De Oude Egyptisch Cultuur Onthuld

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Author :
Publisher : Moustafa Gadalla
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 222 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis De Oude Egyptisch Cultuur Onthuld by : Moustafa Gadalla

Download or read book De Oude Egyptisch Cultuur Onthuld written by Moustafa Gadalla and published by Moustafa Gadalla. This book was released on 2017-07-27 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Onthult verschillende aspecten, zoals de grote ouderdom, religieuze overtuigingen en handelingen; sociaal/politiek systeem; taal; muziek, uitgebreide wetenschappen; astronomie, geneeskunde, economie; enz. Deze in het Nederlands vertaalde Editie onthult verschillende aspecten van de oude Egyptische cultuur, zoals de zeer verafgelegen antiquiteiten van Egypte; de Egyptische kenmerken en religieuze overtuigingen en praktijken; hun sociale en politieke systeem; hun kosmische tempels; de rijkdom van hun taal; hun muzikale erfgoed en uitgebreide wetenschappelijke kennis; hun geavanceerde geneeskunde; levendige economie; uitstekende landbouw- en industrieproducten; hun transportsystemen; en nog veel meer. Dit boek onthult een aantal aspecten over de Oude Egyptische cultuur. Deze uitgebreide editie van het boek bestaat uit vier delen met in totaal 16 hoofdstukken, evenals drie Bijlagen. Deel I: Het Volk van Egypte bestaat uit vier hoofdstukken – 1 tot en met 4, als volgt: Hoofdstuk 1: Het Begin bespreekt de periode van de Egyptische oudheden, minstens 39.000 jaar geleden, in overeenstemming met het archeologische, historische en fysieke bewijs; het tijdperk van Leo en de Sfinx; evenals het tijdperk van de Egyptische Sothis kalender, dit is veruit de meest accurate kalender ooit. Hoofdstuk 2: De Egyptische Bevolking gaat over de grondslagen en de kenmerken van het [Oude] Egyptische volk, evenals hun nederzettingen over de hele wereld. Hoofdstuk 3: De Meest Religieuze geeft een kort overzicht van de Egyptische kosmologie; monotheïsme en polytheïsme; dierlijke symboliek, schepping van het universum, etc. Hoofdstuk 4: De Sociale/Politieke orde bespreekt de basis en toepassingen van de matrilineale/matriarchale principes; de matrilokale gemeenschappen; het Egyptische, grassroots, republiek systeem; het tweeledige opzichter/administratie regeringssysteem; en de documentatievolgorde van alle dingen in de Egyptische samenleving. Deel II: De Kosmische Correlaties bestaat uit drie hoofdstukken – 5 tot 7, als volgt: Hoofdstuk 5: Zo boven, Als Beneden behandelt de principes en toepassingen van kosmisch bewustzijn in het leven van de Egyptenaren; en de cyclische vernieuwingsfestivals als een vorm van dergelijke principes. Hoofdstuk 6: De Farao, de Kosmische Link heeft betrekking op de ware heerschappij van de Egyptische farao als een meesterknecht; hoe het volk te regeren; en nog veel meer. Hoofdstuk 7: Egyptische Tempels geeft een kort overzicht van de echte functie/doel van de Egyptische tempel; de harmonische ontwerpparameters; en nog veel meer. Deel III: De Geleerde Egyptenaren bestaat uit vijf hoofdstukken – 8 tot 12, als volgt: Hoofdstuk 8: De Goddelijke Taal geeft een kort overzicht over de schrijfvormen in het Oude Egypte – de alfabetische vorm van schrijven en de beeldende, picturale, metafysische symbolen/geschriften; evenals de gecultiveerde aspecten van de Egyptische alfabetische taal. Hoofdstuk 9: Het Egyptische, Muzikale Erfgoed geeft een kort overzicht over het muzikale erfgoed; de musicalorkesten; het brede scala van muziekinstrumenten; evenals dans en ballet in het Oude Egypte. Hoofdstuk 10: Gezondheid en Geneeskunde geeft een kort overzicht over het hoge, internationale aanzien voor de Egyptische geneeskunde; het medische beroep; de inhoud van sommige Egyptische medische papyri over diagnose, kuren en behandelingen van diverse aandoeningen, operaties; en de brede waaier van voorschriften. Hoofdstuk 11: Astronomie bespreekt de verbazingwekkende, nauwkeurige, astronomische kennis en praktijken, zoals astronomische waarnemingen en opnames, de dierenriemcyclus, enz. Hoofdstuk 12: Geometrie en Wiskunde geeft een kort overzicht van de onderwerpen van de heilige geometrie en natuurwetenschappen, geodesie, wiskunde en numerologie; evenals hun kennis en toepassingen van de heilige “verhoudingen” van Pi en Phi. Deel IV: De Levendige Economie bestaat uit vier hoofdstukken – 13 tot 16, als volgt: Hoofdstuk 13: De Cultiverende Cultuur gaat over de geweldige toepassing van droogweer landbouwtechnieken; de sociale taakverdeling; en de agrarische gemeenschap. Hoofdstuk 14: De Producerende Industrieën bespreekt de Egyptische kennis van de metallurgie en metaalbewerking; hun goud-zilver (electrum) producten; hun koperen en bronzen producten; de glazen (glas en beglazing) producten; hun ijzerproducten; hun mijnbouwactiviteiten; evenals enkele diverse technologische toepassingen. Hoofdstuk 15: Transportatie Infrastructuur geeft een kort overzicht van de verschillende soorten Egyptische schepen van topkwaliteit; grote Egyptische kusthavens; het vervoer over land; evenals beschermheiligen en heiligdommen van reizen Hoofdstuk 16: De Markteconomie behandelt het functioneren van de Egyptische markteconomie; zakelijke transacties; Egyptische export (goederen en diensten); Egyptische import; evenals de opkomst en ondergang van de internationale handel, die gekoppeld was aan het Oude Egypte als de economische motor van de oude wereld. De inhoud van de drie bijlagen wordt duidelijk door hun titels, zijnde: Appendix A: Foto’s – De Rijzende Vallei Appendix B: Foto’s – Het Tijdperk van Leo en de Sfinx Appendix C: Foto’s – Astronomie

The Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed, 2nd edition

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Author :
Publisher : Moustafa Gadalla
ISBN 13 : 1931446652
Total Pages : 224 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (314 download)


Book Synopsis The Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed, 2nd edition by : Moustafa Gadalla

Download or read book The Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed, 2nd edition written by Moustafa Gadalla and published by Moustafa Gadalla. This book was released on 2016-12-02 with total page 224 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book reveals several aspects of the Ancient Egyptian culture, such as the very remote antiquities of Egypt; the Egyptian characteristics and religious beliefs and practices; their social/political system; their cosmic temples; the richness of their language; musical heritage and comprehensive sciences; their advanced medicine; their vibrant economy; excellent agricultural and manufactured products; their transportation system; and much more. This Expanded Edition of the book consists of four Parts with a total of 16 Chapters, as well as three Appendices. Part I : The Peoples of Egypt consists of four chapters 1 through 4, as follows: Chapter 1: The Beginning covers the age of the Egyptian antiquities being at least 39000 years, in accordance with archaeological, historical and physical evidence; the Age of Leo and the Sphinx; as well as the age of the Egyptian Sothic calendar which is by far the most accurate calendar ever. Chapter 2: The Egyptian Populous covers the roots and characteristics of the [Ancient]Egyptian people, their housings, their settlements throughout the world; and the roles of foreigners in the history of Ancient Egypt. Chapter 3: The Most Religious covers Egyptian cosmology; monotheism and polytheism; animal symbolism ,creation of the universe, the concept of Maat; and the spread of the Ancient Egyptian religion throughout the world under new "names". Chapter 4: The Social/Political Order covers the basis and applications of the matrilineal/matriarchal principles; the matrilocal communities; the Egyptian grassroots republic system; the dual overseeing/administration governing system; and the documentation order of all matters in the Egyptian society Part II : The Cosmic Correlations consists of three chapters 5 through 7, as follows: Chapter 5: As Above, So Below covers the principles and applications of cosmic consciousness in the life of the Egyptians; and the cyclical renewal festivals as a form of such principles Chapter 6: The Pharaoh, The Cosmic Link covers the true rule of the Egyptian pharaoh as a Master Servant; how did the people rule; and much more. Chapter 7: Egyptian Temples provides a quick overview of the real function/objective of the Egyptian temple; the harmonic design parameters; and much more. Part III : The Learned Egyptian consists of five chapters 8 through 12, as follows: Chapter 8: The Divine Language provides a quick overview of the modes of writing in Ancient Egypt -- the alphabetical form of writing and the imagery pictorial metaphysical symbols/script ; as well as the cultured aspects of the Egyptian alphabetical language Chapter 9: The Egyptian Musical Heritage provides a quick overview of its musical heritage; the musical orchestras; the wide range of musical instruments; as well as dancing and ballet in Ancient Egypt. Chapter 10; Health and Medicine provides a quick overview about the international highest regards for Egyptian medicine; its medical profession; contents of the some Egyptian medical papyri regarding diagnosis, cures and treatments of various ailments, surgeries; and the wide range of prescriptions Chapter 11: Astronomy covers the astonishing accurate astronomical knowledge and practices such as astronomical observations and recordings, the zodiac cycle,etc Chapter 12: Geometry and Mathematics covers a quick overview of the subjects of sacred geometry and natural science, geodesy, mathematics & numerology; as well as their knowledge and applications of the sacred “ratios” of Pi and Phi. Part IV : The Vibrant Economy consists of four chapters 13 through 16, as follows: Chapter 13: The Cultivating Culture covers the outstanding application of dry-weather farming techniques; societal division of labor; and the farming community Chapter 14; The Manufacturing Industries covers The Egyptian knowledge of metallurgy & metalworking; their golden silver (electrum) products; their copper and bronze products; their glazing (glass and glazing) products; their iron products; their mining activities; miscellaneous products such as woodwork; fabrics; pottery; leather; paper; as well as some miscellaneous technological applications Chapter 15: Transportation Infrastructure covers a quick overview of the various high quality types of the Egyptian ships; major Egyptian coastal harbors; land transportation; as well as patrons and shrines of travel Chapter 16: The Market Economy covers the workings of the Egyptian market economy; business transactions; Egyptian exports (goods and services); Egyptian imports; as well as the rise and fall of international commerce, that was tied to Ancient Egypt as the economical engine of the ancient world. The contents of the three appendices are evident from their titles; being: Appendix A: Photographs -- The Rising Valley Appendix B: Photographs -- The Age of Leo and The Sphinx Appendix C: Photographs -- Astronomy

Het oude Egypte

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Author :
Publisher : Uitgeverij Christofoor
ISBN 13 : 9789062388042
Total Pages : 150 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (88 download)


Book Synopsis Het oude Egypte by : A. Wolk

Download or read book Het oude Egypte written by A. Wolk and published by Uitgeverij Christofoor. This book was released on 2005 with total page 150 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Kennismaking met de oud-Egyptische cultuur, voorzien van ideeën voor het maken van oud-Egyptische voorwerpen. Met tekeningen en foto's in kleur.

Oude Egypte

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9789024381715
Total Pages : 127 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (817 download)


Book Synopsis Oude Egypte by : Barbara Watterson

Download or read book Oude Egypte written by Barbara Watterson and published by . This book was released on 2002 with total page 127 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Het Oude Egypte

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9784490101539
Total Pages : 479 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (15 download)


Book Synopsis Het Oude Egypte by : Arne Eggebrecht

Download or read book Het Oude Egypte written by Arne Eggebrecht and published by . This book was released on 1986 with total page 479 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Geïllustreerde beschouwingen over vele aspecten van het oude Egypte.


Download Egypte PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 208 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (721 download)


Book Synopsis Egypte by : Kurt Lange

Download or read book Egypte written by Kurt Lange and published by . This book was released on 1972 with total page 208 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire

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Author :
Publisher : Ozymandias Press
ISBN 13 : 1531281397
Total Pages : 207 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire by : Zenaide Ragozin

Download or read book The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire written by Zenaide Ragozin and published by Ozymandias Press. This book was released on 2018-04-13 with total page 207 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: There is, on carefully drawn maps of Mesopotamia, a pale undulating line (considerably to the north of the city of Accad or Agade), which cuts across the valley of the two rivers, from Is or Hit on the Euphrates, - the place famous for its inexhaustible bitumen pits, - to Samarah on the Tigris. This line marks the beginning of the alluvium, i.e. of the rich, moist alluvial land formed by the rivers, and at the same time the natural boundary of Northern Babylonia. Beyond it the land, though still a plain, is not only higher, rising till it meets the transversal limestone ridge of the Sin jar Hills, but of an entirely different character and formation. It is distressingly dry and bare, scarcely differing in this respect from the contiguous Syrian Desert, and nothing but the most laborious irrigation could ever have made it productive, except in the immediate vicinity of the rivers. What the country has become through centuries of neglect and misrule, we have seen. It must have been much in the same condition before a highly developed civilization reclaimed it from its natural barrenness and covered it with towns and farms. It is probable that for many centuries a vast tract of land south of the alluvium line, as well as all that lay north of it, was virtually unoccupied; the resort of nameless and unclassed nomadic tribes, for Agade is the most northern of important Accadian cities we hear of...

Annals of Pornographie: How Porn Became Bad

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Author :
Publisher : Smashwords
ISBN 13 : 9781311042453
Total Pages : 360 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (424 download)


Book Synopsis Annals of Pornographie: How Porn Became Bad by : Brian M. Watson

Download or read book Annals of Pornographie: How Porn Became Bad written by Brian M. Watson and published by Smashwords. This book was released on 2017-06-02 with total page 360 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is a revised and updated edition of the book, including more recent information, footnotes, a bibliography, page numbers (print edition) and more beautiful fonts! In a groundbreaking reappraisal of European history, award-winning historian Brian M. Watson gives the secret history of smut through the literature, art, photography, and historical figures you didn't learn about in school. Watson combs the bawdy and forgotten corners of Western civilization to reveal the hidden story of a topic that still causes anger, arousal, excitement and scandal. Combining an entertaining style with brand-new research, Annals of Pornographie: How Porn Became Bad explores not only the salacious history of pornography, but also explains the evolution of Western sexuality, the 'creation' of privacy (and public life), and the 'invention of manners.' The book analyzes Western culture's tortured and rapturous relationship with erotic representation by probing the underside of its culture, art, literature, philosophy, sexology, psychology and its law. Covering everything from the fifteenth century Renaissance all the way up to the twentieth century Playboy magazine, Watson takes the reader on a grand tour of the forgotten debauchery of Western history. Along the way, we meet a variety of colorful characters who rarely get their historical due: Lord Rochester, the royal Pimp; Pietro Aretino, the Renaissance godfather of pornography; Edmund Curll, the first Hugh Hefner; along with many other tax-dodging street pornographers and radicals who roamed the streets of London, Paris, New York, and other major metropoles. Watson takes us from the hallowed halls of the Council of Trent, where Popes and kings fought over the future of the west, to Grub Street, a narrow and disgusting London alley filled with hack writers, aspiring poets and pushers of dirty French pictures and many other sights and sounds from Western Civilization's glorious and seedier locales.Annals of Pornographie: How Porn Became Bad reveals, for the first time, exactly how pornography went from being beautiful to being bad.

The Black Madonna and Christ (B and W)

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9781092516358
Total Pages : 65 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (163 download)


Book Synopsis The Black Madonna and Christ (B and W) by : Gert Muller

Download or read book The Black Madonna and Christ (B and W) written by Gert Muller and published by . This book was released on 2019-04-02 with total page 65 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is a powerful presentation of the astonishing fact that amongst White European nations their most sacred icons of the Madonna and Christ are black. This comprehensive book shows you the images! It is the only place where the profound national historical significance of these black images is discussed. They are so little known in comparison to their great importance. A must buy for those interested in a historically correct image of not just Jesus Christ, but the whole concept of deity in ancient times.

Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race

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Author :
Publisher : Good Press
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 533 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (64 download)


Book Synopsis Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race by : T. W. Rolleston

Download or read book Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race written by T. W. Rolleston and published by Good Press. This book was released on 2020-03-16 with total page 533 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by T.W. Rolleston is about a variety of myths about a group of people now considered the Bretons, the Cornish, the Irish, the Manx, the Scots, and the Welsh. Excerpt: "CHAPTER I: THE CELTS IN ANCIENT HISTORY . . . 7 CHAPTER II: THE RELIGION OF THE CELTS . . . . 36 CHAPTER III: THE IRISH INVASION MYTHS . . . . . 75 CHAPTER IV: THE EARLY MILESIAN KINGS . . . . 120 CHAPTER V: TALES OF THE ULTONIAN CYCLE . . 148 CHAPTER VI: TALES OF THE OSSIANIC CYCLE . . . 215 CHAPTER VII: THE VOYAGE OF MAELDUN . . . . . 265 CHAPTER VIII: MYTHS AND TALES OF THE CYMRY 284."

Egyptian Cosmology

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Author :
Publisher : Bastet Publishing
ISBN 13 : 9780965250917
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (59 download)


Book Synopsis Egyptian Cosmology by : Moustafa Gadalla

Download or read book Egyptian Cosmology written by Moustafa Gadalla and published by Bastet Publishing. This book was released on 1997 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Helps to discover the remarkably advanced Egyptian cosmology, which continues to be the Ancient Future of mankind and the universe.

Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren, Volume 1

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Author :
Publisher : BRILL
ISBN 13 : 9004295429
Total Pages : 618 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (42 download)


Book Synopsis Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren, Volume 1 by : Margreet de Boer

Download or read book Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren, Volume 1 written by Margreet de Boer and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2015-08-24 with total page 618 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Memory Before Modernity

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Author :
Publisher : Brill Academic Pub
ISBN 13 : 9789004261242
Total Pages : 340 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (612 download)


Book Synopsis Memory Before Modernity by : Erika Kuijpers

Download or read book Memory Before Modernity written by Erika Kuijpers and published by Brill Academic Pub. This book was released on 2013 with total page 340 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume examines the practice of memory in early modern Europe, showing that this was already a multimedia affair with many political uses, and affecting people at all levels of society; many pre-modern memory practices persist until today.

When the World Was Black Part One

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Author :
Publisher : Supreme Design Publishing
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 917 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis When the World Was Black Part One by : Supreme Understanding

Download or read book When the World Was Black Part One written by Supreme Understanding and published by Supreme Design Publishing. This book was released on 2013-02-02 with total page 917 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: When the World Was Black: The Untold History of the World’s First Civilizations (Volume Two of The Science of Self series) has been published in TWO parts. Why two? Because there are far too many stories that remain untold. We had over 200,000 years of Black history to tell – from the southern tip of Chile to the northernmost isles of Europe – and you can’t do that justice in a 300-page book. So there are two parts, each consisting of 360 pages of groundbreaking history, digging deep into the story of all the world’s original people. Part One covers the Black origins of all the world’s oldest cultures and societies, spanning more than 200,000 years of human history. Part Two tells the stories of the Black men and women who introduced urban civilization to the world over the last 20,000 years, up to the time of European contact. Each part has over 100 helpful maps, graphs, and photos, an 8-page full-color insert in the center, and over 300 footnotes and references for further research. “In this book, you’ll learn about the history of Black people. I don’t mean the history you learned in school, which most likely began with slavery and ended with the Civil Rights Movement. I’m talking about Black history BEFORE that. Long before that. In this book, we’ll cover over 200,000 years of Black history. For many of us, that sounds strange. We can’t even imagine what the Black past was like before the slave trade, much less imagine that such a history goes back 200,000 years or more.” “Part Two covers history from 20,000 years ago to the point of European contact. This is the time that prehistoric cultures grew into ancient urban civilizations, a transition known to historians as the “Neolithic Revolution.”

The Orpheus Clock

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Author :
Publisher : Simon and Schuster
ISBN 13 : 1451697643
Total Pages : 368 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (516 download)


Book Synopsis The Orpheus Clock by : Simon Goodman

Download or read book The Orpheus Clock written by Simon Goodman and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2016-08-16 with total page 368 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The passionate, true story of one man's quest to reclaim what the Nazis stole from his family--their beloved art collection--and to restore their legacy. Simon Goodman's grandparents came from German Jewish banking dynasties and perished in concentration camps. And that's almost all he knew--his father rarely spoke of their family history or heritage. But when he passed away, and Simon received his father's papers, a story began to emerge. The Gutmanns, as they were known then, rose from a small Bohemian hamlet to become one of Germany's most powerful banking families. They also amassed a world-class art collection that included works by Degas, Renoir, Botticelli, and many others, including a Renaissance clock engraved with scenes from the legend of Orpheus. The Nazi regime snatched everything the Gutmanns had labored to build: their art, their wealth, their social standing, and their very lives. Simon grew up in London with little knowledge of his father's efforts to recover their family's possessions. It was only after his father's death that Simon began to piece together the clues about the stolen legacy and the Nazi looting machine. He learned much of the collection had gone to Hitler and Goring; other works had been smuggled through Switzerland, sold and resold, with many pieces now in famous museums. More still had been recovered by Allied forces only to be stolen again by bureaucrats-- European governments quietly absorbed thousands of works of art into their own collections. Through painstaking detective work across two continents, Simon proved that many pieces belonged to his family, and successfully secured their return-- the first Nazi looting case to be settled in the United States. Goodman's dramatic story reveals a rich family history almost obliterated by the Nazis. It is not only the account of a twenty-year long detective hunt for family treasure, but an unforgettable tale of redemption and restoration.

Bound in Venice

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Author :
Publisher : Europa Editions
ISBN 13 : 160945152X
Total Pages : 175 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (94 download)


Book Synopsis Bound in Venice by : Alessandro Marzo Magno

Download or read book Bound in Venice written by Alessandro Marzo Magno and published by Europa Editions. This book was released on 2013-10-01 with total page 175 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This early history of printed literature “delves into the delectable intrigues of Renaissance Venice with a degree of detail that will mesmerize readers” (La Repubblica). This accessible yet erudite history traces the incredible rise of publishing in the Republic of Venice, the Renaissance’s era of global capital of culture and trade. While a number of Venetian innovators drove this new enterprise, one in particular, Aldus Manutius, stands head and shoulders above the rest. Manutius tirelessly promoted the concept of reading for pleasure, and his Aldine Press commissioned the first modern typeface. Beginning in Venice and subsequently across much of the civilized world, bound printed editions of the Talmud, the Koran, the works of Erasmus of Rotterdam, and classics of Greek and Latin poetry and theater began to circulate for the first time, leading to an unprecedented diffusion of human knowledge, and bringing about the birth of the modern world.


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Author :
Publisher : Editorial Kier
ISBN 13 : 9789501705201
Total Pages : 388 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (52 download)


Book Synopsis Astrology by : Isabel M. Hickey

Download or read book Astrology written by Isabel M. Hickey and published by Editorial Kier. This book was released on 1992 with total page 388 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: