L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921

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ISBN 13 : 9788854528567
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (285 download)


Book Synopsis L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921 by : C. Brad Faught

Download or read book L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921 written by C. Brad Faught and published by . This book was released on 2023 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Lawrence d'Arabia e l'invenzione del Medio Oriente

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Author :
Publisher : Feltrinelli Editore
ISBN 13 : 8858823486
Total Pages : 125 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (588 download)


Book Synopsis Lawrence d'Arabia e l'invenzione del Medio Oriente by : Fabio Amodeo

Download or read book Lawrence d'Arabia e l'invenzione del Medio Oriente written by Fabio Amodeo and published by Feltrinelli Editore. This book was released on 2016-03-03T00:00:00+01:00 with total page 125 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Il Cairo, autunno 1914: l’archeologo Thomas Edward Lawrence entra a lavorare nei servizi d’intelligence britannici. In breve, i comandi militari di stanza in Egitto si accorgono delle sue eccezionali capacità. È l’inizio di una saga che nel giro di qualche anno trasformerà il giovane e sconosciuto sottotenente gallese nell’epica figura di Lawrence d’Arabia. La sua è una missione ai limiti dell’impossibile: avvicinare i capi arabi (a cominciare dall’emiro Feisal) e convincerli a scatenare la guerra per bande contro i turchi nella penisola arabica e nella Mezzaluna fertile. Tra il 1916 e il 1918 la “rivolta nel deserto” si estende a macchia d’olio in tutta l’area, la svolta decisiva che provoca la sconfitta dell’Impero ottomano nel corso del primo conflitto mondiale. Ma Gran Bretagna e Francia, gli imperi coloniali più potenti dell’epoca, usciti vittoriosi dalla Grande guerra, non puntano affatto all’indipendenza degli arabi. Al contrario, il patto Sykes-Picot (1916) e le conferenze di Sanremo (1920) e del Cairo (1921) assicureranno a Londra e a Parigi nuove forme di dominio politico, militare ed economico sugli immensi territori che si estendono tra il Mediterraneo, il Golfo Persico e il Mar Rosso. Prende così forma l’“invenzione” del Medio Oriente, ovvero la causa principale del disastro geopolitico a cui assistiamo anche al giorno d’oggi, a un secolo da quegli eventi. Nel sacro nome dell’oro nero e in totale spregio alle legittime aspirazioni delle popolazioni arabe. Grazie ai molti fascicoli raccolti e analizzati negli archivi britannici di Kew Gardens, Amodeo e Cereghino affrontano con stile giornalistico le complesse vicende mediorientali degli anni tra il 1914 e il 1921, e il ruolo non sempre lineare svolto da Lawrence d’Arabia in questo difficile contesto. Oltre ogni mito e leggenda.

L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921

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Author :
Publisher : Neri Pozza Editore
ISBN 13 : 8854528919
Total Pages : 316 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (545 download)


Book Synopsis L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921 by : C. Brad Faught

Download or read book L'invenzione del Medio Oriente. Cairo 1921 written by C. Brad Faught and published by Neri Pozza Editore. This book was released on 2023-11-17T00:00:00+01:00 with total page 316 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: L’invenzione del Medio Oriente è l’appassionante e dettagliato resoconto della conferenza che si tenne nel 1921 in Egitto per decidere il futuro dell’ampia regione rimasta libera dal giogo ottomano. È il racconto di come Winston Churchill, al tempo ministro delle Colonie, affrontò la sfida dei nascenti nazionalismi e di quanto quelle decisioni plasmarono il Medio Oriente nei termini geopolitici con i quali siamo ancora chiamati a confrontarci. La missione affidata a Churchill era semplice: consolidare il dominio degli inglesi sull’area con il minore dispendio possibile di risorse finanziarie. Per ottenere tale risultato, il ministro delle Colonie si avvalse, tra gli altri, di due esperti: il tenente colonnello Thomas Edward Lawrence (il famoso Lawrence d’Arabia) e l’archeologa Gertrude Bell, entrambi agenti dell’intelligence britannica sul territorio durante il conflitto mondiale. In dieci giorni di incontri venne dunque messa a punto la strategia di controllo dell’intera regione, con la creazione dell’Iraq e della Transgiordania, assegnando la guida dei nuovi Stati a dinastie locali e mantenendo cosí le promesse fatte agli arabi in tempo di guerra. Quanto alla Palestina, già segretamente «assegnata» ai britannici fin dal 1916, era legata in modo indissolubile anche alla popolazione ebraica, cui gli inglesi, tramite la Dichiarazione Balfour, avevano promesso, nel 1917, la creazione di un «focolare nazionale» nella zona. Con questa prospettiva, il man - dato della Palestina sarebbe stato diviso in due parti: una a ovest del fiume Giordano, nella quale si sarebbe favorita l’immigrazione ebraica, circostanza già accettata dall’emiro Faysal nel 1919, e l’altra a est, l’attuale Giordania, all’interno della quale i contenuti della Dichiarazione Balfour non sarebbero stati applicati. Quella scelta gettò i semi della futura questione israelo-palestinese, che perdura ancora oggi. Furono gli esperti riuniti nell’elegante Semiramis Hotel del Cairo, sotto la guida di Winston Churchill e alla presenza di Lawrence d’Arabia, a ridisegnare l’odierna mappa del Medio Oriente. «C. Brad Faught ha ricostruito in maniera mirabile l’atmosfera di quei negoziati diplomatici che hanno segnato la storia del Novecento». Arie M. Dubnov, History Today «Un resoconto piacevolmente chiaro e diretto della Conferenza del Cairo del 1921 che ha plasmato il Medio Oriente come lo conosciamo oggi». David Stafford

Viaggiatori straordinari

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Publisher : Neri Pozza Editore
ISBN 13 : 885452946X
Total Pages : 308 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (545 download)


Book Synopsis Viaggiatori straordinari by : Marco Valle

Download or read book Viaggiatori straordinari written by Marco Valle and published by Neri Pozza Editore. This book was released on 2024-02-02T00:00:00+01:00 with total page 308 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: L’esploratore conobbe nell’Ottocento la sua consacrazione definitiva. L’iconografia popolare racconta le gesta di uomini alla conquista di immensità sconosciute, con in testa il casco coloniale e nelle mani una mappa, un sestante o un fucile: un ritratto eccezionale, ma ingenuo. Nella realtà, gli esploratori furono espressione di un’epoca, con una precisa funzione sociale e politica: informare i contemporanei sullo stato del mondo, cercare risorse, fondare colonie. Al tempo stesso, però, dai loro diari traspaiono uomini inquieti, a disagio se non in totale rottura con le società da cui provengono. Nelle «terre incognite» gli esploratori cercavano non solo fama e ricchezze, ma la possibilità di dare un senso alla propria esistenza. Di quell’epopea il cinema e l’editoria hanno consegnato una lettura quasi esclusivamente anglosassone, imperniata sui nomi di Livingstone, Stanley, Burton, Speke. In Italia, per una strana ritrosia, sulla grande stagione dell’esplorazione per decenni si è preferito sorvolare. Marco Valle si è messo sulle tracce di quella «comunità avventurosa» italica che percorse le zone più selvagge e inesplorate dei cinque continenti: da Ippolito Desideri in Tibet a Giacomo Beltrami alle sorgenti del Mississippi; da Orazio Antinori a Giacomo Doria a Luigi Amedeo di Savoia fino a Odoardo Beccari nel Borneo, Giacomo Bove in Patagonia, Pietro Savorgnan di Brazzà in Congo, Guglielmo Massaja e Vittorio Bottego in Abissinia, Giovanni Miami sul Nilo, Giovan Battista Cerruti in Malesia. E ancora nel Novecento Alberto de Agostini in Patagonia, Raimondo Franchetti in Dancalia, Giuseppe Tucci in Asia e Ardito Desio nel Sahara. Fino a oggi, con Samantha Cristoforetti nello spazio, continuatrice della saga dei nostri «capitani coraggiosi».

Fuga dalla fortezza celeste

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Author :
Publisher : Neri Pozza Editore
ISBN 13 : 8854528870
Total Pages : 243 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (545 download)


Book Synopsis Fuga dalla fortezza celeste by : Gianni Dubbini Venier

Download or read book Fuga dalla fortezza celeste written by Gianni Dubbini Venier and published by Neri Pozza Editore. This book was released on 2024-05-24T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 243 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Nel marzo 1942, al largo dello Stretto di Malacca, un idrovolante scorge in mare quelli che sembrano naufraghi su una scialuppa. Sono militari inglesi vestiti di stracci. Le notizie che riporta quel manipolo di uomini salvato dai flutti appaiono incredibili: Singapore, la «fortezza celeste», difesa dai suoi giganteschi cannoni, è caduta in mano ai giapponesi. È la più grande sconfitta dell’impero britannico, ammetterà Winston Churchill. Tra quegli uomini c’è Charles McCormac, ufficiale della raf di stanza a Singapore. Charles parla malese e ha sposato Pat, la pronipote di un capo tribù del Borneo. Mentre guardano Londra bombardata nei cinegiornali pensano: qui la guerra non arriverà mai. Solo poche settimane dopo Charles sarà catturato dal Kempeitai, l’equivalente giapponese della Gestapo. Viene sottoposto a brutali interrogatori e il suo destino sembra essere quello di morire a Singapore, se non fosse per l’incontro con un personaggio straordinario: Donaldson, un burbero australiano che non conosce la paura. Deportati insieme nel campo di concentramento di Pasir Panjang, Charles e Donaldson riescono a organizzare l’impensabile: convincono altri quindici prigionieri a scappare. La loro fuga non si conclude nelle acque dello Stretto di Malacca. I profughi vengono trasferiti dalla costa malese a quella indonesiana. Lì dovranno sopravvivere in una giungla infestata dalle guardie imperiali giapponesi. In una crudele selezione naturale, Charles marcia sotto il sole con l’obiettivo di raggiungere l’Australia, nella vana speranza di ritrovare il suo amore scomparso, Pat. Sono stati avvistati. Dopo alcuni volteggi, osservano il Dornier toccare l’acqua e fermarsi a poche centinaia di metri. Distinguono dei volti dietro al perspex trasparente della cabina di pilotaggio, fino a che un’ala si ferma sopra di loro, coprendoli dal sole. I Dornier sono idrovolanti molto simili ai Catalina, ma tra i quattro solo Charles sa dove vengono fabbricati. D’un tratto il sorriso di Skinny si spezza, congelandosi in un’espressione folgorata. Una storia che sembra un romanzo ma è assolutamente reale: il frutto di anni di ricerche nei musei e negli archivi, oltre che nei ricordi della famiglia McCormac.

The Splendid and the Vile

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Publisher : Crown
ISBN 13 : 038534872X
Total Pages : 609 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (853 download)


Book Synopsis The Splendid and the Vile by : Erik Larson

Download or read book The Splendid and the Vile written by Erik Larson and published by Crown. This book was released on 2020-02-25 with total page 609 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The author of The Devil in the White City and Dead Wake delivers an intimate chronicle of Winston Churchill and London during the Blitz—an inspiring portrait of courage and leadership in a time of unprecedented crisis “One of [Erik Larson’s] best books yet . . . perfectly timed for the moment.”—Time • “A bravura performance by one of America’s greatest storytellers.”—NPR NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • Time • Vogue • NPR • The Washington Post • Chicago Tribune • The Globe & Mail • Fortune • Bloomberg • New York Post • The New York Public Library • Kirkus Reviews • LibraryReads • PopMatters On Winston Churchill’s first day as prime minister, Adolf Hitler invaded Holland and Belgium. Poland and Czechoslovakia had already fallen, and the Dunkirk evacuation was just two weeks away. For the next twelve months, Hitler would wage a relentless bombing campaign, killing 45,000 Britons. It was up to Churchill to hold his country together and persuade President Franklin Roosevelt that Britain was a worthy ally—and willing to fight to the end. In The Splendid and the Vile, Erik Larson shows, in cinematic detail, how Churchill taught the British people “the art of being fearless.” It is a story of political brinkmanship, but it’s also an intimate domestic drama, set against the backdrop of Churchill’s prime-ministerial country home, Chequers; his wartime retreat, Ditchley, where he and his entourage go when the moon is brightest and the bombing threat is highest; and of course 10 Downing Street in London. Drawing on diaries, original archival documents, and once-secret intelligence reports—some released only recently—Larson provides a new lens on London’s darkest year through the day-to-day experience of Churchill and his family: his wife, Clementine; their youngest daughter, Mary, who chafes against her parents’ wartime protectiveness; their son, Randolph, and his beautiful, unhappy wife, Pamela; Pamela’s illicit lover, a dashing American emissary; and the advisers in Churchill’s “Secret Circle,” to whom he turns in the hardest moments. The Splendid and the Vile takes readers out of today’s political dysfunction and back to a time of true leadership, when, in the face of unrelenting horror, Churchill’s eloquence, courage, and perseverance bound a country, and a family, together.


Download Overlord PDF Online Free

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Publisher : Pan Macmillan
ISBN 13 : 0330528998
Total Pages : 464 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (35 download)


Book Synopsis Overlord by : Max Hastings

Download or read book Overlord written by Max Hastings and published by Pan Macmillan. This book was released on 2012-03-22 with total page 464 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The famous D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 marked the beginning of Operation Overlord, the battle for the liberation of Europe. Military historian Sir Max Hastings’ acclaimed account overturns many traditional legends in this memorable study. Drawing together the eyewitness accounts of survivors from both sides, plus a wealth of previously untapped sources and documents, Overlord provides a brilliant, controversial perspective on the devastating battle for Normandy.


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Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN 13 : 0755600592
Total Pages : 249 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (556 download)


Book Synopsis Allenby by : C. Brad Faught

Download or read book Allenby written by C. Brad Faught and published by Bloomsbury Publishing. This book was released on 2020-05-28 with total page 249 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Edmund Allenby, Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstowe, as he became later, was the principal British military figure in the Middle East from 1917 to 1919. He fulfilled a similar proconsular role in Egypt from the latter year until 1925. In these two roles Allenby's eight years in the Middle East were of great impact, and in probing his life an especially revealing window can be found through which to observe closely and understand more fully the history that has resulted in the terminal roil afflicting the Middle East and international affairs today. In this biography Brad Faught explores the events and actions of Allenby's life, examining his thinking on both the British Empire and the post-World War I international order. Faught brings clarity to Allenby's decisive impact on British imperial policy in the making of the modern Middle East, and thereby on the long arc of the region's continuing and controversial place in world affairs.

History of the Kingdom of Naples

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ISBN 13 : 9780598056542
Total Pages : 284 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (565 download)


Book Synopsis History of the Kingdom of Naples by : Benedetto Croce

Download or read book History of the Kingdom of Naples written by Benedetto Croce and published by . This book was released on 1970 with total page 284 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Foreign Devils on the Silk Road

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Publisher : Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN 13 : 9780192802118
Total Pages : 286 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (21 download)


Book Synopsis Foreign Devils on the Silk Road by : Peter Hopkirk

Download or read book Foreign Devils on the Silk Road written by Peter Hopkirk and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2001 with total page 286 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Silk Road, which linked imperial Rome and distant China, was once the greatest thoroughfare on earth. Along it travelled precious cargoes of silk, gold, and ivory, as well as revolutionary new ideas. Its oasis towns blossomed into thriving centres of Buddhist art and learning. In time it began to decline. The traffic slowed, the merchants left, and finally its towns vanished beneath the desert sands to be forgotten for a thousand years. But legends grew up of lost cities filled with treasurees and guarded by demons. In the early years of the 20th century, foreign explorers began to investigate these legends, and very soon an international race began for the art treasures of the Silk Road. Huge wall paintings, sculptures, and priceless manuscripts were carried away, literally by the ton, and are today scattered through the museums of a dozen countries. Peter Hopkirk tells the story of the intrepid men who, at great personal risk, led these long-range archaeological raids, incurring the undying wrath of the Chinese.

The German Mujahid

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Publisher : Europa Editions
ISBN 13 : 1609450396
Total Pages : 186 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (94 download)


Book Synopsis The German Mujahid by : Boualem Sansal

Download or read book The German Mujahid written by Boualem Sansal and published by Europa Editions. This book was released on 2009-09-29 with total page 186 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “[A] masterly investigation of evil, resistance and guilt, billed as the first Arab novel to confront the Holocaust” from the Nobel Prize–nominated author (Publishers Weekly). Banned in the author’s native Algeria, this groundbreaking novel is based on a true story and inspired by the work of Primo Levi. The Schiller brothers, Rachel and Malrich, couldn’t be more dissimilar. They were born in a small village in Algeria to a German father and an Algerian mother and raised by an elderly uncle in one of the toughest ghettos in France. But the similarities end there. Rachel is a model immigrant—hard working, upstanding, law-abiding. Malrich has drifted. Increasingly alienated and angry, a bleak future seems inevitable for him. But when Islamic fundamentalists murder the young men’s parents in Algeria the destinies of both brothers are transformed. Rachel discovers the shocking truth about his family and buckles under the weight of the sins of his father, a former SS officer. Now Malrich, the outcast, will have to face that same awful truth alone. “The German Mujahid deals with the fine line between the destructive power wielded by Islamic fundamentalism today and the power of another movement that left an indelible mark on history: Nazism.” —Haaretz (Israel) “With extraordinary eloquence, Sansal condemns both the [Algerian] military and the Islamic fundamentalists; he decries that Algeria crippled by trafficking, religion, bureaucracy, the culture of illegality, of coups, and of clans, career apologists, the glorification of tyrants, the love of flashy materialism, and the passion for rants.” —Lire (France) “The German Mujahid, winner of the RTL-Lire Prize for fiction, is a marvelous, devilishly well-constructed novel.” —L’Express (France)

Frontier Socialism

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 3030523713
Total Pages : 210 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (35 download)


Book Synopsis Frontier Socialism by : Monica Quirico

Download or read book Frontier Socialism written by Monica Quirico and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2021-07-05 with total page 210 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Considering the history of workers' and socialist movements in Europe, Frontier Socialism focuses on unconventional forms of anti-capitalist thought, particularly by examining several militant-intellectuals whose legacy is of particular interest for those aiming for a radical critique of capitalism. Following on the work of Michael Löwy, Quirico & Ragona identify relationships of “elective affinity” between figures who might appear different and dissimilar, at least at first glance: the German Anarchist Gustav Landauer, the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai, the German communist Paul Mattick, the Italian Socialist Raniero Panzieri, the Greek-born French euro-communist Nikos Poulantzas, the German-born Swedish Social Democrat Rudolf Meidner, and the French social scientist Alain Bihr as well as two historical struggle experiences, the Spanish Republic and the Italian revolutionary group “Lotta continua”. Frontier Socialism then analyzes these thinkers' and experiences’ respective paths to socialism based on and achieved through self-organization and self-government, not to build a new tradition but to suggest a path forward for both research and political activism.


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Publisher : Potomac Books, Inc.
ISBN 13 : 161234061X
Total Pages : 124 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (123 download)


Book Synopsis Gordon by : C. Brad Faught

Download or read book Gordon written by C. Brad Faught and published by Potomac Books, Inc.. This book was released on 2008 with total page 124 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Charles George Gordon was the preeminent military hero of the late-Victorian British Empire. A lifetime officer in the Royal Engineers, he served in several theaters of war and imperial contest, most notably China and the Sudan. His last assignment took him back to the dusty Sudanese capital, Khartoum, where he supervised the overmatched Anglo-Egyptian garrison's evacuation in the face of imminent attack by Islamic extremists. He was killed there in January 1885, just two days before a British relief expedition arrived. In this new biography of General Gordon, C. Brad Faught looks afresh at the life of one of the most famous Victorian military men. Although a later age would come to reject Gordon's record and the values by which he lived, he has remained an enduring figure in the British Empire's late-nineteenth-century heyday and an important means by which to examine its contemporary issues: abolitionism, territorial conquest, and the rule of dependent peoples. Faught traces Gordon's life from his childhood in England and Corfu to his youth and training as an engineer at the Royal Military Academy in Woolwich and his subsequent military and proconsular service in the Crimea, eastern Europe, China, India, Mauritius, South Africa, and the Sudan. Throughout his varied career Gordon was guided by his staunch, conventional Christian faith--despite his critics' best efforts to suggest otherwise--and remained devoted to the best features of imperial rule. Whether as a key opponent of the Arab slave trade or a leader of troops in battle, Gordon was usually successful in his undertakings but always controversial. This biography gives an up-to-date rendering of an important British imperial figure whose demise at the hands of a Muslim extremist is both resonant and potentially instructive for the era in which we live today.

Islamic Empires

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Publisher : Penguin UK
ISBN 13 : 0241199050
Total Pages : 385 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (411 download)


Book Synopsis Islamic Empires by : Justin Marozzi

Download or read book Islamic Empires written by Justin Marozzi and published by Penguin UK. This book was released on 2019-08-29 with total page 385 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 'Outstanding, illuminating, compelling ... a riveting read' Peter Frankopan, Sunday Times Islamic civilization was once the envy of the world. From a succession of glittering, cosmopolitan capitals, Islamic empires lorded it over the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and swathes of the Indian subcontinent. For centuries the caliphate was both ascendant on the battlefield and triumphant in the battle of ideas, its cities unrivalled powerhouses of artistic grandeur, commercial power, spiritual sanctity and forward-looking thinking. Islamic Empires is a history of this rich and diverse civilization told through its greatest cities over fifteen centuries, from the beginnings of Islam in Mecca in the seventh century to the astonishing rise of Doha in the twenty-first. It dwells on the most remarkable dynasties ever to lead the Muslim world - the Abbasids of Baghdad, the Umayyads of Damascus and Cordoba, the Merinids of Fez, the Ottomans of Istanbul, the Mughals of India and the Safavids of Isfahan - and some of the most charismatic leaders in Muslim history, from Saladin in Cairo and mighty Tamerlane of Samarkand to the poet-prince Babur in his mountain kingdom of Kabul and the irrepressible Maktoum dynasty of Dubai. It focuses on these fifteen cities at some of the defining moments in Islamic history: from the Prophet Mohammed receiving his divine revelations in Mecca and the First Crusade of 1099 to the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and the phenomenal creation of the merchant republic of Beirut in the nineteenth century.


Download Clive PDF Online Free

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Publisher : Potomac Books, Inc.
ISBN 13 : 1612341683
Total Pages : 139 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (123 download)


Book Synopsis Clive by : C. Brad Faught

Download or read book Clive written by C. Brad Faught and published by Potomac Books, Inc.. This book was released on 2013-01-31 with total page 139 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Robert Clive (1725–1774), later Baron Clive of Plassey, is widely considered the founder of British India. He arrived in Madras as a clerk for the East India Company in 1744. Through timely promotion and a clear affinity for military leadership, he proceeded to consolidate the company's commercial and territorial position in South India before doing the same in the northeast in Bengal. In 1757 company troops under his command defeated the Nawab of Bengal at the Battle of Plassey. This victory set in motion the East India Company's ascendancy over much of India and eventual development into the world's largest transnational trading company at the time. This paved the way for the 1857 creation of the British Raj, which would last for another ninety years. Clive is a fascinating and important historical figure: a lowly company employee who rose to great heights; an informally trained military commander who led company and local Indian troops to a series of stirring victories over local rivals who were supported by the French; a grasping politician who used his great wealth to secure a prominent social position; and, finally, a hounded society notable who, plagued by illness, allegedly took his own life. No one in the early days of the British ventures in India was as well known or as controversial as Clive. Today, when empire and globalism are witnessed and talked about with ease, Clive's position as both a servant of the East India Company and an agent of imperialism makes him a surprisingly resonant figure.

Interpreting the Seventh Century BC

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Publisher : Archaeopress Archaeology
ISBN 13 : 9781784915728
Total Pages : 453 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (157 download)


Book Synopsis Interpreting the Seventh Century BC by : Xenia Charalambidou

Download or read book Interpreting the Seventh Century BC written by Xenia Charalambidou and published by Archaeopress Archaeology. This book was released on 2017 with total page 453 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book has its origin in a conference held at the British School at Athens in 2011 which aimed to explore the range of new archaeological information now available for the seventh century in Greek lands. It presents material data, combining accounts of recent discoveries (which often enable reinterpretation of older finds), regional reviews, and archaeologically focused critique of historical and art historical approaches and interpretations. The aim is to make readily accessible the material record as currently understood and to consider how it may contribute to broader critiques and new directions in research. The geographical focus is the old Greek world encompassing Macedonia and Ionia, and extending across to Sicily and southern Italy, considering also the wider trade circuits linking regional markets. The book does not aim for the pan- Mediterranean coverage of recent works: given that much of the latest innovative and critical scholarship has focused on the western Mediterranean in particular, it is necessary to bring old Greece back under the spotlight and to expose to critical scrutiny the often Athenocentric interpretative frameworks which continue to inform discussion of other parts of the Mediterranean.

Dying for Time

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Author :
Publisher : Harvard University Press
ISBN 13 : 0674070844
Total Pages : 258 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (74 download)


Book Synopsis Dying for Time by : Martin Hägglund

Download or read book Dying for Time written by Martin Hägglund and published by Harvard University Press. This book was released on 2012-10-30 with total page 258 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, and Vladimir Nabokov transformed the art of the novel in order to convey the experience of time. Nevertheless, their works have been read as expressions of a desire to transcend time—whether through an epiphany of memory, an immanent moment of being, or a transcendent afterlife. Martin Hägglund takes on these themes but gives them another reading entirely. The fear of time and death does not stem from a desire to transcend time, he argues. On the contrary, it is generated by the investment in temporal life. From this vantage point, Hägglund offers in-depth analyses of Proust’s Recherche, Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, and Nabokov’s Ada. Through his readings of literary works, Hägglund also sheds new light on topics of broad concern in the humanities, including time consciousness and memory, trauma and survival, the technology of writing and the aesthetic power of art. Finally, he develops an original theory of the relation between time and desire through an engagement with Freud and Lacan, addressing mourning and melancholia, pleasure and pain, attachment and loss. Dying for Time opens a new way of reading the dramas of desire as they are staged in both philosophy and literature.