Index Compounds reg. in Volumes A-I; Comprehensive CAS-Index for all Subvolumes A-L

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 9783642230783
Total Pages : 0 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (37 download)


Book Synopsis Index Compounds reg. in Volumes A-I; Comprehensive CAS-Index for all Subvolumes A-L by : G. Peters

Download or read book Index Compounds reg. in Volumes A-I; Comprehensive CAS-Index for all Subvolumes A-L written by G. Peters and published by Springer. This book was released on 2012-02-14 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This index is a guide to organic compounds which have material constants of general interest described in the Landolt-Börnstein / New Series.In total in the subvolumes J, K, L and M, 23865 compounds with 83941 references to numerical data are recorded Compiled are volumes containing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) data, acoustical and optical properties, structure and molecular constants, mechanical and thermodynamic constants as well as physical properties of liquid crystals. All new compounds are given with the drawing of the chemical structure, the molecular formula, chemical names, the Chemical Abstracts registration numbers (CAS-RN) where known and references to Landolt-Börnstein citations.

Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature

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Author :
Publisher : Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN 13 : 1847559425
Total Pages : 465 pages
Book Rating : 4.8/5 (475 download)


Book Synopsis Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature by : Richard G Jones

Download or read book Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature written by Richard G Jones and published by Royal Society of Chemistry. This book was released on 2009-01-19 with total page 465 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The IUPAC system of polymer nomenclature has aided the generation of unambiguous names that re ect the historical development of chemistry. However, the explosion in the circulation of information and the globalization of human activities mean that it is now necessary to have a common language for use in legal situations, patents, export-import regulations, and environmental health and safety information. Rather than recommending a ‘unique name’ for each structure, rules have been developed for assigning ‘preferred IUPAC names’, while continuing to allow alternatives in order to preserve the diversity and adaptability of nomenclature. Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature is the only publication to collect the most important work on this subject into a single volume. It serves as a handy compendium for scientists and removes the need for time consuming literature searches. One of a series issued by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), it covers the terminology used in many and varied aspects of polymer science as well as the nomenclature of several di erent types of polymer including regular and irregular single-strand organic polymers, copolymers and regular double-strand (ladder and spiro) organic polymers.

Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization

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Author :
Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN 13 : 9179297382
Total Pages : 53 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (792 download)


Book Synopsis Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization by : Björn Morén

Download or read book Treatment Planning of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy - Mathematical Modelling and Optimization written by Björn Morén and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2021-01-12 with total page 53 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cancer is a widespread class of diseases that each year affects millions of people. It is mostly treated with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or combinations thereof. High doserate (HDR) brachytherapy (BT) is one modality of radiation therapy, which is used to treat for example prostate cancer and gynecologic cancer. In BT, catheters (i.e., hollow needles) or applicators are used to place a single, small, but highly radioactive source of ionizing radiation close to or within a tumour, at dwell positions. An emerging technique for HDR BT treatment is intensity modulated brachytherapy (IMBT), in which static or dynamic shields are used to further shape the dose distribution, by hindering the radiation in certain directions. The topic of this thesis is the application of mathematical optimization to model and solve the treatment planning problem. The treatment planning includes decisions on catheter placement, that is, how many catheters to use and where to place them, as well as decisions for dwell times. Our focus is on the latter decisions. The primary treatment goals are to give the tumour a sufficiently high radiation dose while limiting the dose to the surrounding healthy organs, to avoid severe side effects. Because these aims are typically in conflict, optimization models of the treatment planning problem are inherently multiobjective. Compared to manual treatment planning, there are several advantages of using mathematical optimization for treatment planning. First, the optimization of treatment plans requires less time, compared to the time-consuming manual planning. Secondly, treatment plan quality can be improved by using optimization models and algorithms. Finally, with the use of sophisticated optimization models and algorithms the requirements of experience and skill level for the planners are lower. The use of optimization for treatment planning of IMBT is especially important because the degrees of freedom are too many for manual planning. The contributions of this thesis include the study of properties of treatment planning models, suggestions for extensions and improvements of proposed models, and the development of new optimization models that take clinically relevant, but uncustomary aspects, into account in the treatment planning. A common theme is the modelling of constraints on dosimetric indices, each of which is a restriction on the portion of a volume that receives at least a specified dose, or on the lowest dose that is received by a portion of a volume. Modelling dosimetric indices explicitly yields mixed-integer programs which are computationally demanding to solve. We have therefore investigated approximations of dosimetric indices, for example using smooth non-linear functions or convex functions. Contributions of this thesis are also a literature review of proposed treatment planning models for HDR BT, including mathematical analyses and comparisons of models, and a study of treatment planning for IMBT, which shows how robust optimization can be used to mitigate the risks from rotational errors in the shield placement. Cancer är en grupp av sjukdomar som varje år drabbar miljontals människor. De vanligaste behandlingsformerna är cellgifter, kirurgi, strålbehandling eller en kombination av dessa. I denna avhandling studeras högdosrat brachyterapi (HDR BT), vilket är en form av strålbehandling som till exempel används vid behandling av prostatacancer och gynekologisk cancer. Vid brachyterapibehandling används ihåliga nålar eller applikatorer för att placera en millimeterstor strålkälla antingen inuti eller intill en tumör. I varje nål finns det ett antal så kallade dröjpositioner där strålkällan kan stanna en viss tid för att bestråla den omkringliggande vävnaden, i alla riktningar. Genom att välja lämpliga tider för dröjpositionerna kan dosfördelningen formas efter patientens anatomi. Utöver HDR BT studeras också den nya tekniken intensitetsmodulerad brachyterapi (IMBT) vilket är en variation på HDR BT där skärmning används för att minska strålningen i vissa riktningar vilket gör det möjligt att forma dosfördelningen bättre. Planeringen av en behandling med HDR BT omfattar hur många nålar som ska användas, var de ska placeras samt hur länge strålkällan ska stanna i de olika dröjpositionerna. För HDR BT kan dessa vara flera hundra stycken medan det för IMBT snarare handlar om tusentals möjliga kombinationer av dröjpositioner och inställningar av skärmarna. Planeringen resulterar i en dosplan som beskriver hur hög stråldos som tumören och intilliggande frisk vävnad och riskorgan utsätts för. Dosplaneringen kan formuleras som ett matematiskt optimeringsproblem vilket är ämnet för avhandlingen. De övergripande målsättningarna för behandlingen är att ge en tillräckligt hög stråldos till tumören, för att döda alla cancerceller, samt att undvika att bestråla riskorgan eftersom det kan ge allvarliga biverkningar. Då alla målsättningarna inte samtidigt kan uppnås fullt ut så fås optimeringsproblem där flera målsättningar behöver prioriteras mot varandra. Utöver att dosplanen uppfyller kliniska behandlingsriktlinjer så är också tidsaspekten av planeringen viktig eftersom det är vanligt att den görs medan patienten är bedövad eller sövd. Vid utvärdering av en dosplan används dos-volymmått. För en tumör anger ett dosvolymmått hur stor andel av tumören som får en stråldos som är högre än en specificerad nivå. Dos-volymmått utgör en viktig del av målen för dosplaner som tas upp i kliniska behandlingsriktlinjer och ett exempel på ett sådant mål vid behandling av prostatacancer är att 95% av prostatans volym ska få en stråldos som är minst den föreskrivna dosen. Dos-volymmått utläses ur de kliniskt betydelsefulla dos-volym histogrammen som för varje stråldosnivå anger motsvarande volym som erhåller den dosen. En fördel med att använda matematisk optimering för dosplanering är att det kan spara tid jämfört med manuell planering. Med väl utvecklade modeller så finns det också möjlighet att skapa bättre dosplaner, till exempel genom att riskorganen nås av en lägre dos men med bibehållen dos till tumören. Vidare så finns det även fördelar med en process som inte är lika personberoende och som inte kräver erfarenhet i lika stor utsträckning som manuell dosplanering i dagsläget gör. Vid IMBT är det dessutom så många frihetsgrader att manuell planering i stort sett blir omöjligt. I avhandlingen ligger fokus på hur dos-volymmått kan användas och modelleras explicit i optimeringsmodeller, så kallade dos-volymmodeller. Detta omfattar såväl analys av egenskaper hos befintliga modeller, utvidgningar av tidigare använda modeller samt utveckling av nya optimeringsmodeller. Eftersom dos-volymmodeller modelleras som heltalsproblem, vilka är beräkningskrävande att lösa, så är det också viktigt att utveckla algoritmer som kan lösa dem tillräckligt snabbt för klinisk användning. Ett annat mål för modellutvecklingen är att kunna ta hänsyn till fler kriterier som är kliniskt relevanta men som inte ingår i dos-volymmodeller. En sådan kategori av mått är hur dosen är fördelad rumsligt, exempelvis att volymen av sammanhängande områden som får en alldeles för hög dos ska vara liten. Sådana områden går dock inte att undvika helt eftersom det är typiskt för dosplaner för brachyterapi att stråldosen fördelar sig ojämnt, med väldigt höga doser till små volymer precis intill strålkällorna. Vidare studeras hur små fel i inställningarna av skärmningen i IMBT påverkar dosplanens kvalitet och de olika utvärderingsmått som används kliniskt. Robust optimering har använts för att säkerställa att en dosplan tas fram som är robust sett till dessa möjliga fel i hur skärmningen är placerad. Slutligen ges en omfattande översikt över optimeringsmodeller för dosplanering av HDR BT och speciellt hur optimeringsmodellerna hanterar de motstridiga målsättningarna.

Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy

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ISBN 13 : 9780750323956
Total Pages : pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (239 download)


Book Synopsis Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy by : Erno Sajo

Download or read book Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy written by Erno Sajo and published by . This book was released on 2020 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Improved targeting of abnormal cells and tissue in the radiotherapy of cancer has been a long-standing goal of researchers. The central purpose in Nanoparticle-Enhanced Radiotherapy (NPRT) is to more precisely control where the radiation dose is delivered, desirably with subcellular precision, provided we can find a method to bring the nanoparticles to target and control their concentration and size distribution. The contents within this book will cover the rationale and fundamental principles of NPRT, optimal nanoparticle sizes, concentrations, design and fabrication, effective nanoparticle delivery methods, emerging clinical applications of NRT modalities, treatment planning and quality assurance and the potential of NPRT in global health. This volume will serve as a resource for researchers, educators and industry, and as a practical guide or comprehensive reference for students, research trainees and others working in cancer nanomedicine. Part of IOP Series in Global Health and Radiation Oncology.

The Structure of Ionic Liquids

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 3319016989
Total Pages : 202 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (19 download)


Book Synopsis The Structure of Ionic Liquids by : Ruggero Caminiti

Download or read book The Structure of Ionic Liquids written by Ruggero Caminiti and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-11-09 with total page 202 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume describes the most recent findings on the structure of ILs interpreted through cutting-edge experimental and theoretical methods. Research in the field of ionic liquids (ILs) keeps a fast and steady pace. Since these new-generation molten salts first appeared in the chemistry and physics landscape, a large number of new compounds has been synthesized. Most of them display unexpected behaviour and possess stunning properties. The coverage in this book ranges from the mesoscopic structure of ILs to their interaction with proteins. The reader will learn how diffraction techniques (small and large angle X-Ray and neutron scattering, powder methods), X-Ray absorption spectroscopies (EXAFS/XANES), optical methods (IR, RAMAN), NMR and calorimetric methods can help the study of ILs, both as neat liquids and in mixtures with other compounds. It will enable the reader to choose the best method to suit their experimental needs. A detailed survey of theoretical methods, both quantum-chemical and classical, and of their predictive power will accompany the exposition of experimental ones. This book is a must read for postgraduate students, for post-docs, and for researchers who are interested in understanding the structural properties of ILs.

Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3319469762
Total Pages : 289 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (194 download)


Book Synopsis Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications by : Gustavo Carneiro

Download or read book Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications written by Gustavo Carneiro and published by Springer. This book was released on 2016-10-07 with total page 289 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of two workshops held at the 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2016, in Athens, Greece, in October 2016: the First Workshop on Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical Data and Expert Label Synthesis, LABELS 2016, and the Second International Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, DLMIA 2016. The 28 revised regular papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 52 submissions. The 7 papers selected for LABELS deal with topics from the following fields: crowd-sourcing methods; active learning; transfer learning; semi-supervised learning; and modeling of label uncertainty.The 21 papers selected for DLMIA span a wide range of topics such as image description; medical imaging-based diagnosis; medical signal-based diagnosis; medical image reconstruction and model selection using deep learning techniques; meta-heuristic techniques for fine-tuning parameter in deep learning-based architectures; and applications based on deep learning techniques.

Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2002

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 3540457860
Total Pages : 855 pages
Book Rating : 4.5/5 (44 download)


Book Synopsis Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2002 by : Takeyoshi Dohi

Download or read book Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2002 written by Takeyoshi Dohi and published by Springer. This book was released on 2003-06-30 with total page 855 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The fifth international Conference in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2002) was held in Tokyo from September 25th to 28th, 2002. This was the first time that the conference was held in Asia since its foundation in 1998. The objective of the conference is to offer clinicians and scientists the opportunity to collaboratively create and explore the new medical field. Specifically, MICCAI offers a forum for the discussion of the state of art in computer-assisted interventions, medical robotics, and image processing among experts from multi-disciplinary professions, including but not limited to clinical doctors, computer scientists, and mechanical and biomedical engineers. The expectations of society are very high; the advancement of medicine will depend on computer and device technology in coming decades, as they did in the last decades. We received 321 manuscripts, of which 41 were chosen for oral presentation and 143 for poster presentation. Each paper has been included in these proceedings in eight-page full paper format, without any differentiation between oral and poster papers. Adherence to this full paper format, along with the increased number of manuscripts, surpassing all our expectations, has led us to issue two proceedings volumes for the first time in MICCAI’s history. Keeping to a single volume by assigning fewer pages to each paper was certainly an option for us considering our budget constraints. However, we decided to increase the volume to offer authors maximum opportunity to argue the state of art in their work and to initiate constructive discussions among the MICCAI audience.

Biomedical Image Processing

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 3642158161
Total Pages : 617 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (421 download)


Book Synopsis Biomedical Image Processing by : Thomas Martin Deserno

Download or read book Biomedical Image Processing written by Thomas Martin Deserno and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2011-03-01 with total page 617 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In modern medicine, imaging is the most effective tool for diagnostics, treatment planning and therapy. Almost all modalities have went to directly digital acquisition techniques and processing of this image data have become an important option for health care in future. This book is written by a team of internationally recognized experts from all over the world. It provides a brief but complete overview on medical image processing and analysis highlighting recent advances that have been made in academics. Color figures are used extensively to illustrate the methods and help the reader to understand the complex topics.

Particle Physics Reference Library

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Publisher : Springer Nature
ISBN 13 : 303034245X
Total Pages : 867 pages
Book Rating : 4.0/5 (33 download)


Book Synopsis Particle Physics Reference Library by : Stephen Myers

Download or read book Particle Physics Reference Library written by Stephen Myers and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-01-01 with total page 867 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This third open access volume of the handbook series deals with accelerator physics, design, technology and operations, as well as with beam optics, dynamics and diagnostics. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the "Particle Physics Reference Library" provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A,B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open access.

Computer-Generated Images

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Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 4431680330
Total Pages : 495 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (316 download)


Book Synopsis Computer-Generated Images by : Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann

Download or read book Computer-Generated Images written by Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2012-12-06 with total page 495 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Research, development, and applications in computer graphics have dramatically expanded in recent years. Because of decreasing prices, superior hardware is now being used and image quality is better than ever. Many people now require image-synthesis techniques and software for their applicaions. Moreover, the techniques of computer ani mation have become very popular. In this book, we present a wide range of applications of computer graphics. This book is a collection of 44 papers in various areas of computer graphics selected from papers presented at Graphics Interface '85. Graphics Interface '85, held from May 27 to 31 in Montreal, was the first truly international computer graphics conference in Canada. This year, for the first time, the conference was presented jointly by the Com puter Graphics Society and the Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society. This new arrangement gave the conference international scope. The conference was spon sored by the Department of Communications in Ottawa, the Department of Science and Technology in Quebec, Supply and Services Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineer ing Research Council of Canada, Hydro-Quebec, the "Association Canadienne Fran«aise pour I' Avancement des Sciences", and the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora tion. Graphics Interface '85 was organized by "1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales" of the University of Montreal. Over 100 papers were submitted to the conference , but 64 were selected by the inter national program committee for presentation. This book contains new expanded versions of the papers.

Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers

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Publisher : Cambridge University Press
ISBN 13 : 1139505564
Total Pages : 203 pages
Book Rating : 4.1/5 (395 download)


Book Synopsis Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers by : Bengt Andersson

Download or read book Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers written by Bengt Andersson and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2011-12-22 with total page 203 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Computational fluid dynamics, CFD, has become an indispensable tool for many engineers. This book gives an introduction to CFD simulations of turbulence, mixing, reaction, combustion and multiphase flows. The emphasis on understanding the physics of these flows helps the engineer to select appropriate models to obtain reliable simulations. Besides presenting the equations involved, the basics and limitations of the models are explained and discussed. The book combined with tutorials, project and power-point lecture notes (all available for download) forms a complete course. The reader is given hands-on experience of drawing, meshing and simulation. The tutorials cover flow and reactions inside a porous catalyst, combustion in turbulent non-premixed flow, and multiphase simulation of evaporation spray respectively. The project deals with design of an industrial-scale selective catalytic reduction process and allows the reader to explore various design improvements and apply best practice guidelines in the CFD simulations.

Physics of Amphiphilic Layers

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Author :
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 3642832024
Total Pages : 408 pages
Book Rating : 4.6/5 (428 download)


Book Synopsis Physics of Amphiphilic Layers by : Jacques Meunier

Download or read book Physics of Amphiphilic Layers written by Jacques Meunier and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2012-12-06 with total page 408 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Amphiphilic layers play essential roles in the behaviour of a great variety of disperse systems such as micelles, microemulsions and vesicles. They can also exist as isolated mono- or bilayers, or constitute extended liquid crystalline structures. Although the properties of these different systems may at first sight seem unrelated, theoretical interpretations of them depend on several common concepts. This was the reason for bringing together scientists working in this area for the International Winter School on the Physics of Amphiphilic Layers, which was held at Les Houches, 10-18 February, 1987. The topics treated in the proceedings volume are mono- and bilayers, interactive forces between layers (with special emphasis on steric forces), ordered structures (in particular swollen lamellar phases and defects), vesicles, micelles (including polymer-like systems), microemulsions (especially random bicontinuous structures) and porous media. The importance of thermal fluctuations in the amphiphilic layers is stressed. Recent results are presented and literature references allow readers not familiar with the subject to find any background information they require.


Download Chloroform PDF Online Free

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Publisher : World Health Organization
ISBN 13 : 9241530588
Total Pages : 65 pages
Book Rating : 4.2/5 (415 download)


Book Synopsis Chloroform by : Peter Watts

Download or read book Chloroform written by Peter Watts and published by World Health Organization. This book was released on 2004-10-08 with total page 65 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Chloroform is a clear, colourless, volatile liquid which is used in the production of refrigerants and as a fluoropolymer feedstock. It may be released into the environment from chlorodifluoromethane plants and from pulp and paper mills using chlorine-based chemicals for bleaching and disinfection purposes. Chloroform is also the principal by-product of water disinfectant processes. It is estimated that the vast majority of chloroform emissions into the environment are natural in origin. This publication, part of a series from the International Programme on Chemical Safety, evaluates the risk to human health and the environment posed by exposures to chloroform.

Prokaryotic Cytoskeletons

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Author :
Publisher : Springer
ISBN 13 : 331953047X
Total Pages : 457 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (195 download)


Book Synopsis Prokaryotic Cytoskeletons by : Jan Löwe

Download or read book Prokaryotic Cytoskeletons written by Jan Löwe and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-05-11 with total page 457 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book describes the structures and functions of active protein filaments, found in bacteria and archaea, and now known to perform crucial roles in cell division and intra-cellular motility, as well as being essential for controlling cell shape and growth. These roles are possible because the cytoskeletal and cytomotive filaments provide long range order from small subunits. Studies of these filaments are therefore of central importance to understanding prokaryotic cell biology. The wide variation in subunit and polymer structure and its relationship with the range of functions also provide important insights into cell evolution, including the emergence of eukaryotic cells. Individual chapters, written by leading researchers, review the great advances made in the past 20-25 years, and still ongoing, to discover the architectures, dynamics and roles of filaments found in relevant model organisms. Others describe one of the families of dynamic filaments found in many species. The most common types of filament are deeply related to eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins, notably actin and tubulin that polymerise and depolymerise under the control of nucleotide hydrolysis. Related systems are found to perform a variety of roles, depending on the organisms. Surprisingly, prokaryotes all lack the molecular motors associated with eukaryotic F-actin and microtubules. Archaea, but not bacteria, also have active filaments related to the eukaryotic ESCRT system. Non-dynamic fibres, including intermediate filament-like structures, are known to occur in some bacteria.. Details of known filament structures are discussed and related to what has been established about their molecular mechanisms, including current controversies. The final chapter covers the use of some of these dynamic filaments in Systems Biology research. The level of information in all chapters is suitable both for active researchers and for advanced students in courses involving bacterial or archaeal physiology, molecular microbiology, structural cell biology, molecular motility or evolution. Chapter 3 of this book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Food Mixing

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 13 : 9781444309881
Total Pages : 304 pages
Book Rating : 4.3/5 (98 download)


Book Synopsis Food Mixing by : P. J. Cullen

Download or read book Food Mixing written by P. J. Cullen and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2009-07-21 with total page 304 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The mixing of liquids, solids and gases is one of the most commonunit operations in the food industry. Mixing increases thehomogeneity of a system by reducing non-uniformity or gradients incomposition, properties or temperature. Secondary objectives ofmixing include control of rates of heat and mass transfer,reactions and structural changes. In food processing applications,additional mixing challenges include sanitary design, complexrheology, desire for continuous processing and the effects ofmixing on final product texture and sensory profiles. Mixing ensures delivery of a product with constant properties. Forexample, consumers expect all containers of soups, breakfastcereals, fruit mixes, etc to contain the same amount of eachingredient. If mixing fails to achieve the requiredproduct yield, quality, organoleptic or functional attributes,production costs may increase significantly. This volume brings together essential information on theprinciples and applications of mixing within food processing. Whilethere are a number of creditable references covering generalmixing, such publications tend to be aimed at the chemical industryand so topics specific to food applications are often neglected.Chapters address the underlying principles of mixing, equipmentdesign, novel monitoring techniques and the numerical techniquesavailable to advance the scientific understanding of food mixing.Food mixing applications are described in detail. The book will be useful for engineers and scientists who need tospecify and select mixing equipment for specific processingapplications and will assist with the identification and solving ofthe wide range of mixing problems that occur in the food,pharmaceutical and bioprocessing industries. It will also be ofinterest to those who teach, study and research food science andfood engineering.

Molecular Imaging: Computer Reconstruction and Practice

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Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN 13 : 1402087527
Total Pages : 296 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (2 download)


Book Synopsis Molecular Imaging: Computer Reconstruction and Practice by : Yves Lemoigne

Download or read book Molecular Imaging: Computer Reconstruction and Practice written by Yves Lemoigne and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2008-09-02 with total page 296 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book reports the majority of lectures given during the NATO Advanced Study Institute ASI-982440, which was held at the European Scienti?c Institute of Archamps (ESI, Archamps – France) from November 9 to November 21, 2006. The ASI course was structured in two parts, the ?rst was dedicated to individual imaging techniques while the second is the object of this volume and focused on data modelling and processing and on image archiving and distribution. Courses devoted to nuclear medicine and digital imaging techniques are collected in a c- plementary volume of NATO Science Series entitled “Physics for Medical Imaging Applications” (ISBN 978-1-4020-5650-5). Every year in autumn ESI organises the European School of Medical Physics, which covers a large spectrum of topics ranging from Medical Imaging to Rad- therapy, over a period of ?ve weeks. Thanks to the Cooperative Science and Te- nology sub-programme of the NATO Science Division, weeks two and three were replaced this year by the ASI course dedicated to “Molecular Imaging from Physical Principles to Computer Reconstruction and Practice”. This allowed the participation ofexpertsandstudentsfrom20differentcountries,withdiverseculturalbackground and professional experience (Africa, America, Asia, and Europe). A further positive outcome of NATO ASI participation is the publication of this book, which contains the lectures series contributed by speakers during the second week of the ASI.

Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics

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Author :
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 13 : 0471862568
Total Pages : 518 pages
Book Rating : 4.4/5 (718 download)


Book Synopsis Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics by : Herbert B. Callen

Download or read book Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics written by Herbert B. Callen and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 1991-01-16 with total page 518 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The only text to cover both thermodynamic and statistical mechanics--allowing students to fully master thermodynamics at the macroscopic level. Presents essential ideas on critical phenomena developed over the last decade in simple, qualitative terms. This new edition maintains the simple structure of the first and puts new emphasis on pedagogical considerations. Thermostatistics is incorporated into the text without eclipsing macroscopic thermodynamics, and is integrated into the conceptual framework of physical theory.