What to do to ensure the abundance of food for the human population? Bogdan Góralski

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 20 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis What to do to ensure the abundance of food for the human population? Bogdan Góralski by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book What to do to ensure the abundance of food for the human population? Bogdan Góralski written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2020-01-11 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: It is certain that the change in global climate conditions awaiting us in the future and related to the displacement of the Earth's coating can cause a decrease in cereal yields by at least 50%, which would have unpredictable effects in the form of global famine. As my research indicates, this would lead to a world war that would probably destroy the culture of human civilization. In this context, priority should be given to measures to increase farm productivity. Such an increase can only take place by deconcentrating agricultural ownership in Western agriculture - dividing large farms into smaller leased and indivisible farms as soon as possible. The organization of African agriculture should also be improved by promoting the agricultural structure of farms in the area of one acre and by improving the supply of agricultural produce. Africa could be turned into a global granary provided that airships and drones are used in African and European-Asian agriculture.

If Indo-Europeans survive contemporary global crisis?

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 400 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis If Indo-Europeans survive contemporary global crisis? by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book If Indo-Europeans survive contemporary global crisis? written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2021-05-03 with total page 400 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The cosmos, and with it the solar system, through its physical interaction, shapes the fate of the inhabitants of the Earth and their civilization. I have described this in my publications available on OPEN ACCESS on the Internet, and in the following book, I confirm it once again. Physico-chemical processes (including climatic processes) of our planet's environment are controlled by the closer and further influence of the space environment. The changing physicochemical environments (including climate changes) of our planet influencing biological creatures to shape the evolving culture of human civilizations. The defective view of the world promoted in the era of exposing the biological of the human mind contained in the statement "being shapes consciousness" is supplemented by "And consciousness shapes being". The evolution of human knowledge, supported recently by information resources stored on the Internet, allows us to conclude that the universe is filled with a life shaped by the cosmos, and in response, the evolution of biological life shapes the cosmic environment. This sentence: "being shapes consciousness and consciousness shapes being" contains my concept of the functioning of the constantly renewing cosmic environment in which the evolution of biological beings is inscribed. The end of the evolution of biological beings is the creation of a virtual environment in which a new star system will be created, giving life to a virtual biological environment so that energy can be reproduced. The world is composed of interpenetrating and interacting parallel virtual realities that create the energy resources of the Universe. In the first part of the book entitled The Solar System shapes the climate of the Earth’…7 , I describe how the interactions of the Solar System and the Milky Way shape the Earth's climate and the Earth's lithosphere. In the second part of the book entitled The civilization results of climate change…120, I describe how climate change is shaping Earth's cultural systems as human knowledge unfolds. It is necessary to return to the knowledge and beliefs of antiquity to understand the modern world and reconcile different nations. Only peace and reconciliation between people are capable of ensuring the further fruitful evolution of the world. In the last third part of the book entitled The Third Way between capitalism and communism…389, I described the actions that need to be taken for the human world to turn into a harmonious environment enabling the realization of the goal of our evolution - restoring the energy that gave us life, i.e. recreating the virtual solar system and life in it. Warsaw, April 21, 2021, 3:10 Bogdan Góralski Rozdział 1 Wstęp Kosmos, a z nim Układ Słoneczny przez swoje fizyczne oddziaływanie kształtuje losy mieszkańców Ziemi i ich cywilizacji. Opisałem to w moich publikacjach dostępnych OPEN ACCESS w Internecie i w poniższej książce potwierdzam to raz jeszcze. Procesy fizyko-chemiczne (a w tym również procesy klimatyczne) środowiska naszej planety są sterowane przez bliższe i dalsze oddziaływanie środowiska kosmicznego. Zmienne środowiska fizyko-chemiczne ( a w tym zmiany klimatu) naszej planety oddziałując na istoty biologiczne kształtuje ewoluującą kulturę min. ludzkich cywilizacji. Wadliwy pogląd na świat lansowany w epoce eksponowania znaczenia biologicznego umysłu ludzkiego zawarty w twierdzeniu „byt kształtuje świadomość” uzupełniam dopełnieniem „a świadomość kształtuje byt”. Ewolucja ludzkiej wiedzy, wspomagana ostatnio przez zasoby informacji zgromadzone w Internecie pozwala stwierdzić, że Wszechświat jest wypełniony życiem kształtowanym przez Kosmos, a w odpowiedzi ewolucja życia biologicznego kształtuje środowisko kosmiczne. W tym zdaniu: „byt kształtuje świadomość a świadomość kształtuje byt” zawarta jest moja koncepcja funkcjonowania ciągle odnawiającego się środowiska kosmicznego w które jest wpisana ewolucja biologicznych istot. Finałem ewolucji biologicznych istot jest stworzenie środowiska wirtualnego w którym powstanie nowy system gwiazdowy dający życie wirtualnemu środowisku biologicznemu po to by energia mogła się odtwarzać. Świat jest złożony z przenikających się i oddziałujących na siebie równoległych wirtualnych rzeczywistości tworzących zasoby energetyczne Wszechświata. W pierwszej części książki zatytułowanej The Solar System shapes the climate of the Earth’s… , opisuję jak interakcje Układu Słonecznego i Drogi Mlecznej kształtują klimat ziemski i ziemską litosferę. W drugiej części książki zatytułowanej The civilization results of climate change…120, opisuję jak zmiany klimatyczne kształtują ziemskie systemy kulturowe ewoluujące razem z rozwojem zasobów wiedzy ludzkiej. Trzeba wrócić do wiedzy i wierzeń antyku aby zrozumieć współczesny świat i pojednać różne nacje. Tylko pokój i pojednanie między ludźmi jest zdolne do zapewnienia dalszej owocnej ewolucji świata. W ostatniej trzeciej części książki zatytułowanej The Third Way between capitalism and communism zawarłem opis działań, które trzeba wykonać aby ludzki świat zamienił się harmonijne środowisko umożliwiające zrealizowanie celu naszej ewolucji – odtworzenie energii, która dała nam życie tj. odtworzenie wirtualnego Systemu Słonecznego i życia w nim. Warszawa, dnia 21 kwietnia 2021 roku, godzina 3:10 Bogdan Góralski

More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 20 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world by : Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Download or read book More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world written by Bogdan Jacek Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2020-07-21 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Chinese history is written by changes in the price of rice - the basic Chinese cereal. Each major increase in rice prices was preceded by a period of low prices in which agricultural property was concentrated in the hands of huge landowners. Then always followed a price increase causing social discontent and the outbreak of popular uprisings that changing the Chinese authorities. Then happen deconcentrating of land ownership by dividing landowners' agricultural assets between starving crowds of people and the rule of the new dynasty. And so the elites ruling China change from the rise in rice prices to the next rise. As a result of the recent People's Revolution in China in the early 1980s, there was another deconcentrating in agricultural ownership due to the global rise in food prices. The land possessed for many years by rural communist communes was transferred to Chinese peasants, and so far there is no shortage of food in China because 800 million producers produce it very effectively. Unfortunately, another global climate change is coming, which will increase global food prices. I am writing below about the causes of this future climate and food disaster.

False foundations of Marxist ideology.

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 20 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis False foundations of Marxist ideology. by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book False foundations of Marxist ideology. written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2020-01-20 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Marxist ideology based on false foundations was the cause II World War and the suffering of the peoples of Europe and the ideological offensive carried out by Soviet Russia around the world. I expose the falsehood of Karl Marx's ideology and the ideology of his followers in the following work. William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) shortly before his death formulated theory on the connection between commercial crises and sunspots. He was right what we know now in the XXI century but Karl Marx's theory about permanent crises of capitalism was widely adverised in the XIX century by scientific circles. Karl Marx was wrong also about the struggle of classes as a driving force of history because the climate changes are undoubtedly driving force of history (what I shoved in my research). The only excuse of Marx's theory of the need for revolution is poor knowledge in the XIX century about cosmic reasons earthly historical and economical processes and cruelty of feudal elites in Europe.



Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Jacek Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 232 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)



Download or read book THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE EARTH’S CLIMATE CHANGES written by Bogdan Jacek Góralski and published by Bogdan Jacek Góralski. This book was released on 2023-03-22 with total page 232 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: I dedicate my book to people who are hungry for knowledge, who will build the future world and achieve the goal of evolution

The Natural History and Climate Change

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis The Natural History and Climate Change by : Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Download or read book The Natural History and Climate Change written by Bogdan Jacek Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2021-07-16 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: My research and work on a book entitled Natural history and climate change lasted over twenty years. I used in it all the academic knowledge acquired during geological studies and twenty years of complex reflections on the causes and effects of climate change and the experience of a life rich in events. You will forgive me for repeating myself in the text, but it has arisen from many separate articles written during these independent studies. I combined them into one whole by conveying my knowledge and showing that science allows us today to look into the most complicated problems of our existence. The knowledge accumulated and available in the Libraries; the Internet enables independent study in which only research passion, luck, and some free time are needed. Fortunately, fate gave me generously these gifts. If my book arouses interest and becomes a publishing success, scientific research will be an excellent incentive for well-educated average bread eaters. My book signals research issues mainly from three scientific disciplines: philosophy, history, and climatology, but also affects sociological, geological and geophysical, oceanology, agricultural, economic, demographic, political, and many other issues. In this work, I used the research of many Polish scholars and the result of other nations. I tried to show respect for the authors, quoting numerous quotes, because, without their tedious research work, I would not prove my thesis. The proper arrangement of the passages indicates the direction of my thinking about the problems being developed. The enormous extent of the subject matter has forced me to think of shortcuts not to bore readers with extensive arguments. I try to show the problems facing science, and I hope that I will arouse the interest of researchers in the amount of work to do that awaits them. When culture and science are approaching, I do not present a different perspective by believing in the self-preservation instinct of the world’s elites, who may “take a look” at my work. It remains to me that the average Kowalski-Smith will get through the sea of ​​facts quoted in my book. I hope that they will bring the desired impression and bring us rescue. The rescue will be organized activities of the world community of scholars who know that ordinary people will not cope with the imminent climatic cataclysm without them. Jakuszowice, 16 July 2021. Bogdan Góralski

Revolution of Russia and the climate

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 58 pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Revolution of Russia and the climate by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book Revolution of Russia and the climate written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2019-12-13 with total page 58 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cyclical climate crises shape the biological life on Earth, including the development and decline of subsequent human civilizations. Favorable climatic conditions cause a population increase within every civilization. Then comes the deterioration of climatic conditions and the internal crisis of civilization that sets the leader. Then comes the conquest of external countries and the development of the empire until its fall, which shape a new empire. The development and fall of subsequent civilizations follow the rhythm of the movements of the earth's coating, what I described in my works. Chinggis Khan's empire was born during the climate crisis in Asia. At that time, favorable climatic conditions prevailed in Europe, and it was in the direction of Europe that the Mongol expansion was directed. In the meantime, between the Mughal empire and Napoleon's empire, a powerful Ottoman Empire emerged, whose development indicates the shift of favorable climate zones from East Asia to the west towards Turkey. The empire developed and fell before the summit of the Little Ice Age that was destroying Europe. Russian Empire developed in almost the same time as the Ottoman Empire, and it collapsed in the internal crisis of the Russian revolution during the east European climatic crisis-see in my work below entitled "Russian revolution and the climate." The Little Ice Age caused an internal crisis in Europe, the expansion of Europeans to other continents, and the rise of Napoleon's empire. At that time, favorable climatic conditions prevailed in Asia. Another climate crisis in Asia is approaching, and I am sure that only the global opening of borders and the free migration of peoples can save the world from the Third World War. The analysis of past revolutions leads to the conclusion that two factors are needed for the revolution to take place: the dissatisfied people and the frustrated intelligentsia driving the revolution. 2 The dissatisfaction of the people comes from not fulfilling basic life needs, and the frustration of intelligence is a consequence of the lack of life prospects in the old social order. The environmental factors (natural and social ) determine the emergence of the revolutionary situation. Natural factors would include, above all, climatic factors - atmospheric precipitation and air temperature, which in the case of Russia, are very variable. They determine the basic social parameters - the size and sexual composition of the population developing in favorable climatic conditions for a given territory. For the revolution to take place, a decades-long period of good climatic conditions conducive to population growth and its masculinization would be needed, followed by a deterioration of this climatic situation and the social situation that was linked to it. In the decades before the Russian Revolution, there were better conditions in Russia (rising atmospheric precipitation) and social conditions (reform of education for Alexander I, release from serfdom and other reforms). The later deterioration of the social situation due to overpopulation and hunger of the land was followed by erroneous actions by the authorities that do not take into account the impact of the climatic factor and destroying the rural communities - сообщество. In the run-up to the revolution, climatic conditions gradually improved, and the apogee of the climate crisis took place just before the revolution. The crisis in Europe and the position of European powers pushing for world war caused deterioration of the internal situation in Russia and consequently accelerated the revolution. To the deterioration contributed the coolings of the climate of 1901-1905 and 1914-1918. (See fig. 24). The European elites, mostly landowners, were bankrupted by the constantly going down prices of grain (from 1830 supplied by steamers from the USA (about 15% of Europe's grain needs)) and only war left to escape from it. Probably it was one of the main causes of the First World War, apart from the masculinization of the European population. The social factor decisive for the revolution is the size of the population able to survive in a given territory. When the population rises to the border value for a given territory, it becomes sensitive to any deterioration of living conditions because the environmental resources available to individual units decrease, and also, due to the population density, social distances are reduced, which increases the level of aggression. Such a deterioration in the life situation of the Russian people uprooted Russian nobility, intelligentsia, and the Jewish community occurred in the period preceding the revolution, ie, from 1861 to 1917. The climate crisis and the lack of knowledge about the real problems of Russian society determined the outbreak of the revolution. Another reason was to stop by the state terror of progressive and positive evolution of the patriotically minded Russian intelligentsia. The victory of the Bolshevik Revolution was also decided by anti-Semitism, controlled by tsarism (?). In the further course of my work, I will try to show that the above factors determined the existence of a specific social situation and the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.

Oil & War

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Author :
Publisher : William Morrow
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 392 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (91 download)


Book Synopsis Oil & War by : Robert Goralski

Download or read book Oil & War written by Robert Goralski and published by William Morrow. This book was released on 1987 with total page 392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The full story of the role that oil played in the origins and outcome of World War II.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business, Education and Healthcare

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 3030720802
Total Pages : 503 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (37 download)


Book Synopsis Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business, Education and Healthcare by : Allam Hamdan

Download or read book Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business, Education and Healthcare written by Allam Hamdan and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2021-07-12 with total page 503 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book focuses on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Business, Education and Healthcare, It includes research articles and expository papers on the applications of Artificial Intelligence on Decision Making, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Healthcare, Education, Public Sector, FinTech, and RegTech. It also discusses the role of Artificial Intelligence in the current COVID-19 pandemic, in the health sector, education, and others. It also discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence on decision-making in vital sectors of the economy.

Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not

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Author :
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
ISBN 13 : 1139498894
Total Pages : 385 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (394 download)


Book Synopsis Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not by : Prasannan Parthasarathi

Download or read book Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not written by Prasannan Parthasarathi and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2011-08-11 with total page 385 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not provides a striking new answer to the classic question of why Europe industrialised from the late eighteenth century and Asia did not. Drawing significantly from the case of India, Prasannan Parthasarathi shows that in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the advanced regions of Europe and Asia were more alike than different, both characterized by sophisticated and growing economies. Their subsequent divergence can be attributed to different competitive and ecological pressures that in turn produced varied state policies and economic outcomes. This account breaks with conventional views, which hold that divergence occurred because Europe possessed superior markets, rationality, science or institutions. It offers instead a groundbreaking rereading of global economic development that ranges from India, Japan and China to Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire and from the textile and coal industries to the roles of science, technology and the state.

Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 892 pages
Book Rating : 4.:/5 (318 download)


Book Synopsis Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) by : Michael Schmidt

Download or read book Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) written by Michael Schmidt and published by . This book was released on 2004 with total page 892 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3030170349
Total Pages : 243 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (31 download)


Book Synopsis Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context by : Ewa Mazierska

Download or read book Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context written by Ewa Mazierska and published by Springer. This book was released on 2019-07-15 with total page 243 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume examines the transnational character of popular music since the Cold War era to the present. Bringing together the cross-disciplinary research of native scholars, Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context expands our understanding of the movement of physical music, musicians and genres through the Iron Curtain and within the region of Eastern Europe. With case studies ranging from Goran Bregović, Czesław Niemen, the reception of Leonard Cohen in Poland, the Estonian punk scene to the Intervision Song Contest, the book discusses how the production and reception of popular music in the region has always been heavily influenced by international trends and how varied strategies allowed performers and fans to acquire cosmopolitan identities. Cross-disciplinary in nature, the investigations are informed by political, social and cultural history, reception studies, sociology and marketing and are largely based on archival research and interviews.

Oil & War

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Author :
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ISBN 13 : 9780160953613
Total Pages : 390 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (536 download)


Book Synopsis Oil & War by : Robert Goralski

Download or read book Oil & War written by Robert Goralski and published by . This book was released on 2021 with total page 390 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Astronomical Observations Made ...

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ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : 596 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (243 download)


Book Synopsis Astronomical Observations Made ... by :

Download or read book Astronomical Observations Made ... written by and published by . This book was released on 1853 with total page 596 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

How to increase yields of fishing in the ocean? How to feed up the world?

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis How to increase yields of fishing in the ocean? How to feed up the world? by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book How to increase yields of fishing in the ocean? How to feed up the world? written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on 2019-11-24 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:  The following article is an attempt to discover the mechanism that shapes the fish catches in the oceans and seas. Previous ocean biology studies have found a relationship between fish catches and regional climate change. The author speculates that the same cosmic factors that shape the Earth's climate affect the biological production of the ocean. It is, therefore, necessary to describe the Earth's climate mechanism and we will find the reasons for the variability of fish catches then. Changes in the magnetic activity of the Sun are caused by changes in the gravitational forces of the Solar System, which at the same time interact with the northern hemisphere, which is heavier than the southern hemisphere, causing the Earth's coating to rotate around the Earth's core. The rotation of the earth's coating consisting of crust and mantle is reflected by apparent changes in the location of North Magnetic Field NMP found in paleomagnetic studies. The rotation of the Earth's coating causes changes in the moment of inertia of the Earth's geoid, and thus changes in length of earth’s day LOD, and changes in the centrifugal force affecting the inertial ocean waters and the Earth's crust. Changes in the centrifugal force acting in the surface of the globe caused changes in the Global Mean Sea Level GMSL (the largest changes occur at the equator due to the highest linear speed of Earth's rotation) and changes in upwelling - i.e. movement of vertical and horizontal ocean water caused by centrifugal force. Changes in ocean upwelling cause cooling of ocean water and changes in ocean biological productivity that are correlated with changes in Length Of Earth's Day LOD, changes in Earth's climate (El Nino Southern Oscillation ENSO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, North Atlantic Oscillation NAO, East Asian Monsoon EAM, Sea Level Pressure SLP), cloud cover over oceans, Earth's flattening coefficient J2 and delta C20, and carbon dioxide emissions from the ocean into the atmosphere. Changes in the centrifugal force acting on the rotating Earth cause displacement of tectonic plates of the earth's crust and changes in the number of 2 earthquakes, as well as the formation and development of subduction zones in which hydrocarbons and other minerals are formed. The relationship between changes in solar activity measured by the number of spots on the sun and changes in LOD confirms the correlation of the physicochemical phenomena described above on Earth with changes in gravity in the solar system. Because LOD changes are correlated with changes in ocean biological productivity and the Earth Orientation Center IERS service provides a semi-annual forecast of LOD changes, it is possible to predict periods of more abundant catches of marine organisms. Seasons of heavy fishing in the ocean occur during significant changes in the Earth's rotational speed accompanied by the cooling of the Sea Surface Temperature SST. Increasing catches will probably be possible because the long-term period of large displacements of the Earth's coating is approaching, which will be accompanied by large changes in the Earth's rotation speed and global cooling of the climate due to the cooling of ocean water. Confirmation of these future geophysical phenomena is important for securing sufficient food supply for human society.

Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 13 : 3433030871
Total Pages : 198 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (33 download)


Book Synopsis Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC by : Ekkehard Fehling

Download or read book Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC written by Ekkehard Fehling and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2015-04-20 with total page 198 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English "Beton-Kalender Series" for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn "Beton-Kalender" has been supporting developments in reinforced and prestressed concrete. The aim was to publish a yearbook to reflect progress in "ferro-concrete" structures until - as the book's first editor, Fritz von Emperger (1862-1942), expressed it - the "tempestuous development" in this form of construction came to an end. However, the "Beton-Kalender" quickly became the chosen work of reference for civil and structural engineers, and apart from the years 1945-1950 has been published annually ever since. Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) is a milestone in concrete technology and application. It permits the construction of both more slender and more durable concrete structures with a prolonged service life and thus improved sustainability. This book is a comprehensive overview of UHPC - from the principles behind its production and its mechanical properties to design and detailing aspects. The focus is on the material behaviour of steel fibre-reinforced UHPC. Numerical modelling and detailing of the connections with reinforced concrete elements are featured as well. Numerous examples worldwide - bridges, columns, facades and roofs - are the basis for additional explanations about the benefits of UHPC and how it helps to realise several architectural requirements. The authors are extensively involved in the testing, design, construction and monitoring of UHPC structures. What they provide here is therefore a unique synopsis of the state of the art with a view to practical applications.

Revolution of Russia and the climate

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Author :
Publisher : Bogdan Góralski
ISBN 13 :
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4./5 ( download)


Book Synopsis Revolution of Russia and the climate by : Bogdan Góralski

Download or read book Revolution of Russia and the climate written by Bogdan Góralski and published by Bogdan Góralski. This book was released on with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cyclical climate crises shape the biological life on Earth, including the development and decline of subsequent human civilizations. Favorable climatic conditions cause a population increase within every civilization. Then comes the deterioration of climatic conditions and the internal crisis of civilization that sets the leader. Then comes the conquest of external countries and the development of the empire until its fall, which shape a new empire. The development and fall of subsequent civilizations follow the rhythm of the movements of the earth's coating, what I described in my works. Chinggis Khan's empire was born during the climate crisis in Asia. At that time, favorable climatic conditions prevailed in Europe, and it was in the direction of Europe that the Mongol expansion was directed. In the meantime, between the Mughal empire and Napoleon's empire, a powerful Ottoman Empire emerged, whose development indicates the shift of favorable climate zones from East Asia to the west towards Turkey. The empire developed and fell before the summit of the Little Ice Age that was destroying Europe. Russian Empire developed in almost the same time as the Ottoman Empire, and it collapsed in the internal crisis of the Russian revolution during the east European climatic crisis-see in my work below entitled "Russian revolution and the climate." The Little Ice Age caused an internal crisis in Europe, the expansion of Europeans to other continents, and the rise of Napoleon's empire. At that time, favorable climatic conditions prevailed in Asia. Another climate crisis in Asia is approaching, and I am sure that only the global opening of borders and the free migration of peoples can save the world from the Third World War. I present below the chapter of my book titled "Natural History and Climate Changes". III. Reasons for the outbreak of the Russian Revolution The analysis of past revolutions leads to the conclusion that two factors are needed for the revolution to take place: the dissatisfied people and the frustrated intelligentsia driving the revolution. The dissatisfaction of the people comes from not fulfilling basic life needs, and the frustration of intelligence is a consequence of the lack of life prospects in the old social order. The environmental factors (natural and social ) determine the emergence of the revolutionary situation. Natural factors would include, above all, climatic factors - atmospheric precipitation and air temperature, which in the case of Russia, are very variable. They determine the basic social parameters - the size and sexual composition of the population developing in favorable climatic conditions for a given territory. For the revolution to take place, a decades-long period of good climatic conditions conducive to population growth and its masculinization would be needed, followed by a deterioration of this climatic situation and the social situation that was linked to it. In the decades before the Russian Revolution, there were better conditions in Russia (rising atmospheric precipitation) and social conditions (reform of education for Alexander I, release from serfdom and other reforms). The later deterioration of the social situation due to overpopulation and hunger of the land was followed by erroneous actions by the authorities that do not take into account the impact of the climatic factor and destroying the rural communities - сообщество. In the run-up to the revolution, climatic conditions gradually improved, and the apogee of the climate crisis took place just before the revolution. The crisis in Europe and the position of European powers pushing for world war caused deterioration of the internal situation in Russia and consequently accelerated the revolution. To the deterioration contributed the coolings of the climate of 1901-1905 and 1914-1918. (See fig. 24). The European elites, mostly landowners, were bankrupted by the constantly going down prices of grain (from 1830 supplied by steamers from the USA (about 15% of Europe's grain needs)) and only war left to escape from it. Probably it was one of the main causes of the First World War, apart from the masculinization of the European population. The social factor decisive for the revolution is the size of the population able to survive in a given territory. When the population rises to the border value for a given territory, it becomes sensitive to any deterioration of living conditions because the environmental resources available to individual units decrease, and also, due to the population density, social distances are reduced, which increases the level of aggression. Such a deterioration in the life situation of the Russian people uprooted Russian nobility, intelligentsia, and the Jewish community occurred in the period preceding the revolution, ie, from 1861 to 1917. The climate crisis and the lack of knowledge about the real problems of Russian society determined the outbreak of the revolution. Another reason was to stop by the state terror of progressive and positive evolution of the patriotically minded Russian intelligentsia. The victory of the Bolshevik Revolution was also decided by anti-Semitism, controlled by tsarism (?). In the further course of my work, I will try to show that the above factors determined the existence of a specific social situation and the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.