Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih / Medieval archaeology of Bled Island

Download Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih / Medieval archaeology of Bled Island PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : Založba ZRC
ISBN 13 : 9610501915
Total Pages : 393 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (15 download)


Book Synopsis Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih / Medieval archaeology of Bled Island by : Benjamin Štular

Download or read book Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih / Medieval archaeology of Bled Island written by Benjamin Štular and published by Založba ZRC. This book was released on 2020-01-01 with total page 393 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Pričujoča knjiga je nastala z namenom, da odgovori na vprašanje: ali je v arheoloških virih izpričano predkrščansko svetišče na Blejskem otoku? Blejski otok je imel poseben pomen za vsako lokalno skupnost, ki je kadarkoli živela ob Blejskem jezeru. Pisanje J. V. Valvasorja in A. T. Linharta je sloves otoka poneslo širše, dokončno pa ga je usidral v kulturno zavest Slovencev France Prešeren, ki je na otok v pesmi Krst pri Savici postavil Živin hram. Arheologija, kot vsaka znanost, zahteva kompleksen pristop. V knjigi je predstavljena arheološka analiza dokumentacije izkopavanj, ki so bila na Blejskem otoku med letoma 1962 in 1965. Takrat je pod vodstvom Vinka Šribarja ekipa Narodnega muzeja Slovenije raziskali grobišče in ostanke cerkvenih zidov iz srednjega veka. Najdišče je eno od številnih v blejski mikro-regiji, a je kot kraj – otok na jezeru – posebnost med najdišči v Sloveniji. Obsežno nalogo smo si razdelili sodelavci ZRC SAZU in Narodnega muzeja Slovenije na analizo grobišča (Knific, Bitenc) in stratigrafsko ter stavbno analizo (Štular). Analizi sta nastajali vzporedno in neodvisno druga od druge, a delitev nalog se je izkazala za neizvedljivo. Zaradi prepletanja virov smo vsi raziskovali vse. Končna izdelka smo nameravali združiti v homogeno celoto. Vendar se je kmalu pokazalo, da so podvajanja prej izjema kot pravilo, bogastvo različnih pristopov pa neizmerno. Zato sta oba dela predstavljena neokrnjena, uporabljata pa seveda enoten znanstveni aparat: katalog grobov, table predmetov, reprodukcije izvirne dokumentacije. Zaradi izjemno slabega stanja arhiva kostnega gradiva antropološke analize ni bilo mogoče enakovredno vključiti v proces interpretacije najdišča. Z namenom pripraviti celostno objavo vsega dostopnega gradiva antropološko gradivo predstavljamo v ločenem poglavju (Leben Seljak). V zaključku knjige predstavljamo izsledke izkopavanj pri Bodeščah (Modrijan). Predstavitvi arheoloških izsledkov o Blejskem otoku sledi širok pregled fenomena mitične pokrajine, njene izvedbe v blejskem kotu ter umesti Blejski otok v njen kontekst (Pleterski). Napovedni model potrdi njen obstoj z izkopavanji v Bodeščah. V kontekstu mitične pokrajine se pokaže Blejski otok kot sveto mesto, na kterem so potekali vsakoletni obredi. Tam je bil grob mitičnega lika, ki ga v Sloveniji poznamo kot kralja Matjaža.

The Invisible Slavs

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Author :
Publisher : Založba ZRC
ISBN 13 : 9612544409
Total Pages : 200 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (125 download)


Book Synopsis The Invisible Slavs by : Andrej Pleterski

Download or read book The Invisible Slavs written by Andrej Pleterski and published by Založba ZRC. This book was released on 2013-01-01 with total page 200 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Èe izraz »prazgodovina« uporabimo za èas in prostor, ki ga pisni viri ne »vidijo«, potem imamo ozemlja, ki so »prazgodovinska« tudi v èasu, ki sicer splošno velja za »zgodovino«. V tem pomenu še vedno obstajajo v Evropi v èasu zgodnjega srednjega veka obširna ozemlja, kjer stanje pisnih virov lahko opišemo kot prazgodovinsko. Še posebej velja to za ozemlja, ki so jih naseljevali Slovani. Mednje spada tudi današnja Slovenija, kjer leži Bled. Ta »stopi v zgodovino« šele leta 1004. Ali je ob tem notranji pogled v življenje za pisne vire nevidnih ljudi sploh mogoè? Res se ne moremo preprosto prestaviti v minuli èas, da bi si ogledali, kako je bilo. Lahko pa se postavimo v isti prostor (isti vsaj v koordinatnem smislu) in poišèemo vse preostanke nekdanjega življenja, ki so se zapisali v jezik, imena, ljudsko izroèilo, oblikovanje in urejanje prostora, razliène materialne ostanke, celo v mnogo mlajše pisne vire kot svojevrstni odmevi starejšega dogajanja. Najmanj, kar lahko z vsem tem dosežemo, je vloga pasivnega opazovalca. Zato skuša ta knjiga s souporabo razliènih vrst virov (pisnih, arheoloških, etnoloških, filoloških, historièno-geografskih) pokazati, da naloga, ujeti notranji pogled, morda ni povsem neuresnièljiva. Podoba zgodnjesrednjeveške blejske družbe, ki se na ta naèin oblikuje, je slika gospodarsko in upravno-politièno povezane celote. Ali so jo tedaj v resnici imenovali župa Bled, nam pisni viri sicer ne povedo, vsaj verjetno pa je. Srednjeveški pisci govorijo o Slovanih kot ljudeh pretežno enakega jezika, prava in obièajev. Kot osnovne politiène gradnike slovanskega sveta lahko predpostavljamo posamezne župe, ki so bile podobno strukturirane, s sorodnim jezikom, pravom, obièaji in rituali, kar je predpogoj za vtis celote, ki so ga imeli vsi, ki so Slovane opisovali. Morda je ustrezna matematièna prispodoba, ki enaèi župe z nekakimi fraktali, saj na ravni vsake župe najdemo tisto, kar lahko sicer opazujemo tudi na ravni grupacij posamiènih žup v veèje teritorialne skupine. V takem fraktalnem smislu je vsaka župa resnièni pars pro toto celote. Domišljati si, da s poznavanjem ene župe poznamo vse, je že samo zaradi razliènih geografskih okolij seveda hudo pretiravanje, gotovo pa ni preveè predrzna misel, da smo s tem vendarle pomembno napredovali tudi v razumevanju celote. _ _ _ _ _ Is the inside-view into the life of people invisible to the written records possible, then? One cannot simple transfer oneself into the past and observe. However, one can immerse in the same landscape and seek for the residuals of the past in language, place names, folklore, ordering of the landscape and various material remains, or even in younger written records in the form of the so called wirkungsgeschichte (record of younger consequence of an earlier phenomenon). The least one achieves is the role of the passive observer. It is the aim of this book to go even further and to demonstrate that the "inside" perspective is not unattainable; it can be achieved by using a combination of various sources: written sources, archaeology, ethnology, philology and historic geography. The image of early medieval society in the Bled micro-region thus forming reveals the community with tightly economic and political ties. Weather or not it was referred to as Župa Bled is not confirmed by the written sources but it is at least likely. Medieval authors refer to the Slavs as the people that are mostly speaking the same language and are following similar traditions and law. It would seem that the Slavs' society was based on a series of small territorial entities, known as župa. These had all a similar social structure, language, law, traditions and rituals – all of these were necessary in order for the Slavs to be perceived by the others – the medieval writers – as an entity. Using a mathematical metaphor the comparison with the fractals is perhaps in order. It explains the observed behaviour of the medieval Slavic society in which each individual župa behaves the same as larger territorial entity consisted of numerous župa's does. In this simile each župa is indeed a pars pro toto of the whole. To assume that by knowing Župa Bled we became familiar with the entire medieval Slavic society would be presumptuous solely on the grounds of environmental differences, not to dwell on numerous other variables. But it is not, we believe, stretching the truth to say that our knowledge of the whole has been significantly advanced.

Grave Orientation In The Middle Ages

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Author :
Publisher : Založba ZRC
ISBN 13 : 961050633X
Total Pages : 108 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (15 download)


Book Synopsis Grave Orientation In The Middle Ages by : Benjamin Štular

Download or read book Grave Orientation In The Middle Ages written by Benjamin Štular and published by Založba ZRC. This book was released on 2022 with total page 108 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Namen knjige je prikazati pomen orientacije grobov za srednjeveško arheologijo smrti in pokopov. Pri tem sta poudarjeni dve ključni točki. Prvič, orientacija grobov je bila v srednjem veku pomemben in v nekaterih primerih najpomembnejši način izražanja simbolnega pomena pokopov. Drugič, da bi arheologi razvozlali ta pomen, mora biti analiza izvedena z metodološko strogostjo, pri interpretaciji pa je potrebno upoštevati širši kontekst. Blejski otok je otoček na Blejskem jezeru, ki ima za sodobne Slovence poseben pomen, za lokalno prebivalstvo pa je imel poseben pomen že od prazgodovine dalje. Zato ni presenetljivo, da sta srednjeveški pokopališči in cerkev na otočku prežeti s simboliko. In veliko te simbolike je bilo izražene z usmeritvijo posameznih grobov, skupin grobov in cerkvene stavbe. V knjigi je zbranih deset besedil – sedem antropoloških hodopisnih esejev, pospremljenih z dvema daljšima uvodnima tekstoma ter epilogom o hoji in pisanju kot dveh utečenih, a na tem mestu sveže premišljenih metodah antropološkega in etnološkega razisko­vanja. Sedem esejev se sprehodi po obmejnih pokrajinah Istre, Goričkega, Porabja, Koroške in Julijskih Alp, predhodi jim dialoška faza brušenja misli med različno formi­ranimi raziskovalci, končno pa vseh sedem izriše svojo sled v vmesnem prostoru med znanstvenim tekstom in esejistiko. Z osredotočanjem na korake, besede in poti, bodisi prehojene ali zapisane, poskuša knjiga osvetliti vmesni prostor, hojo in pisanje pa pri tem razume kot spoznavni proces, terensko izkušnjo, kot del dolgega pogovora, ki me­andrira med okljuki življenja. Gre za hibridno, robno, tudi mejno in drzno meditativno hodopisje, ki bralcu ponudi nedokonč(a)ne eksperimentalne antropološke tekste.

Roman urban landscape

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Author :
Publisher : Založba ZRC
ISBN 13 : 9610508278
Total Pages : 521 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (15 download)


Book Synopsis Roman urban landscape by : Mateja Belak

Download or read book Roman urban landscape written by Mateja Belak and published by Založba ZRC. This book was released on 2024 with total page 521 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Knjiga predstavlja nove elemente urbanističnih vidikov rimskih mest in manjših naselij na območju Caput Adriae, Norika in Panonije. V 26 prispevkih 54 avtorjev iz osmih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije) poskuša razširiti védenje o razvoju mest in nekaterih drugih pomembnih naselij. Prva dva članka predstavljata širše, a različne poglede na urbanizacijo. V naslednjem delu je obravnavanih 22 naselij. Skrajni severovzhod X. regije predstavljajo štiri naselja (Aquileja, Tergeste, Emona in Nauport). V knjigo je vključena večina avtonomnih mest v Noriku ter nekatera druga naselbinska območja (Celeja, Flavia Solva, Virunum, Štalenska gora, Teurnija, Aguntum, Iuvavum, Ovilava, Lauriacum, Stein). Iz provinc Panonija Superior (Vindobona, Carnuntum, Strebersdorf, Savarija, Poetovio, Aquae Iasae) in Panonija Inferior (Mursa, Bassiane) so predstavljena izbrana mesta in manjša naselja. Območje se nahaja na stičišču med vzhodno in zahodno polovico cesarstva in zajema dele treh geografskih enot (tj. sredozemskega, alpskega in celinskega sveta), zaradi česar bi lahko bila knjiga zanimiva za širše razumevanje delovanja rimskega imperija.

Acta archaeologica

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 334 pages
Book Rating : 4.F/5 ( download)


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Download or read book Acta archaeologica written by and published by . This book was released on 2010 with total page 334 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:


Download Balcanoslavica PDF Online Free

Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 176 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Balcanoslavica by :

Download or read book Balcanoslavica written by and published by . This book was released on 1983 with total page 176 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

From the Baltic to the Black Sea

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Author :
Publisher : Psychology Press
ISBN 13 : 9780044451198
Total Pages : 346 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (511 download)


Book Synopsis From the Baltic to the Black Sea by : David Austin

Download or read book From the Baltic to the Black Sea written by David Austin and published by Psychology Press. This book was released on 1990 with total page 346 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Complete Travel Guide for Slovenia

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Author :
Publisher : Youguide International BV
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 245 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Complete Travel Guide for Slovenia by : YouGuide

Download or read book The Complete Travel Guide for Slovenia written by YouGuide and published by Youguide International BV. This book was released on with total page 245 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The Complete Travel Guide Series" offers a comprehensive exploration of diverse destinations worldwide. Each book provides detailed insights into local culture, history, attractions, and practical travel tips, ensuring travellers are well-prepared to embark on memorable journeys. With vibrant illustrations, beautiful pictures and up to date information, this series is an essential companion for any type of traveller seeking enriching experiences.

Moon Croatia & Slovenia

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Author :
Publisher : Moon Travel
ISBN 13 : 1640493476
Total Pages : 819 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (44 download)


Book Synopsis Moon Croatia & Slovenia by : Shann Fountain Alipour

Download or read book Moon Croatia & Slovenia written by Shann Fountain Alipour and published by Moon Travel. This book was released on 2019-06-25 with total page 819 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sun-drenched villages and warm beaches, thick forests and snow-capped mountains: Immerse yourself in a postcard come to life with Moon Croatia & Slovenia. Inside you'll find: Flexible itineraries from one week in each country to two weeks in both, including a side trip to Montenegro, plus how to make the most of short stays in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Ljubljana Strategic advice for history buffs, outdoor adventurers, foodies, island-hoppers, families with kids and more Suggestions for a Dalmatian Islands getaway and other day trips to escape the city crowds Must-see highlights and unique experiences: Go truffle hunting in Istria or taste homemade vintages on an ancient wine route. Walk along the creamy stone and red-tiled roofs inside Dubrovnik's 15th-century walls or wander through Ljubljana's historic Tivoli Park. Leave crowded beaches behind and hire a boat to explore lesser-known islands. Wind your way up snowy Mount Sljeme, hike to caves and waterfalls in Croatia's Plitvice Lakes National Park or go rafting in Slovenia's Soca River Expert insight on when to go, what to do, and where to stay from former Zagreb local Shann Fountain Alipour Full-color photos and detailed maps throughout Background information on the landscape, history, and cultural customs of each country Handy tools such as visa information, Croatian, Slovenian, and Montenegrin phrasebooks, and insider tips for traveling with children, as a senior, and more Experience Croatia & Slovenia your way with Moon's practical tips and local insight. Looking for more sunshine? Try Moon Amalfi Coast or Moon Milan & the Italian Lakes. Heading East? Check out Moon Prague, Vienna & Budapest.

Ljubljana Travel Guide

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Publisher : Interactive Media Licensing
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 33 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Ljubljana Travel Guide by : Daniel Windsor

Download or read book Ljubljana Travel Guide written by Daniel Windsor and published by Interactive Media Licensing. This book was released on 2024-05-25 with total page 33 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is a city that beautifully combines the charm of a small town with the amenities and vibrancy of a modern urban center. Nestled in the heart of Europe, it is often described as a hidden gem, offering visitors a unique blend of historical architecture, cultural richness, and a lively atmosphere. The city is characterized by its picturesque river, the Ljubljanica, which flows through its center, creating a scenic backdrop for the city's daily life. One of the most striking features of Ljubljana is its commitment to sustainability and green living. The city center is largely car-free, promoting a pedestrian-friendly environment that encourages walking and cycling. This commitment to eco-friendly practices has earned Ljubljana several awards and recognitions, including the prestigious title of European Green Capital in 2016. Ljubljana's rich history is reflected in its architecture, which ranges from Roman ruins to Baroque buildings and modernist masterpieces. The city's cultural scene is equally vibrant, with numerous museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing both Slovenian and international art. Festivals and events are held throughout the year, celebrating everything from music and film to food and wine. Despite its relatively small size, Ljubljana offers a diverse culinary scene that caters to all tastes. From traditional Slovenian dishes to international cuisine, the city's restaurants and cafes provide a delightful gastronomic experience. The local markets, particularly the Central Market, are a great place to sample fresh produce and local specialties. In addition to its cultural and culinary delights, Ljubljana is surrounded by natural beauty. The city's location offers easy access to outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and skiing, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers. The nearby Julian Alps, Lake Bled, and the stunning Postojna Cave are just a few of the natural attractions that can be explored on day trips from the city. Ljubljana is a city that invites exploration and discovery. Whether you are strolling along the riverbanks, exploring its historic streets, or enjoying its vibrant nightlife, Ljubljana offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

Ancient Stone Sites of New England and the Debate Over Early European Exploration, 2d ed.

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Author :
Publisher : McFarland
ISBN 13 : 1476690731
Total Pages : 245 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (766 download)


Book Synopsis Ancient Stone Sites of New England and the Debate Over Early European Exploration, 2d ed. by : David Goudsward

Download or read book Ancient Stone Sites of New England and the Debate Over Early European Exploration, 2d ed. written by David Goudsward and published by McFarland. This book was released on 2023-10-11 with total page 245 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In New England today there are megalithic stones, stone chambers and structures, carvings and petroglyphs, even an unidentified skeleton in armor that defy easy explanation. From Maine to Massachusetts, this work examines various unexplained historical remains in New England, exploring not only the layout and dimensions of such sites--some reminiscent of Stonehenge with their huge stones, astronomical alignments and undiscovered purposes--but also the history and possible explanations for their existence. Theories regarding Norse, Phoenician, Irish, Celtic and Native American origins are presented here in an impartial and logical manner. Sites discussed include Dighton Rock in Berkley, Massachusetts; Newport Tower in Newport, Rhode Island; the Bellows Falls Petroglyphs in Bellows Falls, Vermont; and Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire (also known as America's Stonehenge), with expanded coverage new to this edition. An appendix provides information regarding sites open to the public.

Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology

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Publisher : London : British Museum Press
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 504 pages
Book Rating : 4.X/5 (4 download)


Book Synopsis Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology by : James P. Delgado

Download or read book Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology written by James P. Delgado and published by London : British Museum Press. This book was released on 1997 with total page 504 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The theory and practice of underwater archaeology includes nearly every archaeological discipline from prehistoric archaeology to the modern era.

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: The Greek Islands

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Author :
Publisher : Penguin
ISBN 13 : 146541360X
Total Pages : 410 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (654 download)


Book Synopsis DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: The Greek Islands by : Marc Dubin

Download or read book DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: The Greek Islands written by Marc Dubin and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2013-06-17 with total page 410 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Now available in PDF format. The DK Eyewitness Greek Islands Travel Guide is your indispensible guide to this beautiful part of the world. The fully updated guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the must-see sites, plus street-by-street maps of all the fascinating cities and towns. The new-look guide is also packed with photographs and illustrations leading you straight to the best attractions on offer. The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel guide will help you to discover everything region-by-region; from local festivals and markets to day trips. Detailed listings will guide you to the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets, whilst detailed practical information will help you to get around, whether by train, bus or car. Plus, DK's excellent insider tips and essential local information will help you explore every corner of the Greek Islands effortlessly. DK Eyewitness Greek Islands Travel Guide - showing you what others only tell you.

The Complete Travel Guide for Ljubljana (Slovenia)

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Author :
Publisher : Youguide International BV
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 127 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Complete Travel Guide for Ljubljana (Slovenia) by :

Download or read book The Complete Travel Guide for Ljubljana (Slovenia) written by and published by Youguide International BV. This book was released on with total page 127 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The Complete Travel Guide" Series offers a comprehensive exploration of diverse destinations worldwide. Each book provides detailed insights into local culture, history, attractions, and practical travel tips, ensuring travellers are well-prepared to embark on memorable journeys. With vibrant illustrations, beautiful pictures and up to date information, this series is an essential companion for any type of traveller seeking enriching experiences.

Post-medieval Archaeology

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 800 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


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Download or read book Post-medieval Archaeology written by and published by . This book was released on 1987 with total page 800 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Cambridge Medieval History

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 608 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (321 download)


Book Synopsis The Cambridge Medieval History by : Henry Melvill Gwatkin

Download or read book The Cambridge Medieval History written by Henry Melvill Gwatkin and published by . This book was released on 1967 with total page 608 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Cities Book

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Author :
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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 440 pages
Book Rating : 4.F/5 ( download)


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Download or read book The Cities Book written by and published by . This book was released on 2006 with total page 440 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Following the success of the bestselling The Travel Book comes The Cities Book, a new pictorial coffee-table book that ventures into the top 200 cities in the world, as voted by Lonely Planet travellers, authors and staff.A gorgeous gift for travellers and dreamers alike, The Cities Book evokes the soul of each city in a lavish double-page spread filled with stunning images and captivating information. Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City are the Canadian entries.Included are vital statistics, such as population and the age of the city, as well as more intimate details, such as the city's origins, its local name and urban myths. Recommendations of the best things to see, do, eat and drink are also included, in case The Cities Book inspires readers to pack their bags and pay a visit.Additional sections of The Cities Book cover the evolution of the city, ancient cities, lost cities and cities of the future.