Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum

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Author :
Publisher : O'Reilly Media
ISBN 13 : 1492045233
Total Pages : 270 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (92 download)


Book Synopsis Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum by : Kevin Solorio

Download or read book Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum written by Kevin Solorio and published by O'Reilly Media. This book was released on 2019-11-25 with total page 270 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ready to dive into smart contract development for the blockchain? With this practical guide, experienced engineers and beginners alike will quickly learn the entire process for building smart contracts for Ethereum—the open source blockchain-based distributed computing platform. You’llget up to speed with the fundamentals and quickly move into builder mode. Kevin Solorio, Randall Kanna, and Dave Hoover show you how to create and test your own smart contract, create a frontend for users to interact with, and more. It’s the perfect resource for people who want to break into the smart contract field but don’t know where to start. In four parts, this book helps you: Explore smart contract fundamentals, including the Ethereum protocol, Solidity programming language, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine Dive into smart contract development using Solidity and gain experience with Truffle framework tools for deploying and testing your contracts Use Web3 to connect your smart contracts to an applicationso users can easily interact with the blockchain Examine smart contract security along with free online resources for smart contract security auditing

Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security

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Author :
Publisher : Momentum Press
ISBN 13 : 1949449378
Total Pages : 164 pages
Book Rating : 4.9/5 (494 download)


Book Synopsis Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security by : Richard Ma

Download or read book Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security written by Richard Ma and published by Momentum Press. This book was released on 2019-05-28 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Written by security experts at the forefront of this dynamic industry, this book teaches state-of-the-art smart contract security principles and practices. Smart contracts are an innovative application of blockchain technology. Acting as decentralized custodians of digital assets, they allow us to transfer value and information more effectively by reducing the need to trust a third party. By eliminating the need for intermediaries, smart contracts have the potential to massively scale the world economy and unleash the potential for faster and more efficient solutions than traditional systems could ever provide. But there's one catch: while blockchains are secure, smart contracts are not. Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts have led to over $250 million USD in value to be lost or stolen. For smart contract technology to achieve its full potential, these security vulnerabilities need to be addressed. Written by security experts at the forefront of this dynamic industry, this book teaches state-of-the-art smart contract security principles and practices. Help us secure the future of blockchain technology and join us at the forefront today!

Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming

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Author :
Publisher : Apress
ISBN 13 : 1484250869
Total Pages : 300 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (842 download)


Book Synopsis Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming by : Wei-Meng Lee

Download or read book Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming written by Wei-Meng Lee and published by Apress. This book was released on 2019-09-06 with total page 300 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Use this book to write an Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contract, test it, deploy it, and create a web application to interact with your smart contract. Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming is your fastest and most efficient means of getting started if you are unsure where to begin and how to connect to the Ethereum Blockchain. The book begins with a foundational discussion of blockchain and the motivation behind it. From there, you will get up close and personal with the Ethereum Blockchain, learning how to use an Ethereum client (geth) to connect to the Ethereum Blockchain to perform transactions such as sending Ethers to another account. You will learn about smart contracts without having to wade through tons of documentation. Author Lee’s “learn-by-doing” approach will allow you to be productive and feel confident in your ability in no time. The last part of this book covers tokens, a topic that has taken the cryptocurrency market by storm. Sample code in Python, Solidity, and JavaScript is provided in the book and online. What You'll LearnUnderstand the basic premise of blockchain and “record keeping” in a peer-to-peer network Experience blockchain in action by creating your own blockchain using Python Know the foundation of smart contracts programming and how to deploy and test smart contracts Work on a case study to illustrate the use of blockchain Be familiar with tokens, and how to create and launch your own ICO digital token Write smart contracts that transact using tokens Who This Book Is For Those who want to get started quickly with Ethereum Smart Contracts programming. Basic programming knowledge and an understanding of Python or JavaScript is recommended.

The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms

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Author :
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
ISBN 13 : 9781108492560
Total Pages : 500 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (925 download)


Book Synopsis The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms by : Larry A. DiMatteo

Download or read book The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms written by Larry A. DiMatteo and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2019-10-31 with total page 500 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The product of a unique collaboration between academic scholars, legal practitioners, and technology experts, this Handbook is the first of its kind to analyze the ongoing evolution of smart contracts, based upon blockchain technology, from the perspective of existing legal frameworks - namely, contract law. The book's coverage ranges across many areas of smart contracts and electronic or digital platforms to illuminate the impact of new, and often disruptive, technologies on the law. With a mix of scholarly commentary and practical application, chapter authors provide expert insights on the core issues involving the use of smart contracts, concluding that smart contracts cannot supplant contract law and the courts, but leaving open the question of whether there is a need for specialized regulations to prevent abuse. This book should be read by anyone interested in the disruptive effect of new technologies on the law generally, and contract law in particular.

Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 9811562180
Total Pages : 337 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (115 download)


Book Synopsis Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity by : Gavin Zheng

Download or read book Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity written by Gavin Zheng and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-08-31 with total page 337 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The general consensus is that BlockChain is the next disruptive technology, and Ethereum is the flagship product of BlockChain 2.0. However, coding and implementing business logic in a decentralized and transparent environment is fundamentally different from traditional programming and is emerging as a major challenge for developers. This book introduces readers to the Solidity language from scratch, together with case studies and examples. It also covers advanced topics and explains the working mechanism of smart contracts in depth. Further, it includes relevant examples that shed new light on the forefront of Solidity programming. In short, it equips readers with essential practical skills, allowing them to quickly catch up and start using Solidity programming. To gain the most from the book, readers should have already learned at least one object-oriented programming language

Ethereum Smart Contract Development

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Author :
Publisher : Packt Publishing Ltd
ISBN 13 : 1788472624
Total Pages : 278 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (884 download)


Book Synopsis Ethereum Smart Contract Development by : Mayukh Mukhopadhyay

Download or read book Ethereum Smart Contract Development written by Mayukh Mukhopadhyay and published by Packt Publishing Ltd. This book was released on 2018-02-23 with total page 278 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Become an Ethereum Blockchain developer using a blend of concepts and hands-on implementations Key Features Understand the Ethereum Ecosystem and its differences from its rich cousin Bitcoin Explore the Solidity programming language and smart contract optimizations Get a developer’s perspective of Blockchain-as-a-technology with exposure to common challenges faced while building decentralized applications Book Description Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. This book is your one-stop guide to blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development. We start by introducing you to the basics of blockchain. You'll learn about hash functions, Merkle trees, forking, mining, and much more. Then you'll learn about Ethereum and smart contracts, and we'll cover Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) in detail. Next, you'll get acquainted with DApps and DAOs and see how they work. We'll also delve into the mechanisms of advanced smart contracts, taking a practical approach. You'll also learn how to develop your own cryptocurrency from scratch in order to understand the business behind ICO. Further on, you'll get to know the key concepts of the Solidity programming language, enabling you to build decentralized blockchain-based applications. We'll also look at enterprise use cases, where you'll build a decentralized microblogging site. At the end of this book, we discuss blockchain-as-a-service, the dark web marketplace, and various advanced topics so you can get well versed with the blockchain principles and ecosystem. What you will learn Know how to build your own smart contracts and cryptocurrencies Understand the Solidity language Find out about data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, and much more See the various types of forks and discover how they are related to Ethereum Get to know the various concepts of web3.js and its APIs so you can build client-side apps Build a DAO from scratch and acquire basic knowledge of DApps on Ethercast Be guided through the project so you can optimize EVM for smart contracts Build your own decentralized applications (DApps) by taking a practical approach Who this book is for If you want to know the ins and outs of the Ethereum network and build your own decentralized applications, then this book is what you need! This book is for anyone who is interested in blockchain and wants to become an Ethereum developer. It’s ideal for existing Ethereum developers who want to develop Ethereum using smart contracts. Basic knowledge of cryptography is expected but is not mandatory.

Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Hyperledger Fabric V2

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Author :
Publisher : "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
ISBN 13 : 1492086096
Total Pages : 318 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (92 download)


Book Synopsis Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Hyperledger Fabric V2 by : Matt Zand

Download or read book Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Hyperledger Fabric V2 written by Matt Zand and published by "O'Reilly Media, Inc.". This book was released on 2021-09-09 with total page 318 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Blockchain technology continues to disrupt a wide variety of organizations, from small businesses to the Fortune 500. Today hundreds of blockchain networks are in production, including many built with Hyperledger Fabric. This practical guide shows developers how the latest version of this blockchain infrastructure provides an ideal foundation for developing enterprise blockchain applications or solutions. Authors Matt Zand, Xun Wu, and Mark Anthony Morris demonstrate how the versatile design of Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. Developers with or without previous Hyperledger experience will discover why no other distributed ledger technology framework enjoys such wide adoption by cloud service providers such as Amazon, Alibaba, IBM, Google, and Oracle. Walk through the architecture and components of Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 Migrate your current Hyperledger Fabric projects to version 2.0 Develop blockchain applications on the Hyperledger platform with Node.js Deploy and integrate Hyperledger on Amazon Managed Blockchain, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud Develop blockchain applications with Hyperledger Aries, Avalon, Besu, and Grid Build end-to-end blockchain supply chain applications with Hyperledger

Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum

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Author :
Publisher : BPB Publications
ISBN 13 : 9388511913
Total Pages : 170 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (885 download)


Book Synopsis Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum by : Akhil Mittal

Download or read book Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum written by Akhil Mittal and published by BPB Publications. This book was released on 2020-05-23 with total page 170 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Create, develop and deploy a Smart Contract with ease KEY FEATURES áÊ Familiarize yourself with Blockchain terminology and its concepts áÊ Understand and implement the Cryptography basic principles áÊ Understand the life cycle of an Ethereum TransactionÊ áÊ Explore and work with Dapps on Ethereum. áÊ A practical guide that will teach you to create and deploy Smart Contracts with Solidity Ê DESCRIPTION The book covers the fundamentals of Blockchain in detail and shows how to create a Smart Contract with ease. This book is both for novices and advanced readers who want to revisit the Smart Contract development process.Ê Ê The book starts by introduces Blockchain, its terminology, its workflow, and cryptographic principles. You will get familiar with the basics of Ethereum and some Distributed apps available on Ethereum. Furthermore, you will learn to set-up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure. Then you will learn how to create, develop, and deploy a smart contract on Ethereum. Towards the end, you will understand what Blockchain uses and advantages in the real-world scenario.Ê Ê WHAT WILL YOU LEARN áÊ Get familiar with the basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin áÊ Setup a development environment for programming Smart Contracts áÊ Learn how to set up an Ethereum Blockchain on Azure áÊ Understand the basics of Solidity, an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts áÊ Learn how to test and deploy a smart contract Ê WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for Developers, Architects, and Software/Technology Enthusiasts who are interested in Blockchain, Ethereum, and Smart Contracts. It is also for Developers who want to build a Blockchain-basedÊ DApps on Ethereum Network. It is for everyone who is learning Solidity and is looking to create and integrate Blockchain into their project. ÊÊ TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: What is Blockchain and how does it work?ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain Ð The Concept 2. Blockchain Ð Cryptographic Principles Section 2: Ethereum and DAAPSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Distributed ApplicationsÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 2. Setting up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure Section 3: Smart Contracts DevelopmentÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Setting up an Environment for Smart Contracts Development 2. Programming Smart Contracts Section 4: Blockchain in Real WorldÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain-Offerings and Usages

Smart Contracts and Comparative Law

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 3030832406
Total Pages : 152 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (38 download)


Book Synopsis Smart Contracts and Comparative Law by : Andrea Stazi

Download or read book Smart Contracts and Comparative Law written by Andrea Stazi and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2021-12-08 with total page 152 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The book analyzes the most relevant developments in the relation between contracts and technology, from automatically concluded contracts to today's revolutionary "smart contracts" developed through blockchain, which are beginning to and will increasingly disrupt many economic and social relations. First of all, the author offers a broad analysis of the peculiarities and evolution of the relation between contracts and technology. The main features and elements of electronic contracts are then examined in depth to highlight the specific rules applicable to them in the international comparative legal framework. In turn, the book provides a detailed explanation of the technology, economic and social dynamics, and legal issues concerning blockchain and smart contracts. The analysis focuses on the question of the legal nature of smart contracts, the issues posed by their development and the first legal solutions adopted in some countries. The comparative approach pursued makes it possible to focus attention on the first solutions adopted until now in various systems, with particular regard to the circulation of models and ideas and to the specificities of their local variations, in terms of e.g. applicable law and jurisdiction. In reviewing the characteristics of distributed ledger technologies, and in particular of the blockchain technology on which smart contracts are based, above all the peculiarities of the latter are taken into consideration, especially automatic execution and resistance to tampering, which simultaneously present significant opportunities and complex legal issues. A comprehensive framework is then provided to reconcile smart contracts with comparative contract law, in order to define the scope and specificities of their binding force, legal effectiveness and regulation in various legal systems. Lastly, with specific reference to the elements, pathologies and contractual remedies for smart contracts, the book examines the peculiarities of their application and the main issues that emerge in comparative contract law in order to promote their harmonized use, in keeping with the transnational nature of such a revolutionary tool.

Mastering Ethereum

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Author :
Publisher : O'Reilly Media
ISBN 13 : 1491971916
Total Pages : 424 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (919 download)


Book Synopsis Mastering Ethereum by : Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Download or read book Mastering Ethereum written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and published by O'Reilly Media. This book was released on 2018-11-13 with total page 424 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components

Smart Contracts

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Author :
Publisher :
ISBN 13 : 9781539457442
Total Pages : 54 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (574 download)


Book Synopsis Smart Contracts by : Jeff Reed

Download or read book Smart Contracts written by Jeff Reed and published by . This book was released on 2016-10-11 with total page 54 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Learn What You Need to Know About Smart Contracts! In this book, Jeff Reed explains the fundamentals of Smart Contracts and how they work. The practical uses of Smart Contracts are enumerated in this book and you will also learn how you can make your own Smart Contracts in the Ethereum system. You will also get tips on how you can make your Smart Contacts easy to understand and user-friendly. This book also covers some of the myths surrounding smart contracts and the reasons why they exist. This book will introduce you to the basics of Smart Contracts. You will learn: The fundamentals of Smart Contracts The pros and cons of Smart Contracts The process of setting up Dapp The current state of Smart Contracts And much more...

Blockchain And Smart Contracts: Design Thinking And Programming For Fintech

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Author :
Publisher : World Scientific
ISBN 13 : 981122370X
Total Pages : 381 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (112 download)


Book Synopsis Blockchain And Smart Contracts: Design Thinking And Programming For Fintech by : Swee Won Lo

Download or read book Blockchain And Smart Contracts: Design Thinking And Programming For Fintech written by Swee Won Lo and published by World Scientific. This book was released on 2021-01-08 with total page 381 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Innovative as it is, the blockchain technology is getting more and more attention and an increasing number of applications have emerged. This book elaborates on both the design thinking ideas and technical details in blockchain and smart contracts to help readers delve into the conceptual framework and understand why blockchain is designed as such and how it makes the current system decentralised yet effective. Having this understanding lays the ground for further analysis of blockchain-based solutions and innovative fintech applications.Topics covered in this book include blockchain structure, blockchain ecosystem, design thinking for blockchain, smart contract, fintech and financial services, solution-based problem solving, fintech valuation, and current issues faced such as privacy protection and solution selection, with the aid of real-life examples and hands-on exercises.Blockchain and Smart Contracts serves as a valuable guide for researchers and practitioners who have interests in the blockchain, smart contract, fintech innovation and applications, design thinking, and technical details. This book is particularly written for anyone who has no technical background and is searching for an initiation into the deep end of blockchain. Those with business, finance and economic interests will find this interesting and easy to digest.

The LegalTech Book

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 13 : 1119574285
Total Pages : 282 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (195 download)


Book Synopsis The LegalTech Book by : Sophia Adams Bhatti

Download or read book The LegalTech Book written by Sophia Adams Bhatti and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2020-06-01 with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Written by prominent thought leaders in the global FinTech investment space, The LegalTech Book aggregates diverse expertise into a single, informative volume. Key industry developments are explained in detail, and critical insights from cutting-edge practitioners offer first-hand information and lessons learned. Coverage includes: The current status of LegalTech, why now is the time for it to boom, the drivers behind it, and how it relates to FinTech, RegTech, InsurTech and WealthTech Applications of AI, machine learning and deep learning in the practice of law; e-discovery and due diligence; AI as a legal predictor LegalTech making the law accessible to all; online courts, online dispute resolution The Uberization of the law; hiring and firing through apps Lawbots; social media meets legal advice To what extent does LegalTech make lawyers redundant? Cryptocurrencies, distributed ledger technology and the law The Internet of Things, data privacy, automated contracts Cybersecurity and data Technology vs. the law; driverless cars and liability, legal rights of robots, ownership rights over works created by technology Legislators as innovators"--

Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts

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Author :
Publisher : Apress
ISBN 13 : 1484234928
Total Pages : 281 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (842 download)


Book Synopsis Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts by : Kedar Iyer

Download or read book Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts written by Kedar Iyer and published by Apress. This book was released on 2018-05-24 with total page 281 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Learn how to take your existing knowledge of Ethereum and Solidity to the next level. Hone your development skills and become more familiar with the syntax of the Solidity language by working through well-tested, well-documented intermediate-level sample projects. You will begin by covering the basics of Ethereum, Solidity, and gaming theory. From there, you will move onto sample projects that use smart contract engineering to create fun casino-style games that you can deploy and test on your friends and colleagues with real ether. All games are provably fair and auditable, so that players know the house won’t always win! Ideal for any reader with exposure to Ethereum, the techniques this book teaches are applicable to game developers, software engineers, web developers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. What You'll Learn Use various features and best practices for smart contract programming in Ethereum and Solidity Develop and deploy games of chance, similar to the kind you’d find in a casino Create fun, easy projects with Ethereum lntegrate the Ethereum blockchain into games Who This Book Is For Entry-level programmers with some exposure to Ethereum; game developers, Blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts looking to add Ethereum and Solidity development to their skill set; software engineers and Web developers

Quick Guide for Smart Contracts Creation and Deployment on Ethereum Blockchain

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Author :
Publisher : BookRix
ISBN 13 : 3748751060
Total Pages : 103 pages
Book Rating : 4.7/5 (487 download)


Book Synopsis Quick Guide for Smart Contracts Creation and Deployment on Ethereum Blockchain by : Dr. Hedaya Mahmood Alasooly

Download or read book Quick Guide for Smart Contracts Creation and Deployment on Ethereum Blockchain written by Dr. Hedaya Mahmood Alasooly and published by BookRix. This book was released on 2020-07-23 with total page 103 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This work explains briefly the creation and deployment Of Smart Contract on Ethereum Blockchain. The work consists from the following sections Blockchain Solidity variables and types How to Setup or Install Ethereum on Windows How to compile and deploy smart contract on JavaScriptVM How to install Ganache Blockchain on Windows and deploy smart contract using it. How to compile and deploy Smart Contract on Test Networks, Quick example of deploying ERC20 token smart contract. Getting started tutorial on Solidity Creating ERC-20 smart contract and crowd sale (ICO) smart contract without coding ERC-20 smart contract and crowd sale (ICO) smart contract: Creating Ethereum ERC-20 Tokens and Crowd Sales (ICO) without coding with Token Wizard: Example of creating and deploying an ERC20 token on the test and main network!!!

Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 9811360863
Total Pages : 276 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (113 download)


Book Synopsis Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain by : Marcelo Corrales

Download or read book Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain written by Marcelo Corrales and published by Springer. This book was released on 2019-02-07 with total page 276 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: There is a broad consensus amongst law firms and in-house legal departments that next generation “Legal Tech” – particularly in the form of Blockchain-based technologies and Smart Contracts – will have a profound impact on the future operations of all legal service providers. Legal Tech startups are already revolutionizing the legal industry by increasing the speed and efficiency of traditional legal services or replacing them altogether with new technologies. This on-going process of disruption within the legal profession offers significant opportunities for all business. However, it also poses a number of challenges for practitioners, trade associations, technology vendors, and regulators who often struggle to keep up with the technologies, resulting in a widening regulatory “gap.” Many uncertainties remain regarding the scope, direction, and effects of these new technologies and their integration with existing practices and legacy systems. Adding to the challenges is the growing need for easy-to-use contracting solutions, on the one hand, and for protecting the users of such solutions, on the other. To respond to the challenges and to provide better legal communications, systems, and services Legal Tech scholars and practitioners have found allies in the emerging field of Legal Design. This collection brings together leading scholars and practitioners working on these issues from diverse jurisdictions. The aim is to introduce Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies, and to examine their on-going impact on the legal profession, business and regulators.

Smart Contracts

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Author :
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN 13 : 150993703X
Total Pages : 256 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (99 download)


Book Synopsis Smart Contracts by : Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci

Download or read book Smart Contracts written by Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci and published by Bloomsbury Publishing. This book was released on 2021-05-06 with total page 256 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book brings together a series of contributions by leading scholars and practitioners to examine the main features of smart contracts, as well as the response of key stakeholders in technology, business, government and the law. It explores how this new technology interfaces with the goals and content of contract law, introducing and evaluating several mechanisms to improve the 'observability' and reduce the costs of verifying contractual obligations and performance. It also outlines various 'design patterns' that ensure that end users are protected from themselves, prevent cognitive accidents, and translate expectations and values into more user-oriented agreements. Furthermore, the chapters map the new risks associated with smart contracts, particularly for consumers, and consider how they might be alleviated. The book also discusses the challenge of integrating data protection and privacy concerns into the design of these agreements and the broad range of legal knowledge and skills required. The case for using smart contracts goes beyond 'contracts' narrowly defined, and they are increasingly used to disrupt traditional models of business organisation. The book discusses so-called decentralised autonomous organisations and decentralised finance as illustrations of this trend. This book is designed for those interested in looking to deepen their understanding of this game-changing new legal technology.