza el momento. Dios estA sentado en su trono. TU estAs sobre la tierra. Y entre tU y Dios, suspendido entre tU y el cielo, estA Cristo sobre su cruz. Tus pecados han sido puestos sobre JesUs. Dios, quien castiga el pecado, descarga su ira justa sobre tus transgresiones. Cristo recibe el golpe. Puesto que Cristo estA entre tU y Dios, tU no lo recibes. El pecado ha sido castigado, pero tU estAs seguro--seguro en la sombra de la cruz. Esto es lo que Dios hizo, pero Por quE? Por quE lo harIa? Deber moral? ObligaciOn celestial? Requisito paternal? No. A Dios no se le puede exigir que haga cosa alguna. AdemAs, considera lo que hizo. Especialmente por ti dio a su Hijo. Su Hijo Unico. TU harIas eso? OfrecerIas la vida de tu hijo por otra persona? Yo no lo harIa. Hay algunas por quiEnes darIa mi vida. Pero pIdeme que haga una lista de las personas por las cuales sacrificarIa a mi hija y la hoja quedarA en blanco. No necesito lApiz. La lista no tiene nombre alguno. Pero la lista elaborada por Dios contiene el nombre de toda persona que haya vivido. Porque Este es el alcance de su amor. Y Esta es la razOn de la cruz. El ama al mundo. "Porque tanto amO Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigEnito" (Juan 3:16). Tan audazmente como la viga vertical proclama la santidad de Dios, la viga transversal declara su amor. Y, cuAn ancho es el alcance de su amor! Seguro que estAs contento porque el versIculo no reza: "Porque tanto amO Dios al rico..." O, "Porque tanto amO Dios al famoso..." O, "Porque tanto amO Dios al delgado...." No lo hace. Tampoco declara, "Porque tanto amO Dios a los europeos o africanos..." "los sobrios o exitosos..." "los jOvenes o los ancianos...." No! Cuando leemos Juan 3:16, leemos simplemente (y con contentamiento), "Porque tanto amO Dios al mundo." QuE tan ancho es el amor de Dios? Lo suficientemente ancho para abarcar el mundo entero. TU te encuentras entre los del mundo? Entonces el amor de Dios te alcanza. El amor de Dios es especialmente por ti. Es bueno sentirse aceptado. No siempre es asI. Las universidades te excluyen si no eres lo suficientemente inteligente. Los negocios te excluyen si no eres competente y, lastimosamente, algunas iglesias te excluyen si no eres lo suficientemente bueno. Pero, aunque ellas te excluyan, Cristo te acepta. Cuando a El le pidieron describir la anchura de su amor, El extendiO una mano a la derecha y la otra a la izquierda para que las clavaran en esa posiciOn para que tU supieras que muriO amAndote. Pero, es que no hay lImite? Seguro que ese amor tiene un lImite. TU lo pensarIas, no? Pero el adUltero Rey David nunca lo encontrO. El apOstol Pablo el asesino nunca lo encontrO. El apOstol Pedro el mentiroso nunca lo encontrO. Cuando se trata de la vida, todos ellos llegaron a lo mAs bajo. Pero cuando se trata del amor de Dios, ellos nunca encontraron su lImite. Ellos, igual que tU, encontraron sus nombres en la lista de los que Dios ama. --Max Lucado Porque Dios te ama, te invita a gozar de la vida eterna con El en el cielo. JesUs dijo, "Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida .... Nadie llega al Padre sino por mI" (Juan 14:6). JesUs hizo posible que aceptAramos la invitaciOn divina, y lo hizo especialmente por ti. Acepta tU la invitaciOn de Dios para que creas JesUs recibiO el castigo por tu pecado a travEs de su muerte en la cruz. Confiesa que has pecado y pIdele que te perdone. InvItale que entre en tu vida y pide la ayuda divina para abandonar tu pecado. Puedes orar algo como lo siguiente: "Amado Dios, confieso que soy pecador y que necesito tu perdOn. Gracias por enviar a JesUs para sufrir el castigo que mi pecado merece. Por favor, entra en mi vida y ayUdame a vivir una vida que te agrade. AmEn." Si acabas de aceptar la invitaciOn que Dios te hace, escribe tu nombre en el espacio abajo como testimonio de tu decisiOn. Luego escrIbenos y te mandaremos literatura gratuita que te ayudarA a crecer en tu nueva vida con Cristo.

Grace (Pack Of 25)

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ISBN 13 : 9781682160909
Total Pages : 6 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (69 download)


Book Synopsis Grace (Pack Of 25) by : Good News Tracts

Download or read book Grace (Pack Of 25) written by Good News Tracts and published by . This book was released on 2013-08-31 with total page 6 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Based on the book Grace, Max Lucado explains that there is nothing we can do to deserve or earn Gods loveits only by Gods grace.

3:16 Bible Study Guide

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Author :
Publisher : HarperChristian Resources
ISBN 13 : 141858679X
Total Pages : 129 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (185 download)


Book Synopsis 3:16 Bible Study Guide by : Max Lucado

Download or read book 3:16 Bible Study Guide written by Max Lucado and published by HarperChristian Resources. This book was released on 2007-09-09 with total page 129 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: If 9/11 are the numbers of terror and despair, then 3:16 are the numbers of hope. Best-selling author Max Lucado leads readers through a word-by-word study of John 3:16, the passage that he calls the "Hope Diamond" of scripture. The study includes 12 lessons that are designed to work with both the trade book and the Indelible DVD for a multi-media experience.

Father's Love Letter

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Author :
Publisher : Moody Publishers
ISBN 13 : 1600669948
Total Pages : 147 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (6 download)


Book Synopsis Father's Love Letter by : Barry Adams

Download or read book Father's Love Letter written by Barry Adams and published by Moody Publishers. This book was released on 2007-03-01 with total page 147 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Father's Love Letter by Barry Adams is a series of paraphrased Scriptures that take on the form of a love letter from God and will impact your heart, soul and spirit. Experience the love you have been looking for all your life. This gift book contains beautiful full-color photographs and fifty-seven powerful devotional thoughts. A prayer that will help you put into words your response to God follows each devotional thought.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (25-Pack)

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Author :
Publisher : Good News Publishers
ISBN 13 : 9781682164358
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (643 download)


Book Synopsis I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (25-Pack) by : Billy Graham

Download or read book I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (25-Pack) written by Billy Graham and published by Good News Publishers. This book was released on 2024-09-17 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Evangelist and author Billy Graham proclaims that "the way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ." This redesigned tract explains the undeserved gift of salvation.


Download Verity PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : Grand Central Publishing
ISBN 13 : 153872474X
Total Pages : 295 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (387 download)


Book Synopsis Verity by : Colleen Hoover

Download or read book Verity written by Colleen Hoover and published by Grand Central Publishing. This book was released on 2021-10-05 with total page 295 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Whose truth is the lie? Stay up all night reading the sensational psychological thriller that has readers obsessed, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Too Late and It Ends With Us. #1 New York Times Bestseller · USA Today Bestseller · Globe and Mail Bestseller · Publishers Weekly Bestseller Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity’s notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn’t expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of the night her family was forever altered. Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents could devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen’s feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife’s words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue loving her.

This was Your Life!

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ISBN 13 : 9780758900005
Total Pages : 22 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis This was Your Life! by : Jack T. Chick

Download or read book This was Your Life! written by Jack T. Chick and published by . This book was released on 2002 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Vicious Circle

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Publisher : Penguin
ISBN 13 : 0399185496
Total Pages : 401 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (991 download)


Book Synopsis Vicious Circle by : C. J. Box

Download or read book Vicious Circle written by C. J. Box and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2018-01-23 with total page 401 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Don’t miss the JOE PICKETT series—now streaming on Paramount+ The past comes back to haunt game warden Joe Pickett and his family with devastating effect in this thrilling novel from #1 New York Times–bestselling author C. J. Box. The plane circled in the dark. Joe Pickett could just make out down below a figure in the snow and timber, and then three other figures closing in. There was nothing he could do about it. And Joe knew that he might be their next target. The Cates family had always been a bad lot. Game warden Joe Pickett had been able to strike a fierce blow against them when the life of his daughter April had been endangered, but he’d always wondered if there’d be a day of reckoning. He’s not wondering any longer. Joe knows they’re coming after him and his family now. He has his friend Nate by his side, but will that be enough this time? All he can do is prepare...and wait for them to make the first move.

I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die

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Author :
Publisher : WaterBrook
ISBN 13 : 0593193539
Total Pages : 257 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (931 download)


Book Synopsis I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die by : Sarah J. Robinson

Download or read book I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die written by Sarah J. Robinson and published by WaterBrook. This book was released on 2021-05-11 with total page 257 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A compassionate, shame-free guide for your darkest days “A one-of-a-kind book . . . to read for yourself or give to a struggling friend or loved one without the fear that depression and suicidal thoughts will be minimized, medicalized or over-spiritualized.”—Kay Warren, cofounder of Saddleback Church What happens when loving Jesus doesn’t cure you of depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? You might be crushed by shame over your mental illness, only to be told by well-meaning Christians to “choose joy” and “pray more.” So you beg God to take away the pain, but nothing eases the ache inside. As darkness lingers and color drains from your world, you’re left wondering if God has abandoned you. You just want a way out. But there’s hope. In I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die, Sarah J. Robinson offers a healthy, practical, and shame-free guide for Christians struggling with mental illness. With unflinching honesty, Sarah shares her story of battling depression and fighting to stay alive despite toxic theology that made her afraid to seek help outside the church. Pairing her own story with scriptural insights, mental health research, and simple practices, Sarah helps you reconnect with the God who is present in our deepest anguish and discover that you are worth everything it takes to get better. Beautifully written and full of hard-won wisdom, I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die offers a path toward a rich, hope-filled life in Christ, even when healing doesn’t look like what you expect.

Facing the Death of Someone You Love (Pack Of 25)

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ISBN 13 : 9781682160565
Total Pages : 12 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (65 download)


Book Synopsis Facing the Death of Someone You Love (Pack Of 25) by : Good News Publishers

Download or read book Facing the Death of Someone You Love (Pack Of 25) written by Good News Publishers and published by . This book was released on 2012-08-31 with total page 12 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Elisabeth Elliot's practical words of comfort will guide others through their sorrow at the time of loss and give them reassurance that their God will never abandon them.

I Know This Much Is True

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Publisher : Cambridge University Press
ISBN 13 : 9780060391621
Total Pages : 884 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (916 download)


Book Synopsis I Know This Much Is True by : Wally Lamb

Download or read book I Know This Much Is True written by Wally Lamb and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 1998-06-03 with total page 884 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: With his stunning debut novel, She's Come Undone, Wally Lamb won the adulation of critics and readers with his mesmerizing tale of one woman's painful yet triumphant journey of self-discovery. Now, this brilliantly talented writer returns with I Know This Much Is True, a heartbreaking and poignant multigenerational saga of the reproductive bonds of destruction and the powerful force of forgiveness. A masterpiece that breathtakingly tells a story of alienation and connection, power and abuse, devastation and renewal--this novel is a contemporary retelling of an ancient Hindu myth. A proud king must confront his demons to achieve salvation. Change yourself, the myth instructs, and you will inhabit a renovated world. When you're the same brother of a schizophrenic identical twin, the tricky thing about saving yourself is the blood it leaves on your bands--the little inconvenience of the look-alike corpse at your feet. And if you're into both survival of the fittest and being your brother's keeper--if you've promised your dying mother--then say so long to sleep and hello to the middle of the night. Grab a book or a beer. Get used to Letterman's gap-toothed smile of the absurd, or the view of the bedroom ceiling, or the influence of random selection. Take it from a godless insomniac. Take it from the uncrazy twin--the guy who beat the biochemical rap. Dominick Birdsey's entire life has been compromised and constricted by anger and fear, by the paranoid schizophrenic twin brother he both deeply loves and resents, and by the past they shared with their adoptive father, Ray, a spit-and-polish ex-Navy man (the five-foot-six-inch sleeping giant who snoozed upstairs weekdays in the spare room and built submarines at night), and their long-suffering mother, Concettina, a timid woman with a harelip that made her shy and self-conscious: She holds a loose fist to her face to cover her defective mouth--her perpetual apology to the world for a birth defect over which she'd had no control. Born in the waning moments of 1949 and the opening minutes of 1950, the twins are physical mirror images who grow into separate yet connected entities: the seemingly strong and protective yet fearful Dominick, his mother's watchful "monkey"; and the seemingly weak and sweet yet noble Thomas, his mother's gentle "bunny." From childhood, Dominick fights for both separation and wholeness--and ultimately self-protection--in a house of fear dominated by Ray, a bully who abuses his power over these stepsons whose biological father is a mystery. I was still afraid of his anger but saw how he punished weakness--pounced on it. Out of self-preservation I hid my fear, Dominick confesses. As for Thomas, he just never knew how to play defense. He just didn't get it. But Dominick's talent for survival comes at an enormous cost, including the breakup of his marriage to the warm, beautiful Dessa, whom he still loves. And it will be put to the ultimate test when Thomas, a Bible-spouting zealot, commits an unthinkable act that threatens the tenuous balance of both his and Dominick's lives. To save himself, Dominick must confront not only the pain of his past but the dark secrets he has locked deep within himself, and the sins of his ancestors--a quest that will lead him beyond the confines of his blue-collar New England town to the volcanic foothills of Sicily 's Mount Etna, where his ambitious and vengefully proud grandfather and a namesake Domenico Tempesta, the sostegno del famiglia, was born. Each of the stories Ma told us about Papa reinforced the message that he was the boss, that he ruled the roost, that what he said went. Searching for answers, Dominick turns to the whispers of the dead, to the pages of his grandfather's handwritten memoir, The History of Domenico Onofrio Tempesta, a Great Man from Humble Beginnings. Rendered with touches of magic realism, Domenico's fablelike tale--in which monkeys enchant and religious statues weep--becomes the old man's confession--an unwitting legacy of contrition that reveals the truth's of Domenico's life, Dominick learns that power, wrongly used, defeats the oppressor as well as the oppressed, and now, picking through the humble shards of his deconstructed life, he will search for the courage and love to forgive, to expiate his and his ancestors' transgressions, and finally to rebuild himself beyond the haunted shadow of his twin. Set against the vivid panoply of twentieth-century America and filled with richly drawn, memorable characters, this deeply moving and thoroughly satisfying novel brings to light humanity's deepest needs and fears, our aloneness, our desire for love and acceptance, our struggle to survive at all costs. Joyous, mystical, and exquisitely written, I Know This Much Is True is an extraordinary reading experience that will leave no reader untouched.

The Canning Trade

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 1890 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (31 download)


Book Synopsis The Canning Trade by :

Download or read book The Canning Trade written by and published by . This book was released on 1927 with total page 1890 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Edupreneur: How To Monetise Your Expertise and Profitably Educate Your Market

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Author :
Publisher : Maintraining Pty Limited
ISBN 13 : 9780648079002
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (79 download)


Book Synopsis Edupreneur: How To Monetise Your Expertise and Profitably Educate Your Market by : Sarah Cordiner

Download or read book Edupreneur: How To Monetise Your Expertise and Profitably Educate Your Market written by Sarah Cordiner and published by Maintraining Pty Limited. This book was released on 2017-09 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Education is the new currency.Regardless of what business or industry you are in; if you wish to sell what you have to others, your commercial survival depends on you becoming the EDUPRENEUR.Consumers are tired of sales pitches and promises, and instead are seeking information and knowledge. By giving it to them you get to demonstrate your capability and expertise as much as they get to experience it - making you choice number 1 for their needs.Edupreneurs strategically share their expertise in a way that provides unprecedented global reach, immeasurable impact on the lives of others, and unlimited income potential.Every single person on Earth has an abundant and unique set of skills, experiences, and knowledge that could be turned into commercially profitable products and services.In this book, Sarah Cordiner will take you through the fundamentals of monetising your expertise and profitably sharing what you know with the world.Whether you are an absolute beginner in creating and selling information and education-based products and services, or are up-levelling to a serious education-based business operation; this book will help you get there.Inside this book:How to commercialise your skills, knowledge, and expertise and start profiting from what is already in your head.How to create your own unique `funnel of service',so that you no longer need to `sell', and instead have your customers coming eagerly to you for your advice and expertise.A deep dive into the 10 stages of designing and building a highly successful information or education-based business so that you maximise your impact and income.How to price your informational and educational products and services; including courses, consulting, workshops and more.Where and how to sell your educational products for maximum exposure and sales - particularly online courses.The critical elements of an online education based business. What online tools, apps and products you need and how they all fit together for maximum profitability, scalability, and automation. How to use your expertise to become a well-known leader in your industry.

Steps to Peace with God: Scenic Version

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ISBN 13 : 9781593285579
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (855 download)


Book Synopsis Steps to Peace with God: Scenic Version by : Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Download or read book Steps to Peace with God: Scenic Version written by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and published by . This book was released on 2017-03 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Adventurer's Son

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Author :
Publisher : HarperCollins
ISBN 13 : 0062876627
Total Pages : 345 pages
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Book Synopsis The Adventurer's Son by : Roman Dial

Download or read book The Adventurer's Son written by Roman Dial and published by HarperCollins. This book was released on 2020-02-18 with total page 345 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: NATIONAL BESTSELLER "Destined to become an adventure classic." —Anchorage Daily News Hailed as "gripping" (New York Times) and "beautiful" (Washington Post), The Adventurer's Son is Roman Dial’s extraordinary and widely acclaimed account of his two-year quest to unravel the mystery of his son’s disappearance in the jungles of Costa Rica. In the predawn hours of July 10, 2014, the twenty-seven-year-old son of preeminent Alaskan scientist and National Geographic Explorer Roman Dial, walked alone into Corcovado National Park, an untracked rainforest along Costa Rica’s remote Pacific Coast that shelters miners, poachers, and drug smugglers. He carried a light backpack and machete. Before he left, Cody Roman Dial emailed his father: “I am not sure how long it will take me, but I’m planning on doing 4 days in the jungle and a day to walk out. I’ll be bounded by a trail to the west and the coast everywhere else, so it should be difficult to get lost forever.” They were the last words Dial received from his son. As soon as he realized Cody Roman’s return date had passed, Dial set off for Costa Rica. As he trekked through the dense jungle, interviewing locals and searching for clues—the authorities suspected murder—the desperate father was forced to confront the deepest questions about himself and his own role in the events. Roman had raised his son to be fearless, to be at home in earth’s wildest places, travelling together through rugged Alaska to remote Borneo and Bhutan. Was he responsible for his son’s fate? Or, as he hoped, was Cody Roman safe and using his wilderness skills on a solo adventure from which he would emerge at any moment? Part detective story set in the most beautiful yet dangerous reaches of the planet, The Adventurer’s Son emerges as a far deeper tale of discovery—a journey to understand the truth about those we love the most. The Adventurer’s Son includes fifty black-and-white photographs.