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ISBN 13 : 9788331285990
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (859 download)



Download or read book INVEST IN THE KINGDOM OF LESOTHO - VISIT LESOTHO -CELSO SALLES written by CELSO. SALLES and published by . This book was released on 2024 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:



Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9789798211232
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (112 download)



Download or read book INVEST IN SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE - VISIT SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE - CELSO SALLES written by CELSO. SALLES and published by . This book was released on 2023 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

INVESTIR AU ROYAUME DU LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles

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Author :
Publisher : Blurb
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis INVESTIR AU ROYAUME DU LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles by : Celso Salles

Download or read book INVESTIR AU ROYAUME DU LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles written by Celso Salles and published by Blurb. This book was released on 2024-05-16 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le royaume dans le ciel Beau, culturellement riche, sûr, abordable et facilement accessible depuis Durban et Johannesburg, le Lesotho montagneux est une destination de voyage largement sous-estimée. Il s'agit essentiellement d'un pays alpin, où des villageois à cheval portant des cagoules et des couvertures multicolores vous accueillent dans les virages escarpés. Les randonnées et le trekking - souvent sur un célèbre poney Basotho - sont de classe mondiale et l'infrastructure des trois superbes parcs nationaux continue de s'améliorer. Pays d'une beauté étonnante, ce Royaume des montagnes doit être vu pour être cru. Faits marquants - Superficie totale: 30 355 km2 - Terrain général: principalement des hautes terres avec des plateaux, des collines et des montagnes. - Point culminant géographique: Thabana Ntlenyana 3 482 m - Climat: tempéré; hivers frais à froids et secs; étés chauds et humides - Grandes villes: MASERU (capitale) population de 220 000 habitants - Langues parlées: sesotho (sotho du sud), anglais (officiel), zoulou, xhosa. - Indépendance: 4 octobre 1966 - Nationalité Mosotho (singulier), Basotho (pluriel) - Religions: Chrétiens 80 pour cent, croyances autochtones 20 pour cent - Symbole national: chapeau Basotho - Hymne ou chanson nationale: Lesotho fatse la bo ntat'a rona (Lesotho, Terre de nos pères) - Économie du Lesotho Principales industries: alimentation, boissons, textiles, assemblage de vêtements, artisanat, construction, tourisme, agriculture de subsistance. - Produits agricoles: maïs, blé, légumineuses, sorgho, orge; bétail - Ressources naturelles: eau, terres agricoles et pâturages, diamants, sable, argile, pierre de construction - Principales exportations: fabrique 75 pour cent (vêtements, chaussures, véhicules routiers), laine et mohair, aliments et animaux vivants. - Principales importations: produits alimentaires; matériaux de construction, véhicules, machines, médicaments, produits pétroliers - Monnaie: loti (LSL)

INVERTIR EN EL REINO DE LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles

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Author :
Publisher : Blurb
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis INVERTIR EN EL REINO DE LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles by : Celso Salles

Download or read book INVERTIR EN EL REINO DE LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles written by Celso Salles and published by Blurb. This book was released on 2024-05-20 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El reino en el cielo Hermoso, culturalmente rico, seguro, asequible y fácilmente accesible desde Durban y Johannesburgo, el montañoso Lesotho es un destino turístico muy subestimado. Este es esencialmente un país alpino, donde los aldeanos a caballo con pasamontañas y mantas multicolores te saludan en curvas empinadas. Las caminatas y caminatas (a menudo en un famoso pony basotho) son de clase mundial y la infraestructura de los tres impresionantes parques nacionales continúa mejorando. Un país asombrosamente hermoso, este "Reino de las Montañas" hay que verlo para creerlo. Hechos clave - Tamaño total: 30.355 kilómetros cuadrados - Terreno general: principalmente tierras altas con mesetas, colinas y montañas. - Punto culminante geográfico: Thabana Ntlenyana 3.482 m - Clima: templado; inviernos frescos a fríos y secos; veranos calurosos y húmedos - Ciudades principales: MASERU (capital) con una población de 220.000 habitantes. - Idiomas hablados: sesotho (sotho del sur), inglés (oficial), zulú, xhosa - Independencia: 4 de octubre de 1966 - Nacionalidad: Mosotho (singular), Basotho (plural) - Religiones: cristiana 80 por ciento, creencias indígenas 20 por ciento - Símbolo nacional: sombrero basotho - Himno o Canción Nacional: Lesotho fatse la bo ntat'a rona (Lesotho, Tierra de Nuestros Padres) - Economía de Lesotho Principales industrias: alimentos, bebidas, textiles, ensamblaje de prendas de vestir, artesanía, construcción, turismo, agricultura de subsistencia. - Productos Agrícolas: maíz, trigo, legumbres, sorgo, cebada; ganado - Recursos naturales: agua, tierras agrícolas y de pastoreo, diamantes, arena, arcilla, piedra de construcción. - Principales exportaciones: manufacturas 75 por ciento (ropa, calzado, vehículos de carretera), lana y mohair, alimentos y animales vivos. - Principales Importaciones: alimentos; materiales de construcción, vehículos, maquinaria, medicamentos, productos derivados del petróleo. - Moneda: loti (LSL); Rand sudafricano (ZAR)


Download INVESTIEREN SIE IN DAS KÖNIGREICH LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles PDF Online Free

Author :
Publisher : Blurb
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis INVESTIEREN SIE IN DAS KÖNIGREICH LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles by : Celso Salles

Download or read book INVESTIEREN SIE IN DAS KÖNIGREICH LESOTHO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles written by Celso Salles and published by Blurb. This book was released on 2024-05-20 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Das Königreich im Himmel Das wunderschöne, kulturell reiche, sichere, erschwingliche und von Durban und Johannesburg aus leicht erreichbare bergige Lesotho ist ein stark unterschätztes Reiseziel. Dies ist im Wesentlichen ein Alpenland, in dem Sie Dorfbewohner zu Pferd in bunten Sturmhauben und Decken in steilen Kurven begrüßen. Das Wandern und Trekking - oft auf einem berühmten Basotho-Pony - ist Weltklasse und die Infrastruktur der drei atemberaubenden Nationalparks verbessert sich ständig. Dieses "Bergkönigreich" ist ein erstaunlich schönes Land, das man gesehen haben muss, um es zu glauben. Wichtige Fakten - Gesamtgröße: 30.355 Quadratkilometer - Allgemeines Gelände: überwiegend Hochland mit Hochebenen, Hügeln und Bergen - Geografischer Höhepunkt: Thabana Ntlenyana 3.482 m - Klima: gemäßi> kühle bis kalte, trockene Winter; heiße, nasse Sommer - Großstädte: MASERU (Hauptstadt) mit 220.000 Einwohnern - Gesprochene Sprachen: Sesotho (südliches Sotho), Englisch (offiziell), Zulu, Xhosa - Unabhängigkeit: 4. Oktober 1966 - Nationalität: Mosotho (Singular), Basotho (Plural) - Religionen: Christen 80 Prozent, indigene Glaubensrichtungen 20 Prozent - Nationales Symbol: Basotho-Hut - Nationalhymne oder Lied: Lesotho fatse la bo ntat'a rona (Lesotho, Land unserer Väter) - Wirtschaft Lesothos Hauptindustrien: Lebensmittel, Getränke, Textilien, Bekleidungsmontage, Kunsthandwerk, Baugewerbe, Tourismus, Subsistenzlandwirtschaft - Agrarprodukte: Mais, Weizen, Hülsenfrüchte, Sorghum, Gerste; Vieh - Natürliche Ressourcen: Wasser, Agrar- und Weideland, Diamanten, Sand, Ton, Bausteine - Hauptexportgüter: 75 Prozent der Produktion (Bekleidung, Schuhe, Straßenfahrzeuge), Wolle und Mohair, Lebensmittel und lebende Tiere - Hauptimporte: Lebensmittel; Baumaterialien, Fahrzeuge, Maschinen, Medikamente, Erdölprodukte - Währung: Loti (LSL); Südafrikanischer Rand (ZAR) - Nationales BIP: 3.723.000.000 USD



Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9789798331268
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (312 download)



Download or read book INVESTIEREN SIE IN DAS KNIGREICH LESOTHO - VISIT LESOTHO - CELSO SALLES written by CELSO. SALLES and published by . This book was released on 2024 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

INVISTA NO REINO DO LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles

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Author :
Publisher : Blurb
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (312 download)


Book Synopsis INVISTA NO REINO DO LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles by : Celso Salles

Download or read book INVISTA NO REINO DO LESOTO - Visit Lesotho - Celso Salles written by Celso Salles and published by Blurb. This book was released on 2024-05-15 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: O Reino no Céu Bonito, culturalmente rico, seguro, acessível e facilmente acessível a partir de Durban e Joanesburgo, o montanhoso Lesoto é um destino de viagem muito subestimado. Este é essencialmente um país alpino, onde os aldeões a cavalo com balaclavas e cobertores multicoloridos cumprimentam você em curvas íngremes. As caminhadas e trekking - muitas vezes num famoso pónei Basotho - são de classe mundial e a infra-estrutura dos três impressionantes parques nacionais continua a melhorar. Um país surpreendentemente belo, este "Reino da Montanha" precisa ser visto para acreditar. Principais fatos - Tamanho total: 30.355 km quadrados - Terreno Geral: principalmente terras altas com planaltos, colinas e montanhas - Ponto Alto Geográfico: Thabana Ntlenyana 3.482 m - Clima: temperado; invernos frios a frios e secos; verões quentes e úmidos - Principais cidades: população de MASERU (capital) de 220.000 habitantes - Idiomas falados: Sesotho (sul do Sotho), Inglês (oficial), Zulu, Xhosa - Independência: 4 de outubro de 1966 - Nacionalidade: Mosotho (singular), Basotho (plural) - Religiões: cristãos 80 por cento, crenças indígenas 20 por cento - Símbolo Nacional: Chapéu Basotho - Hino ou Canção Nacional: Lesoto fatse la bo ntat'a rona (Lesoto, Terra de Nossos Pais) - Economia das principais indústrias do Lesoto: alimentos, bebidas, têxteis, montagem de vestuário, artesanato, construção, turismo, agricultura de subsistência - Produtos Agrícolas: milho, trigo, leguminosas, sorgo, cevada; gado - Recursos Naturais: água, terras agrícolas e de pastagem, diamantes, areia, argila, pedra de construção - Principais exportações: fabrica 75 por cento (roupas, calçados, veículos rodoviários), lã e mohair, alimentos e animais vivos - Principais importações: alimentos; materiais de construção, veículos, máquinas, medicamentos, produtos petrolíferos - Moeda: loti (LSL); Rand sul-africano (ZAR) - PIB nacional: US$ 3.723.000.000

Investment Guide to Lesotho

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 20 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (81 download)


Book Synopsis Investment Guide to Lesotho by : Lesotho National Development Corporation

Download or read book Investment Guide to Lesotho written by Lesotho National Development Corporation and published by . This book was released on 1979 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Directory of Officials of the Republic of Cuba

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 260 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


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Download or read book Directory of Officials of the Republic of Cuba written by and published by . This book was released on 1989-06 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Evolution of Awareness

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 444 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (856 download)


Book Synopsis Evolution of Awareness by : Kia Marlene

Download or read book Evolution of Awareness written by Kia Marlene and published by . This book was released on 2022-03-08 with total page 444 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Evolution of Awareness, the debut poetry collection from Kia Marlene, is a book about a spiritual journey towards enlightenment. The collection consists of 6 chapters, titled "The Egg," "The Caterpillar," "Intermission (heartbreak&love)," "The Cocoon," "The Butterfly," and a chapter titled "Knock Knock." Through numerous poems this book outlines various thoughts, questions and eventual answers concerning our collective greater purpose in life, self love, consciousness, and personhood. The author intends for this book to help broaden the reader's general perception, view of their environment, awareness, and sense of self.

Synthesis Report

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Author :
Publisher : Iaastd
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 116 pages
Book Rating : 4.F/5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Synthesis Report by : International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development (Project)

Download or read book Synthesis Report written by International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development (Project) and published by Iaastd. This book was released on 2009 with total page 116 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Synthesis Report integrates key findings from the Global and Sub-Global Assessments, providing in-depth analyses of current conditions, challenges, and options for action. In addition, it addresses eight topics of critical importance: bioenergy; biotechnology; climate change; human health; natural resource management; trade and markets; traditional knowledge and community-based innovation; and women in agriculture.

Big Data for Twenty-First-Century Economic Statistics

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Author :
Publisher : University of Chicago Press
ISBN 13 : 022680125X
Total Pages : 502 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (268 download)


Book Synopsis Big Data for Twenty-First-Century Economic Statistics by : Katharine G. Abraham

Download or read book Big Data for Twenty-First-Century Economic Statistics written by Katharine G. Abraham and published by University of Chicago Press. This book was released on 2022-03-11 with total page 502 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Introduction.Big data for twenty-first-century economic statistics: the future is now /Katharine G. Abraham, Ron S. Jarmin, Brian C. Moyer, and Matthew D. Shapiro --Toward comprehensive use of big data in economic statistics.Reengineering key national economic indicators /Gabriel Ehrlich, John Haltiwanger, Ron S. Jarmin, David Johnson, and Matthew D. Shapiro ;Big data in the US consumer price index: experiences and plans /Crystal G. Konny, Brendan K. Williams, and David M. Friedman ;Improving retail trade data products using alternative data sources /Rebecca J. Hutchinson ;From transaction data to economic statistics: constructing real-time, high-frequency, geographic measures of consumer spending /Aditya Aladangady, Shifrah Aron-Dine, Wendy Dunn, Laura Feiveson, Paul Lengermann, and Claudia Sahm ;Improving the accuracy of economic measurement with multiple data sources: the case of payroll employment data /Tomaz Cajner, Leland D. Crane, Ryan A. Decker, Adrian Hamins-Puertolas, and Christopher Kurz --Uses of big data for classification.Transforming naturally occurring text data into economic statistics: the case of online job vacancy postings /Arthur Turrell, Bradley Speigner, Jyldyz Djumalieva, David Copple, and James Thurgood ;Automating response evaluation for franchising questions on the 2017 economic census /Joseph Staudt, Yifang Wei, Lisa Singh, Shawn Klimek, J. Bradford Jensen, and Andrew Baer ;Using public data to generate industrial classification codes /John Cuffe, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ugochukwu Etudo, Justin C. Smith, Nevada Basdeo, Nathaniel Burbank, and Shawn R. Roberts --Uses of big data for sectoral measurement.Nowcasting the local economy: using Yelp data to measure economic activity /Edward L. Glaeser, Hyunjin Kim, and Michael Luca ;Unit values for import and export price indexes: a proof of concept /Don A. Fast and Susan E. Fleck ;Quantifying productivity growth in the delivery of important episodes of care within the Medicare program using insurance claims and administrative data /John A. Romley, Abe Dunn, Dana Goldman, and Neeraj Sood ;Valuing housing services in the era of big data: a user cost approach leveraging Zillow microdata /Marina Gindelsky, Jeremy G. Moulton, and Scott A. Wentland --Methodological challenges and advances.Off to the races: a comparison of machine learning and alternative data for predicting economic indicators /Jeffrey C. Chen, Abe Dunn, Kyle Hood, Alexander Driessen, and Andrea Batch ;A machine learning analysis of seasonal and cyclical sales in weekly scanner data /Rishab Guha and Serena Ng ;Estimating the benefits of new products /W. Erwin Diewert and Robert C. Feenstra.

World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives

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Author :
Publisher : Routledge
ISBN 13 : 1135869979
Total Pages : 681 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (358 download)


Book Synopsis World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives by : Nataša Durovicová

Download or read book World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives written by Nataša Durovicová and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2009-09-10 with total page 681 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: SCMS Award Winner "Best Edited Collection" The standard analytical category of "national cinema" has increasingly been called into question by the category of the "transnational." This anthology examines the premises and consequences of the coexistence of these two categories and the parameters of historiographical approaches that cross the borders of nation-states. The three sections of World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives cover the geopolitical imaginary, transnational cinematic institutions, and the uneven flow of words and images.

Water for People, Water for Life

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Author :
Publisher : Unesco
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 608 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Water for People, Water for Life by : World Water Assessment Programme (United Nations)

Download or read book Water for People, Water for Life written by World Water Assessment Programme (United Nations) and published by Unesco. This book was released on 2003 with total page 608 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The world's freshwater resources are coming under growing pressure through such environmental hazards as human waste, urbanization, industrialization, and pesticides. The problems are exacerbated through drought in many parts of the world. The improvement of the water quality itself and access to it have been major concerns for politicians and development agencies for over a decade. First officially formulated at the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, they have been restated or expanded since then. The UN Millennium Declaration of 2000 transformed general guidelines into specific targets. The international community pledged "to halve by 2015 the proportion of people who are unable to reach, or to afford, safe drinking water" and "to stop the unsustainable exploitation of water resources, by developing water management strategies at the regional, national and local levels, which promote both equitable access and adequate supplies." Thus, ten years after Rio it is time to take stock. Based on the collective inputs of 23 United Nations agencies and convention secretariats, this Report offers a global overview of the state of the world's freshwater resources. It is part of an on-going assessment process to develop policies and help with their implementation as well as to measure any progress towards achieving sustainable use of water resources. Generously illustrated with more than 25 full-color global maps and numerous figures, the report reviews progress and trends and presents seven pilot case studies of river basins representing various social, economic and environmental settings: Lake Titicaca (Bolivia, Peru); Senegal river basin (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Guinea); Seine Normandy (France); Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe (Estonia, Russia); Ruhuna basin (Sri Lanka); Greater Tokyo region (Japan); and Chao Phraya (Thailand). It assesses progress in 11 challenge areas, including health, food, environment, shared water resources, cities, industry, energy, risk management, knowledge, valuing water and governance. Proposing methodologies and indicators for measuring sustainability, it lays the foundations for regular, system-wide monitoring and reporting by the UN, together with the development of standardized methodologies and data. With its comprehensive maps, glossary, references and coverage of a broad range of themes and examples of real-world river basins, the UN World Water Development Report will no doubt prove to be a most valuable reference work. Visit the United Nation's Water Portal for more information on the report and on the International Year of Freshwater 2003.

Doing Business in 2004

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Author :
Publisher : World Bank Publications
ISBN 13 : 9780821353417
Total Pages : 222 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (534 download)


Book Synopsis Doing Business in 2004 by : Simeon Djankov

Download or read book Doing Business in 2004 written by Simeon Djankov and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2004 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A co-publication of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation and Oxford University Press

Brazilian Bulletin

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 356 pages
Book Rating : 4.A/5 ( download)


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Download or read book Brazilian Bulletin written by and published by . This book was released on 1945 with total page 356 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Transnational Law and Practice

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Author :
Publisher : Aspen Publishing
ISBN 13 : 1543817521
Total Pages : 1056 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (438 download)


Book Synopsis Transnational Law and Practice by : Donald Earl Childress III

Download or read book Transnational Law and Practice written by Donald Earl Childress III and published by Aspen Publishing. This book was released on 2022-10-27 with total page 1056 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The purchase of this ebook edition does not entitle you to receive access to the Connected eBook on CasebookConnect. You will need to purchase a new print book to get access to the full experience including: lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities, plus an outline tool and other helpful resources. Transnational Law and Practice emphasizes the knowledge and skills that students need to solve the real-world transnational legal problems they are likely to encounter as lawyers in today’s globalized world—regardless of their field of practice and regardless of whether they are interested in international law as such. The casebook covers public international law and international courts; but unlike traditional international law casebooks, it urges students not to be “international law-centric” or “international court-centric” and gives them the resources to learn how to use national law and national courts, and private norms and alternative dispute resolution methods, to solve transnational legal problems on behalf of their clients. New to the Second Edition: Substantially re-written chapter on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments to reflect recent important developments Excerpts from and discussion of new Supreme Court decisions on extraterritoriality, personal jurisdiction, the Alien Tort Statute and Foreign Sovereign Immunity Excerpts from the new Restatement (Fourth) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States and the draft Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration Professors and students will benefit from: A practice-oriented approach that focuses on the knowledge and skills students need to solve real-world transnational legal problems on behalf of their clients. Comparative perspectives throughout. A team of authors with a wide range of expertise and experience in transnational litigation, arbitration, international law, constitutional law and transnational business transactions. An excellent alternative to classic public international law texts for introductory or first-year courses on international or transnational law. Multiple uses: With advanced material on transnational practice in U.S. courts, also ideal for upper-division courses on international civil litigation. Practical materials not traditionally included in public international law casebooks, such as materials on transnational commercial arbitration and conflict of laws. Extensive explanatory text to facilitate student learning and notes and questions that emphasize real-world lawyering, not just theory and doctrine. Review questions at the end of each chapter to help students synthesize, logically structure, and flowchart complex material.