21 Recettes Soupes Simples Pour Maigrir

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ISBN 13 : 9781520125589
Total Pages : 77 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (255 download)


Book Synopsis 21 Recettes Soupes Simples Pour Maigrir by : Laura Detox

Download or read book 21 Recettes Soupes Simples Pour Maigrir written by Laura Detox and published by . This book was released on 2016-12-12 with total page 77 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 21 Recettes Soupes Simples Pour Maigrir Les Docteurs DE Nutrition Donnent Leur Approbation A Ce Nouveau Moyen De Ventre Plat Pas Besoin De Faire Sonner La Cloche Du D�ner Quand Vous Cuisinez Ces soupes et potages !!! Soupes r�gime de celles qui ont toujours faim, d�sirent mincir et rester mince et perdre du ventre Perdre du poids ne doit plus �tre un sacrifice ! La fin de votre addiction � la malbouffe a commenc� ! Ce guide in�dit est un concentr� d'informations utiles ! Ses soupes sont faciles � pr�parer comme � dig�rer et leurs apports en �l�ments nutritifs, vitamines, fibres sont hautement importants L'ob�sit� est un fl�au qui ne cesse de propager, auquel les recherches de solutions sont en oeuvre. Grace � ses soupes vous allez enfin effacer ces petits bourrelets que vous croyez impossibles � d�loger. En ce sens , la prise des soupes aux divers l�gumes permettent aux corps humain de se d�barrasser des graisses, toxines, radicaux libres, etc Vоuѕ аvеz d�сіd� la perte de poids, аlоrѕ vоuѕ dеvеz соmmеnсеr раr роѕеr lеѕ јаlоnѕ. ˃˃˃ Si vous souhaitez perdre d�finitivement vos kilos, vous devrez appliquer ces conseils ! Voici Un Moyen De Faire Que Votre Mari S'�merveille De Votre Cuisine, il vous faudra PASSER � L'ACTION !! Faites D�filer et R�cup�rer Votre Copie Aujourd'hui. Tag: soupes, maigrir, recettes, cuisine, ventre plat, nutrition, soupes et potages

Soupes Minceur

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ISBN 13 : 9781549689826
Total Pages : 57 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (898 download)


Book Synopsis Soupes Minceur by : Laura Detox

Download or read book Soupes Minceur written by Laura Detox and published by . This book was released on 2017-09-06 with total page 57 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Mes Soupes Minceur magiques ! Enfin des recettes soupes qui font du bien, permettent de mincir en beaut� et sans effet yo-yo ! Concentr�es de fibres et de vitamines, la soupe minceur, v�ritable coupe-faim naturel, est le partenaire minceur privil�gi� ! Gr�ce � ces soupes minceur (pas question de faire l'impasse sur les prot�ines), vous allez enfin effacer vos petits bourrelets que vous croyiez impossibles � d�loger. Dans ce livre tr�s pratique, d�couvrez : Les bonnes raisons de se mettre � la soupe minceur, et les meilleurs l�gumes � utiliser : courgette, oignon, poivron,.... ! 21 recettes cr�atives, simples et savoureuses pour varier les plaisirs Les l�gumes � privil�gier et les conseils pour bien les choisir (mais aussi les herbes aromatiques � utiliser dans vos soupes magiques ! ˃˃˃ Manger 5 fruits et l�gumes par jour tout en nettoyant son organisme ; c'est Facile avec la soupe detox ! Rassasiantes et app�tissantes, les soupes simplissimes sont l'atout indispensable des programmes minceur et des cures saisonni�res. Automne, hiver, printemps, �t� : la nature vous permet de varier � l'infini vos pr�parations en piochant parmi les l�gumes de saison. ˃˃˃ Ne laissez pas le froid d'hiver prendre le dessus et profitez-en pour �gayer vos fourneaux D�couvrez nos suggestions de recette soupe� r�aliser avec les l�gumes de saison. Des plus simples aux plus �labor�es, ces recettes de saison r�jouiront famille et amis dans la chaleur et la convivialit�. Bonne d�gustation ! ˃˃˃ La prise des soupes aux divers l�gumes permettent aux corps humain de se d�barrasser des graisses, toxines, radicaux libres, etc Vous avez tout � gagner : une silhouette plus fine et plus tonique, mincir en beaut�, et le tout, sans vous affamer ! Faites D�filer et R�cup�rer Votre Copie Maintenant

Soupe Minceur

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ISBN 13 : 9781521261040
Total Pages : 67 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (61 download)


Book Synopsis Soupe Minceur by : Laura Detox

Download or read book Soupe Minceur written by Laura Detox and published by . This book was released on 2017-05-09 with total page 67 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Soupe Minceur : Voici ce que les coachs de stars mangent vraiment 21 recettes soupes bienfaisantes Recette soupe br�le graisse de celles qui ont toujours faim, d�sirent maigrir et rester mince Enfin des soupes br�le graisse conviviales qui permettent de maigrir en mangeant normalement, sans se priver et sans effet yo-yo ! Perdre du poids ne doit plus �tre un sacrifice ! La fin de votre addiction � la malbouffe a commenc� ! Ce guide in�dit est un concentr� d'informations utiles ! Ses soupes sont faciles � pr�parer comme � dig�rer et leurs apports en �l�ments nutritifs, vitamines, fibres sont hautement importants Grace � ses soupes vous allez enfin effacer ces petits bourrelets que vous croyez impossibles � d�loger. En ce sens , la prise des soupes aux divers l�gumes permettent aux corps humain de se d�barrasser des graisses, toxines, radicaux libres, etc ˃˃˃ Si vous souhaitez perdre d�finitivement vos kilos, vous devrez соmmеnсеr раr роѕеr lеѕ јаlоnѕ. ! Voici Un Moyen De Faire Que Votre Mari S'�merveille De Votre Cuisine, il vous faudra PASSER � L'ACTION !! Faites D�filer et R�cup�rer Votre Copie Maintenant Tag: MINCEUR,soupe minceur,SOUPE,recettes soupes,recette soupe,soupe brule graisse,soupes brule graisse

Les meilleures recettes Soupes - Les incontournables

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 44 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (415 download)


Book Synopsis Les meilleures recettes Soupes - Les incontournables by : La Belle Cuisine

Download or read book Les meilleures recettes Soupes - Les incontournables written by La Belle Cuisine and published by . This book was released on 2021-04-20 with total page 44 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Championnes de la cuisine healthy, les soupes sont aussi faciles à faire que divines à déguster. Et si on déclinait le concept avec une délicieuse soupe pour chaque occasion ? Une soupe de légumes fumante et moulinée pour réconforter en hiver, une soupe froide et veloutée pour rafraîchir en été... Quels que soient les légumes de saison, la soupe les sublime en express, avec une cuisson facile et un passage rapide au mixeur pour une texture onctueuse. La soupe de poisson offre des saveurs plus raffinées, parfaites pour un dîner chic. Et si les enfants veulent un vrai plat, pas de panique... ajoutez des pâtes pour un minestrone, du pain dans une soupe à l'oignon ou même de la viande pour les soupes asiatiques ultra-complètes avec des nouilles ! On vous a rassemblé les meilleures recettes de soupe pour régaler la famille au fil des saisons, il ne vous reste qu'à choisir... et à savourer.

13 Recettes de Soupes Brûle Graisse

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ISBN 13 : 9781549580086
Total Pages : 25 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (8 download)


Book Synopsis 13 Recettes de Soupes Brûle Graisse by : Edition l'Harmattan Paris

Download or read book 13 Recettes de Soupes Brûle Graisse written by Edition l'Harmattan Paris and published by . This book was released on 2017-08-24 with total page 25 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Pour perdre du poids, limiter ses entr�es d''aliments ne suffit pas. Il est aussi important de s''attaquer aux r�serves de graisses accumul�es depuis des lustres. L''une des m�thodes efficaces permettant d''y arriver est de consommer des aliments br�leurs de graisses. Contrairement � ce que beaucoup pensent, suivre un r�gime br�leur de graisses est loin d''�tre une lourde t�che. La soupe � br�le-graisses � contient des ingr�dients qui stimulent la perte de poids et qui permettent de suivre un r�gime alimentaire sain, sans devoir se soumettre � des r�gimes stricts ou des plans d''amincissements qui peuvent finir par affecter la sant�. Ces soupes amincissantes puissantes aident � �liminer les toxines du corps, � lutter contre la r�tention d''eau, et � r�duire le volume et la graisse du corps dans l''optique d''am�liorer sa silhouette et de jouir d''une meilleure sant�.Les soupes br�le-graisses sont une mani�re tr�s saine de perdre du poids en peu de temps et de d�sintoxiquer l''organisme de toutes les substances accumul�es qui affectent notre sant� et influent sur notre poids. Cela consiste � pr�parer un bouillon � base de l�gumes frais, qui pourra se prendre dans de bonnes quantit�s, � chaque fois que l''on ressent la faim.C''est aux tissus adipeux que cette technique miracle veut d�sormais s''attaquer gr�ce � une recette � combien ancestrale : la soupe ! Perdre du poids devient aussi simple que de manger une soupe. Dit comme cela, �a para�t difficile � croire. Pourtant, les nombreux aficionados semblent convaincus par la m�thode. Il faut dire que la soupe br�le-graisse affiche de solides arguments. En plus de favoriser la d�toxification de l''organisme, sa consommation permettrait � la fois d''att�nuer consid�rablement la r�tention d''eau et de diminuer la masse graisseuse. Oui mais voil�, pas n''importe quelle soupe puisque celle-ci doit absolument contenir des aliments favorisant la perte de poids, autrement dit des fruits ou des l�gumes frais : carottes, choux, c�leri, tomates, radis, pommes...Faible en apport calorique, la soupe br�le-graisse oblige l''organisme � puiser directement dans ses r�serves pour produire l''�nergie dont on a besoin tout au long de la journ�e. De plus, la consommation alimentaire sous une forme liquide accro�t les apports en eau, ce qui favorise l''�limination naturelle des toxines et r�duit les oed�mes. Il faut rappeler qu''initialement ce type de r�gime �tait principalement destin� aux patients devant perdre du poids rapidement en vue d''une intervention chirurgicale. Pour �tre pleinement efficace, cette m�thode doit donc �tre suivie par une p�riode de stabilisation destin�e � r�introduire progressivement les cat�gories alimentaires �vinc�es pendant plusieurs jours. Le r�gime doit se d�rouler sur sept jours. Une semaine pendant laquelle vous allez vous nourrir exclusivement avec la soupe que vous allez pr�parer quotidiennement. Apr�s avoir s�lectionn� avec soin les aliments qui constitueront la base de votre pr�paration, coupez-les en petits cubes (mirepoix) et mettez-les dans un faitout. Ajoutez de l''eau au double de la quantit� de l�gumes et faire cuire � feu moyen jusqu''� ce que les l�gumes soient cuits. Vous pouvez consommer votre soupe � tout moment de la journ�e, froide ou chaude. La perte de poids estim�e est comprise entre 3 et 7 kg selon les individus. En plus d''�tre d�toxifiante, la soupe poss�de �galement le pouvoir de r�duire les fringales. Dans cet ouvrage, nous vous proposons des recettes br�le-graisse pratiques et faciles � r�aliser. Lisez et pratiquez car seule la pratique vous permet de vous faire la main et de vous perfectionner.

Soupes détox, ma cure santé

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ISBN 13 : 9782035925466
Total Pages : 144 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (254 download)


Book Synopsis Soupes détox, ma cure santé by : Florence Solsona

Download or read book Soupes détox, ma cure santé written by Florence Solsona and published by . This book was released on 2016-01-13 with total page 144 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Manger de la soupe, c'est multiplier les saveurs en préservant son capital forme ! Ce livre propose 100 recettes de soupes maison faciles et rapides à préparer avec les légumes du moment. Classées par type "calorique", elles sont regroupées par saison pour cuisiner avec les produits du marché. La soupe, une alliée santé et minceur La soupe est riche en eau(jusqu'à 80%) et nous hydrate efficacement, y compris l'hiver quand on boit moins. Elle comporte principalement des légumes, riches en vitamines, en fibres et en sels minéraux. Les soupes ont un effet coupe-faim très intéressant dans le cadre des régimes, et sont faibles en calories : boire un bol de soupe 15 minutes avant le repas diminue les prises alimentaires d'environ 20%. Les recettes : 100 recettes diversifiées déclinent les soupes sous toutes leurs formes : chaudes ou froides, en entrée ou en plat principal, avec des textures allant du simple bouillon léger au velouté plus épais et plus nourrissant.

Français Interactif

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ISBN 13 : 9781937963200
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (632 download)


Book Synopsis Français Interactif by : Karen Kelton

Download or read book Français Interactif written by Karen Kelton and published by . This book was released on 2019-08-15 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This textbook includes all 13 chapters of Français interactif. It accompanies www.laits.utexas.edu/fi, the web-based French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Tex's French Grammar (2000) www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/ Français interactif is an open acess site, a free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees. Français interactif has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251) as an example of the open access initiative.

Zero Belly Smoothies

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Publisher : Ballantine Books
ISBN 13 : 0399593926
Total Pages : 318 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (995 download)


Book Synopsis Zero Belly Smoothies by : David Zinczenko

Download or read book Zero Belly Smoothies written by David Zinczenko and published by Ballantine Books. This book was released on 2016-01-19 with total page 318 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Lose up to 16 Pounds in 14 Days with Zero Belly Smoothies! Watch the pounds disappear—with the press of a button! That’s all it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie, a unique mix of supernutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. With fat-burning proteins and a specially selected array of high-powered fruits and vegetables, Zero Belly Smoothies—based on the New York Times bestseller Zero Belly Diet—are the fastest and most delicious ways ever created to sip off the pounds! Inside you’ll find a complete shopping guide, a bonus cleanse program, and more than 100 intensely flavorful recipes, including tasty green drinks, fresh and fruity smoothies, nutty, chocolatey shakes, and savory surprises. Zero Belly Smoothies will help you • Lose up to 16 pounds in 14 days. • Melt away stubborn fat, from your belly first. • Put an end to bloating and discomfort. • Detox from unhealthy foods so you enjoy all-day energy. • Turn off your fat storage genes and make long-term weight loss effortless. • Look and feel younger and healthier than ever!

Advanced French Grammar

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Publisher : Cambridge University Press
ISBN 13 : 9780521484251
Total Pages : 722 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (842 download)


Book Synopsis Advanced French Grammar by : Monique L'Huillier

Download or read book Advanced French Grammar written by Monique L'Huillier and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 1999-06-17 with total page 722 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This 1999 reference grammar, written for advanced students of French, their teachers, and others who want a better understanding of the French language, combines the best of modern and traditional approaches. Its objective is not only practical mastery of the language, but familiarity with its structure. Taking into account modern linguistic research, Advanced French Grammar approaches the French language primarily through the study of syntactic structures, but without excessive emphasis on formalism. It provides a generous number of examples, based on the author's own experience of teaching French to English-speakers, to help the student to understand the different meanings of apparently similar syntactic alternatives. The norms of 'correct expression' are given together with current usage and deviations, and appendixes provide information on the 1990 spelling reforms and on numbers. A substantial index of French and English words and of topics provides easy access to the text itself.

French Grammar in Context

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Author :
Publisher : Routledge
ISBN 13 : 9780071440509
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (45 download)


Book Synopsis French Grammar in Context by : Margaret Jubb

Download or read book French Grammar in Context written by Margaret Jubb and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2004 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Taking authentic texts from a variety of sources - the human body on CD-ROM, a fish recipe, 'L'Etranger' and many others - this book uses them as a starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of French grammar. It includes a range of exercises, many of them text-based.

Practice Make Perfect French Vocabulary

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Publisher : McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN 13 : 0071762434
Total Pages : 239 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (717 download)


Book Synopsis Practice Make Perfect French Vocabulary by : Eliane Kurbegov

Download or read book Practice Make Perfect French Vocabulary written by Eliane Kurbegov and published by McGraw Hill Professional. This book was released on 2011-09-02 with total page 239 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Master the words and phrases necessary for handling everyday situations Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary helps you develop your vocabulary by providing practice in word-building and encouraging you to analyze new words for an ever-increasing vocabulary. Each chapter of this comprehensive book focuses on a theme, such as family or travel, so you can build your language skills in a systematic manner. As you lay the foundation for an increasing vocabulary, you are able to perfect your new words with plenty of exercises and gain the confidence to communicate well in French. Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary offers you: More than 120 exercises Concise grammatical explanations A new chapter on contemporary vocabulary An answer key to gauge your comprehension With help from this book, you can easily speak or write in French about: Different occupations and jobs * French holidays and traditions * Taking the train * Growing your own garden * Where it hurts on your body * Your house * Your family and friends * What you studied in school * Your favorite TV show * Your family's background . . . and much more!

Zero Belly Cookbook

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Publisher : Ballantine Books
ISBN 13 : 1101964812
Total Pages : 274 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (19 download)


Book Synopsis Zero Belly Cookbook by : David Zinczenko

Download or read book Zero Belly Cookbook written by David Zinczenko and published by Ballantine Books. This book was released on 2015-09-08 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Based on Zero Belly Diet, the revolutionary bestselling weight-loss plan from NBC News health and wellness contributor David Zinczenko, creator of Eat This, Not That!, Zero Belly Cookbook is a groundbreaking collection of recipes that will teach anyone how to cook beautifully, lose weight fast, and get healthier in just minutes a day. SEE THE DELICIOUS DIFFERENCE IN JUST FOURTEEN DAYS! Strip away up to 16 pounds in two weeks with the weight-loss power of gourmet superfoods. Ever since the arrival of David Zinczenko’s bestselling Zero Belly Diet—with its proven formula to rev up metabolism, melt away fat, and turn off the genes that cause weight gain—fans have been clamoring for more scrumptious, waist-slimming recipes to add to their weekly menus. Zinczenko answers the call in Zero Belly Cookbook—a collection of more than 150 quick, simple, restaurant-quality meals that will improve how you eat, feel, and live. • Metabolism-boosting breakfasts: Set your metabolism racing with the all-day fat-burning protein power of Spinach and Onion Strata and the superfood-packed Apple Pie Muffins. • Flat-belly lunches: Quell hunger with low-calorie, belly-flattening takes on such indulgent favorites as Turkey Meatball Heroes with Onion and Peppers. • Fat-melting dinners: Celebrate easy, automatic weight loss in gourmet style with Green Tea Poached Salmon with Bok Choy or Steak Frites with Arugula Chimichurri and Asparagus. • Slimming snacks: Nibble your way slim with Spicy Popcorn, Fresh Figs and Ricotta, and Avocado with Crab Salad. • Healthy, decadent desserts: Cap off a day of perfect eating with Raspberry Poached Pears, Black Forest Cookies, or Watermelon Wedges with Whipped Cream, Walnuts, and Mint. Including tasty dishes from such celebrated chefs as Jason Lawless, Susan Feniger, Chris Jaeckle, and Anita Lo, these tantalizing, easy-to-prepare recipes are specifically designed to target the fat that matters most to your health: belly fat. Regardless of your health history, your lifestyle, or even your genes, Zero Belly Cookbook will give you the power to flatten your belly, heal your body, soothe your soul, and live better than ever.

An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 598 pages
Book Rating : 4.R/5 (3 download)


Book Synopsis An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language by : Auguste Brachet

Download or read book An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language written by Auguste Brachet and published by . This book was released on 1882 with total page 598 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Dictionary of the French and English Languages

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 580 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (334 download)


Book Synopsis Dictionary of the French and English Languages by : Gabriel Surenne

Download or read book Dictionary of the French and English Languages written by Gabriel Surenne and published by . This book was released on 1856 with total page 580 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Practice Makes Perfect Complete French Grammar

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Author :
Publisher : McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN 13 : 0071787828
Total Pages : 319 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (717 download)


Book Synopsis Practice Makes Perfect Complete French Grammar by : Annie Heminway

Download or read book Practice Makes Perfect Complete French Grammar written by Annie Heminway and published by McGraw Hill Professional. This book was released on 2012-04-06 with total page 319 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Build your confidence in your French skills with practice, practice, practice! From present tense regular verbs to double object pronouns, this comprehensive guide and workbook covers all those aspects of French grammar that you might find a little intimidating or hard to remember. Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar focuses on the practical aspects of French as it's really spoken, so you are not bogged down by unnecessary technicalities. Each unit features crystal-clear explanations, numerous realistic examples, and dozens of engaging exercises in a variety of formats--including multiple choice, fill-in sentences and passages, sentence rewrites, and creative writing--perfect for whatever your learning style. Whenever possible, explanations include comparisons you to understand the basic logic behind the rules and to remember correct usage. This new edition includes: Time-saving vocabulary panels that eliminate having to look words up Advice on how to avoid common mistakes A detailed answer key for quick, easy progress checks Offering a winning formula for getting a handle on French grammar right away, Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar your ultimate resource for learning to speak French the way the native speakers do.


Download Cholesterol PDF Online Free

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ISBN 13 : 9781772860504
Total Pages : 168 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (65 download)


Book Synopsis Cholesterol by : Alexandra Leduc

Download or read book Cholesterol written by Alexandra Leduc and published by . This book was released on 2017-01-19 with total page 168 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The consequences of high cholesterol can be irreversible. But thanks to good eating habits, you can considerably improve your lipid profile and significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. This book will allow you to: Demystify the concepts of "good" and "bad" cholesterol and understand the complications related to hypercholesterolemia Improve your digestion and your lipid profile Easily identify the different types of fat so you know which are good and which are bad Plan your meals and snacks through daily menus suitable for your condition Discover tasty, quick, easy-to-prepare recipes: Carrott Cookies, Chicken with Almond Crust, Three Pepper Warm Salad with Spicy Sole, Mediterranean Quiche, Scrambled Tofu with Broccoli, Toasted Tuna Sandwich, Pineapple Frozen Yogurt, Healthy Biscotti...and improve your health!

Taste of Nepal

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Author :
Publisher : Hippocrene Books
ISBN 13 : 9780781811217
Total Pages : 484 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (112 download)


Book Synopsis Taste of Nepal by : Jyoti Pathak

Download or read book Taste of Nepal written by Jyoti Pathak and published by Hippocrene Books. This book was released on 2007 with total page 484 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The landlocked nation of Nepal is tucked into the Himalayan Mountains between India and China (Tibet). Possessed of a varied landscape and such treasures as Mount Everest, the Nepalese are proud of their time-worn temples, sublime scenery, hiking trails, and a rich and vibrant culture. The cuisine is surprisingly diverse for such a small country, with influences from Chinese and Indian culinary methods and tastes. One of the very few Nepali cookbooks on the market, Taste of Nepal is a thorough and comprehensive guide to this cuisine, featuring more than 350 authentic recipes, a section on well-known Nepali herbs and spices, menu planning, Nepalese kitchen equipment, and delightful illustrations. Instructions are clearly detailed and most ingredients are readily available in the United States. Complete with illustrations. There is something for everyone in this book. For the most timid cook--Fried Rice (Baasi-Bhaat Bhutuwa) or Stir-Fried Chicken (Kukhura Taareko) are easily achievable. The adventurous home chef will be tempted to try Goat Curry (Khasi-Boka ko Maasu) and Sun-Dried Fish with Tomato Chutney (Golbheda ra Sidra Maacha)." -- Amazon.com viewed August 31, 2020.